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Poster: Eurynomous at 2007-03-13 03:07:27
Subject: Why the warlock CC hate?
I apologize if this has been beaten to death before, but I see a huge trend in heroics that almost all humanoids are immune to seduce. Why is this? Possibly to keep warlocks from having 3 forms of single target CC(if you include banish, which i find not used except in a few raid situations), if you can call fear that.

To use fear as a form of CC ,the entire group must pull back to an area with an enclosed space to keep the mob from tearing off directly into a nearby group of mobs as they seem to do quite often.

This makes mages/rogues/hunters a much more wanted form of dps for heroics, yes on average a warlock is slightly higher on dps but this is not a fair tradeoff of having zero ways to lock a mob in place for longer than a few seconds and more often than not groups will not take a warlock at all in favor of warrior+healer+mage+rogue+hunter/secondary healer/offensive-spec hybrid, blood pact and slightly higher dps is just not enough of a draw to get into a group if a rogue/hunter/mage are lfg.

Before any other locks say it, yes you can use curse of recklessness and CoEx to keep feared mobs close to your party, but then you are doing nothing but watching the mob and switching curses, whereas all the other aforementioned classes simply use their ability and the mob is CCed for X amount of time.

We're already dogmeat in arenas, please help us out a little in 5mans, our raid role is fine and banish is used plenty, but the majority of mobs in 5mans tend to be humanoid and fear is simply not anywhere on par with sheep, sap, or trap.

i know instances are definitely possible with warlocks, i have done a few heroics with 3 warlocks, but i have also done the same heroics with a mage and a rogue and the comparison of ease of clearing was entirely in favor of the mage/rogue group.

All glory to the fighters
Poster: Tigole at 2007-03-13 11:25:15
Subject: Re: Why the warlock CC hate?
In an upcoming content patch (2.1.0) Warlocks will be able to use their succubus to seduce many humanoid creatures which are currently immune to charm effects.
Poster: Tigole at 2007-03-13 11:37:39
Subject: Re: Why the warlock CC hate?
To clarify, the creatures do too much damage to allow them to be charmed (whether it be by a priest or by an engineer). Seducing them does not threaten the balance of the dungeon.

This will mostly effect heroics. And it only makes things able to be seduced -- it doesn't make anything immune to mind control that was previously charmable. It's not a nerf for priests. It's a bonus for Warlocks.

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