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Poster: Bloodmidori at 2006-10-23 21:58:19
Subject: Wasted my xmas holiday
i purposely taken a holiday during xmas.. so i can get a full 3 weeks for TBC grinding to 70...

if it doesn't come out... my 3 weeks' wasted... WASTED
Poster: Eyonix at 2006-10-24 01:32:29
Subject: Re: Wasted my xmas holiday
Keep in mind, we do plan to push a content patch prior to release, which could occupy your holiday time quite well.
Poster: Eyonix at 2006-10-24 01:38:58
Subject: Re: Wasted my xmas holiday

Q u o t e:

whats in it.

Oh, you know, just a few small things such as a brand new honor system, as well as new talents and abilities along with dozens of other changes and improvements. ;)
Poster: Eyonix at 2006-10-24 01:44:56
Subject: Re: Wasted my xmas holiday

Q u o t e:

That sounds... a lot like... the expansion...

Remember, we were planning on patching in many things along with the release of the Burning Crusade so that those who chose not to purchase the expansion could still enjoy many new features.

With the delay of the game, we'll be patching prior to its release.

[ Post edited by Eyonix ]
Poster: Eyonix at 2006-10-24 01:56:33
Subject: Re: Wasted my xmas holiday

Q u o t e:

so, do we have any ETA on the 1.13?

also, you mentioned that the new pvp honor system is coming, does it do the rep change as well? cause i wanna get my billy goat mount prior to that change so i guess i need to get my butt into AV more.

You'll have to stay tuned for more information on the next content patch.

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