Poster: Tatsianna at 2007-07-24 17:27:32 Subject: [BUG] Lightwell - Spam clickable by others |
| While the caster of Lightwell cannot spam click Lightwell, other party members still can. Please fix this.
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Poster: Hortus at 2007-07-24 17:27:32 Subject: Re: [BUG] Lightwell - Spam clickable by other |
| Could you describe the issue a bit more, how exactly does the effect the use of lightwell?
Blizzard QA
"Random does not mean fair, and past results do not influence future occurrences." - Corbenn
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Poster: Hortus at 2007-07-25 09:56:48 Subject: Re: [BUG] Lightwell - Spam clickable by other |
Q u o t e:
The bug comes into play when a player clicks the lightwell more than once in a 6 second period, which wastes charges (since the heals don't stack).
What the OP is saying, is that this is fixed for the casting priest, but not for other players.
Ok thanks for the clarification, I'll get it looked at.
Blizzard QA
"Random does not mean fair, and past results do not influence future occurrences." - Corbenn
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