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Poster: Kendor at 2006-10-24 01:59:43
Subject: Why play until the expansion?
Hello. I was just thinking to myself, "why play until the expansion."

Right now my guild is in Naxxramas. We're chugging along making decent progress with the players we have. We're having some issues with people wanting to play though and I thought about it today and I really cant do anything but agree.

Save perhaps the enjoyment we'd get from raiding and hanging out together, why would anyone whose currently playing continue to play until the expansion?

I think this sentence pretty much sums up how a lot of people feel about the expansion. It came from a discussion about why raid attendence has dropped off.

"It looks like easily obtainable BC loot will be as good as loot that would take 100's of hours of Naxx raiding to get. That's a motivation killer"

Now I enjoy raiding in WoW, but, and this is a rather large but, why continue to raid and play the game when in a few months we could spend 30 mins - 2 hours and get the same equivilent loot as spending 10-30 hours a week in Naxxramas.

Anyway, I just thought i'd pose the question. Why farm for hours and hours, go through hell in Naxxramas, when we could instead start up warcraft 3 and play some Dota with our guildmates until the expansion is released?

Edit: Also I forgot. I dont think leveling up quickly is really a reason to continue to raid and play the game. I've had full tier 2 for 5 months. Im wearing a mix of tier 2.5 and tier 3. I dont see a point in getting 2-5 more items that are minor upgrades so I can level a tad bit faster when the expansion hits. So again, why bother?

[ Post edited by Kendor ]
Poster: Eyonix at 2006-10-24 02:02:18
Subject: Re: Why play until the expansion?
We'll be releasing a content patch prior to the release of the expansion. More details to come soon.
Poster: Kendor at 2006-10-24 01:59:43
Subject: Why play until the expansion?
Hello. I was just thinking to myself, "why play until the expansion."

Right now my guild is in Naxxramas. We're chugging along making decent progress with the players we have. We're having some issues with people wanting to play though and I thought about it today and I really cant do anything but agree.

Save perhaps the enjoyment we'd get from raiding and hanging out together, why would anyone whose currently playing continue to play until the expansion?

I think this sentence pretty much sums up how a lot of people feel about the expansion. It came from a discussion about why raid attendence has dropped off.

"It looks like easily obtainable BC loot will be as good as loot that would take 100's of hours of Naxx raiding to get. That's a motivation killer"

Now I enjoy raiding in WoW, but, and this is a rather large but, why continue to raid and play the game when in a few months we could spend 30 mins - 2 hours and get the same equivilent loot as spending 10-30 hours a week in Naxxramas.

Anyway, I just thought i'd pose the question. Why farm for hours and hours, go through hell in Naxxramas, when we could instead start up warcraft 3 and play some Dota with our guildmates until the expansion is released?

Edit: Also I forgot. I dont think leveling up quickly is really a reason to continue to raid and play the game. I've had full tier 2 for 5 months. Im wearing a mix of tier 2.5 and tier 3. I dont see a point in getting 2-5 more items that are minor upgrades so I can level a tad bit faster when the expansion hits. So again, why bother?

Edit 2: Okay maybe i'll add a disclaimer to my original post to inform everyone im not actually looking for the answer to my question. Im trying to make you think about "why play until the expansion."

I personally dont think theres a point to playing til the expansion, thats why I made this thread. I dont have a personal dilemma, im not confused about what I should do when im not having fun with the game. Im simply trying to say that there really should be a reason to play until the expansion, and I'd like to see Blizzard give me a reason. I've been playing WoW since day 1 so im a little sad to be not having fun with it.

Hopefully after seeing similar testimonials, Blizzard will consider some sort of additional content that we can work towards and not have be utterly useless when we go and buy the expansion. That or adjust the risk versus reward for the current Raid content so we arent spending 100+ hours for an item that we will replace with 1/100th the time invested once the expansion is released.

[ Post edited by Kendor ]

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