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Poster: Yakov at 2007-04-24 10:21:12
Subject: Vent is a huge crutch
Why back in the old days of DAoC we didn't need vent. When WoW launched no one heard of Vent.
Fast forward to present day: Every friggin guild is using vent for 5 man instance runs.


I have my WoW sound turned off for a reason. It's repetively annoying, and prefer listening to music instead. Now every guild I run into goes "Get on vent, we're doing SM!" "Get on vent, mana tombs are serious business!". I'm so tired of these mouth breathers that can't shut their faceholes for 5 seconds because they think they're funny.

No, I won't get on vent.

Learn to type.

Poster: Eyonix at 2007-04-24 10:21:12
Subject: Re: Vent is a huge crutch

Q u o t e:
Why back in the old days of DAoC we didn't need vent. When WoW launched no one heard of Vent.
Fast forward to present day: Every friggin guild is using vent for 5 man instance runs.


I have my WoW sound turned off for a reason. It's repetively annoying, and prefer listening to music instead. Now every guild I run into goes "Get on vent, we're doing SM!" "Get on vent, mana tombs are serious business!". I'm so tired of these mouth breathers that can't shut their faceholes for 5 seconds because they think they're funny.

No, I won't get on vent.

Learn to type.


I never jump on any voice chat program outside of a raid. I'm with you in saying that it's just not necessary, as far as I'm concerned. Keep in mind however, that some simply use voice chat for the social aspect of playing the game, and not strategy. Simply decline the suggestion of voice chat -- it's doubtful you'll be kicked from the group as a result.

There is no need to judge the preference of others, just because it differs from your own.
Poster: Eyonix at 2007-04-24 10:51:11
Subject: Re: Vent is a huge crutch

Q u o t e:

e-peens, computers and moniters are a crutch, REAL gamers play by making screeching and clicking noises into a telephone.

I lol'd
Poster: Eyonix at 2007-04-24 10:51:11
Subject: Re: Vent is a huge crutch

Q u o t e:
If you're in a guild run, you likely wont be. Odds are you'll be called an idiot a few times.
If you're in a PuG and they're suggesting you do get on Vent. You will get kicked.

I've had dozens of pick-up-groups request that I join voice chat, and have always declined. Never once have I been kicked as a result.

Also, I wouldn't be a part of a guild that would think someone an idiot because they declined to jump into voice chat for a five-player dungeon.

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