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Poster: Deve at 2008-02-21 02:20:49
Subject: Season4 Guesstimate
Judging by how long season1 and season2 lasted, how long should it be until we have season4?
Poster: Drysc at 2008-02-21 02:20:49
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate
Seasons have and will likely continue to match PvE progression. There's always the possibility of starting a new season and not adding new items of course, but as we have Sunwell coming a season 4 and upgraded items to match Sunwell item budgets are an inevitability.

There's no rule that says a season will be a specific length or will include new items.
Poster: Drysc at 2008-02-21 02:20:49
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Q u o t e:
The heck? 'Morn and all Drysc, but it's rather early for a Blue :-p

Could I borrow some of your coffee?

I'm not where you think I am.
Poster: Kalgan at 2008-03-03 16:21:17
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Q u o t e:

I'll be slightly more descriptive than Drysc. Not very soon. S3 rewards have quite a bit of life left in them before they start to feel obsoleted by pve gear.
Poster: Kalgan at 2008-03-04 13:51:11
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Q u o t e:

LOL.....please, please, please release a Season 4 Arena and don't introduce ANY new gear.

Then I think you will have a VERY good indication how popular the Arena is on its own merits.

About as popular as a Sunwell without any loot in it?
Poster: Deve at 2008-02-21 03:03:34
Subject: Season4 Guesstimate
Judging by how long season1 and season2 lasted, how long should it be until we have season4?
Poster: Drysc at 2008-02-21 03:10:41
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate
Seasons have and will likely continue to match PvE progression. There's always the possibility of starting a new season and not adding new items of course, but as we have Sunwell coming a season 4 and upgraded items to match Sunwell item budgets are an inevitability.

There's no rule that says a season will be a specific length or will include new items.
Poster: Drysc at 2008-02-21 03:18:59
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Q u o t e:
The heck? 'Morn and all Drysc, but it's rather early for a Blue :-p

Could I borrow some of your coffee?

I'm not where you think I am.
Poster: Kalgan at 2008-03-03 17:11:44
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Q u o t e:

I'll be slightly more descriptive than Drysc. Not very soon. S3 rewards have quite a bit of life left in them before they start to feel obsoleted by pve gear.
Poster: Kalgan at 2008-03-04 14:43:39
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Q u o t e:

LOL.....please, please, please release a Season 4 Arena and don't introduce ANY new gear.

Then I think you will have a VERY good indication how popular the Arena is on its own merits.

About as popular as a Sunwell without any loot in it?
Poster: Deve at 2008-02-21 03:03:34
Subject: Season4 Guesstimate

Poster: Drysc at 2008-02-21 03:10:41
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Poster: Drysc at 2008-02-21 03:18:59
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Poster: Kalgan at 2008-03-03 17:11:44
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate

Poster: Kalgan at 2008-03-04 14:43:39
Subject: Re: Season4 Guesstimate


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