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Poster: Iriel at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)

(Last Updated 2007-11-19 17:45 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 17:57:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There is a new console variable in 2.4:

0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z
1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z

/console unitHighlights 0
/console unitHighlights 1
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 17:57:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Combat Log Revamp!

In 2.4 the combat log is being completely reimplemented so that it sends events with arguments instead of text strings to the UI code.

It's still in development, so nothing is final, but here is a raw sneak preview:

-- Object type constants
-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type
-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

COMBATLOG = ChatFrame2;

-- Process the event and add it to the combat log
function CombatLog_AddEvent(...)
local info = ChatTypeInfo["COMBAT_MISC_INFO"];
local timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = select(1, ...);
local message = format("%s> %s, %s, %s, 0x%x, %s, %s, 0x%x",
date("%H:%M:%S", timestamp), type,
srcGUID, srcName or "nil", srcFlags,
dstGUID, dstName or "nil", dstFlags);
for i = 9, select("#", ...) do
message = message..", "..(select(i, ...) or "nil");
COMBATLOG:AddMessage(message, info.r, info.g, info.b);

-- Save the original event handler
local original_OnEvent = COMBATLOG:GetScript("OnEvent");
function(self, event, ...)
if ( event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT" ) then
original_OnEvent(self, event, ...);

New API functions:
CombatLogAddFilter("events", "srcGUID" or srcMask, "dstGUID" or dstMask)
seconds = CombatLogGetRetentionTime()
count = CombatLogGetNumEntries()
timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, ... = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()
hasEntries = CombatLogAdvanceEntry(count)

Note that you can change filters on the fly and re-query previous combat log entries.

Combat events are retained for 5 minutes by default.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Combat Log Revamp!

In 2.4 the combat log is being completely reimplemented so that it sends events with arguments instead of text strings to the UI code.

It's still in development, so nothing is final, but here is a raw sneak preview:

-- Object type constants
-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type
-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

COMBATLOG = ChatFrame2;

-- Process the event and add it to the combat log
function CombatLog_AddEvent(...)
local info = ChatTypeInfo["COMBAT_MISC_INFO"];
local timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = select(1, ...);
local message = format("%s> %s, %s, %s, 0x%x, %s, %s, 0x%x",
date("%H:%M:%S", timestamp), type,
srcGUID, srcName or "nil", srcFlags,
dstGUID, dstName or "nil", dstFlags);
for i = 9, select("#", ...) do
message = message..", "..(select(i, ...) or "nil");
COMBATLOG:AddMessage(message, info.r, info.g, info.b);

-- Save the original event handler
local original_OnEvent = COMBATLOG:GetScript("OnEvent");
function(self, event, ...)
if ( event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT" ) then
original_OnEvent(self, event, ...);


New API functions:
CombatLogAddFilter("events", "srcGUID" or srcMask, "dstGUID" or dstMask)
seconds = CombatLogGetRetentionTime()
count = CombatLogGetNumEntries()
timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, ... = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()
hasEntries = CombatLogAdvanceEntry(count)

Note that you can change filters on the fly and re-query previous combat log entries, which are retained for 5 minutes by default.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:26:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There is a new console variable in 2.4:

0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z
1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z

/console unitHighlights 0
/console unitHighlights 1
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:26:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I know it's not final code, but is select(1, ...) in there instead of ... for any particular reason?

Mostly for clarity, since this this is just sample code.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:26:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Slouken: Out of curiosity, will the old CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_... events still be sent, or will the new combat log event be the only one transmitted?

The old combat events are no longer generated. All existing combat log AddOns will need to be rewritten.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:26:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Slouken, your babies, can I have them please?

You'll have to work that out with my beautiful and pregnant wife. :)

Q u o t e:

Will there be a way to to get a name/level/whatever from a GUID? Something analogous to UnitName(GUID)?

Not at the moment, although you'll notice that the name comes with it in the event.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

If enGB hasn't seen an event with 1234 yet, though, then they'll have no name to associate with 1234, and deDE can't pass across a name when asked for it, since they won't have the enGB equivalent. It'd be nice to get data via GUID to patch up holes like that, though admittedly, it won't be too critical so long as players have sane combat log ranges.

The combat log ranges are the same. You'll find that the GUID decodes into the type of creature, which can then be matched against data in the WDB cache ... not that anyone would ever try to decode that data. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:27:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Man, I've been sent deaf by the cheers. And I'm all the way over the other side of the planet!

*grin* You'll have to thank AlexanderYoshi who convinced me it was a good idea. :)

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
*laugh* I replied, but figured I oughtn't. :)

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:56:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, the combat log text file format changed as well, dumping the text format in favor of a comma separated event format for easy post-processing and analysis.
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Remember, this is a moderated thread for discussing upcoming scripting API changes in the 2.4. patch. Off topic posts will be deleted.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
I'm not sure why everyone is concerned about the "possession" stance. If I remember correctly, it's simply an actionbar page change, right?
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, right, so it's a bonus bar. There isn't already a state driver for the bonus bar? It seems like there should be... :)
Poster: Zootfizzle at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Heya folks,

With 2.4 we’re adding a couple new API functions for inventory management, as follows:

freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex)

This returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.

bagType = GetInventoryItemFamily(unit, slot)
bagType = GetContainerItemFamily(container, slot)

If the item can go in a special bag, this function returns the type of bag from GetContainerNumFreeSlots(). Otherwise, it returns nothing.
Poster: Iriel at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)

Inventory Management
* NEW - freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) -- Returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.
* NEW - bagType = GetInventoryItemFamily(unit, slot) -- If the item can go in a special bag, this function returns the type of bag from GetContainerNumFreeSlots(). Otherwise, it returns nothing.
* NEW - bagType = GetContainerItemFamily(container, slot) -- As above

(Last Updated 2007-12-15 10:21 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Loot events and so forth are sticking with the old text format. Only combat messages use the new combat event .. event. :)
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine to debugstack()
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Zootfizzle at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2007-12-19 14:27:49
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I'm not sure if there is anything that currently is allowed in multiple types of bags. However there definitely are materials that are used by multiple professions. The API as presented would be a difficulty if those were ever made to go into more than one type of bag.

Hey Nayala, thanks for the suggestions.

We’ll no longer be adding GetContainerItemFamily and GetInventoryItemFamily. Instead we’ve added the following:

bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink");

When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in.

Currently there isn't anything allowed in multiple types of bags. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
The content of the logs aren't changing, just the way the information is delivered. The person with Lifebloom really is healing themselves. :)
Poster: Iriel at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)

Inventory Management

* NEW - freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) -- Returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.
* NEW - bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink") -- When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

* In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

(Last Updated 2007-12-19 22:07 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
As of 2.4, PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.
Poster: Iriel at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)

Inventory Management

* NEW - freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) -- Returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.
* NEW - bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink") -- When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

* PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE will no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.

* In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

(Last Updated 2007-12-19 22:07 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

HA!!! I found it!
The question is at 5:50, the answer is at 7:30, with direct references to outfitter and itemrack. I'd have to do some extreme forum crawling to dig up the post mentioning this as a change in 2.4 specifically, but when else would it be implemented? WotLK?

And if you continue listening, there is mention of a built-in threat meter, which I presume goes hand-in-hand with the combat log changes that have been discussed at length in this thread.

These are planned features for WotLK, but haven't been started yet, so no promises. :)
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Since the combat log filter is global, there is a new event that AddOns can register for:
If you register for this event, you will receive the event regardless of whether it matches the current filter.

There is also a new optional ignoreFilter parameter for the following functions:
Passing true as the last parameter allows you to iterate over combat log entries ignoring the filter.
Poster: Zootfizzle at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Interface Options Revamp

Along with Patch 2.4 we will be releasing a revamped in-game Interface Options screen. Most of the systems that interact with the current Interface Options screen have seen some code changes as a result. The new architecture for the system should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current Interface Options system.

Additionally, this new system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options to players with a custom heading, subcategories, and frames. I'd like to encourage authors interested in utilizing these features to try the new system on the PTRs before Patch 2.4 is released. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in Blizzard_InterfaceUI.lua.

Please be aware that AddOns that interact with the Interface Options screen, modify it, or change the way that its options affect other systems within the game will need to be updated with the release of Patch 2.4.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Iriel at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 Blizzard_InterfaceUI.lua.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)

Inventory Management
* NEW - freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) -- Returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.
* NEW - bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink") -- When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

* PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE will no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.

* In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

(Last Updated 2008-01-30 14:58 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
FYI, this is a moderated thread for technical discussion of upcoming features. Off topic posts will be deleted. :)
Poster: Slouken at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
2.4.0 Guide to the New Combat Log

Hello Fellow UI Modders,

With the release of patch 2.4.0, we’ve made some enormous changes to the existing combat log. While this will result in some hard work now, it should be easier to maintain your AddOns in the future.

The feature we’re most proud of is the ability to filter your combat log. The combat log stores the last five minutes worth of raw combat events. Filters can be setup on multiple criteria, affiliation, ownership, etc. Any events that match the current filter are passed through the client via the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT message. The combat log filter is global. However, AddOns which want to parse all events the moment they happen can register for the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED message. This should allow all existing AddOns to still respond to combat events without a complicated middle-manager AddOn.
While the default combat log will only be setting 1-2 filters at a time, the WoW client supports many simultaneous filters. It’s possible to setup multiple filters to filter very specific source-target-event combinations. If a combat log event passes any of the filters, the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event fires. This allows AddOns to define extremely specific settings we chose not expose in the base UI.

The new combat log will be coming with two text formats. One is the familiar, grammatically correct sentences with substitutions. The other is a terse format, containing the source, target, spell, action and result. There will be a number of ways to manipulate the formatting, from unit name coloring to coloring the damage numbers by their magic school. The settings used for these formats are stored in the Blizzard_CombatLog_Filters variable.

The result of the new terse format is that it’s very easy to write AddOns to modify or extend the format which ships with 2.4.0. In the formatting section, you can read up on a quick demonstration of how to convert the combat log to a “Nurfed” style combat log. While you can do a lot by just adjusting the settings within WoW, it’s also possible to provide an AddOn that changes the strings used to generate the Combat Log messages. This allows for more extensive formatting changes without re-writing the entire parsing engine. See the Formatting Section for an example.

The whole combat log also supports a new coloring model, based on context. While by default, entire lines are a single color, highlighting the most important details. The combat log also supports coloring just unit names, spells, actions and damage numbers. Spells and damage can also be colored by school. However, there are several features not exposed in the base UI that AddOns can use right away. These are event-specific coloring, unit coloring with greater granularity and the ability to customize the list of highlighted events.

There are several other formatting related features. You can enable timestamps which show the time that spell or attack happened. You can show or hide square braces, change formatting without refreshing the combat log and disable the display of raid icons. These features were too niche to go into the base UI, but can be easily exposed for power users. By now you’ve already thought of some features of your own and are ready to get to coding. So let’s jump straight to some examples.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:00:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Formatting & Coloring
One of the major combat log formats we considered while redoing the combat log was the Nurfed Combat Log format. This combat log format was very concise, made heavy use of color-coding and was one of the final candidates for the combat log. We eventually axed it on the basis of being too overwhelming for new users. However, we left in all of the options to convert the current combat log into the Nurfed combat log.

Here’s how:

Combat Log Settings -> Colors

Unit Colors:
Me -> Green
My Pet -> Dark Green
Friends -> Blue
Enemies -> Red
Neutral -> Yellow
Unit Names -> Checked
Spell Names -> Checked
Spell Color-by-School -> Checked
Damage Number -> Checked
Damage Color-by-School -> Checked
Damage School -> Checked
Entire Line -> Unchecked
All Highlighting Options-> Unchecked

Verbose -> Unchecked
Braces -> Checked
Timestamps -> Checked

However, some people may want it even more terse than that. For this, we present:

Hyper Condensed Mode

To get rid of the word “Fire” and “Frost” type:


That will remove the Fire from “55 Fire”. However, let’s go even farther:

(Critical) (Crushing) (Blocked) (Resisted)

All of these are really long. Let’s compress them:


Now we get

[You] [Fireball] Hit [Spider] 64. (C) (5 R)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:00:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Filters consistent of 3 parts:

  • Source
  • Target
  • Events

Source & Target can be one of two types:

  • String
  • Number

If it is a string, then that string is assumed to be the GUID of the unit in question. If it’s a number, it is assumed to be a bitfield assembled from the following criteria:


-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type

-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

A unit can only be one of the following four categories:
1. Affiliation
2. Reaction
3. Ownership
4. Type

Here’s a quick explanation of how these flags are broken down:

A unit’s affiliation is the unit’s relationship relative to YOU. Either it is owned by you, your party, your raid or someone else.

[[[Mine]Party]Raid] Outsiders

This is the unit’s faction reaction, relative to you. Anything that hates you is Hostile, anything that is friendly with you is Friendly, everything else is Neutral.

This is who owns this object. It can only be controlled by a player or the server.

Unit Type:
This is the way the unit is currently being controlled. Units directly controlled by their owner are players. Units controlled by the server are NPCs. Pets are controlled by another player or unit. Guardians are automatons that are not controlled, but automatically defend their master. Objects are everything else, such as Traps.

The result is that these bits can tell you what kind of unit that combat log object was.

A player who is dueling you is 0x0548.
(A hostile outsider who is both owned by a player and controlled as a player)
A player who was mind controlled that attacks you is 0x1148.
(A hostile outsiders who is owned by a player, but controlled as a pet)

Default Filters
The default filters are constructed by summing certain bit combinations together:


This means that everything colored mine by default must be affiliated with me, friendly, controlled by a player and be a player.

Any unit that matches at least one bit in each of the four exclusive categories will pass the filter test. Filters can have more than one bit set in a category.


This will allow messages relating to any unit who has a friendly reaction with you, the player. (Another way to do this is to use the “_MASK” suffixed globals, rather than specifying all bits, but I did it this way to make the point clear).
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:00:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Setting up Filters
Each time you call the CombatLogAddFilter() function, you add a new filter. Any unit that passes that filter fires the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event. For example, if you wanted to see anything that you did and anything hostile enemies did to you, you would call the following

CombatLogAddFilter(nil, COMBATLOG_FILTER_MINE, nil)

Retrieving Combat Messages
Once you setup your filter, all of the entries which match that filter are organized into a linked list. By calling CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(1), you set the current pointer to the beginning of that list. If no message exists, CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(1) will fail. If you pass a negative number into CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(), it will select the Nth entry from the end of the list.

To move the pointer forward, call CombatLogAdvanceEntry(1) to move to the next entry in the list.

The CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() and COMBAT_LOG_EVENT events will return all of the arguments for that event. The exact argument order depends on the event, but here are the arguments that do not change:

timestamp, event, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()

There are honestly too many events to go into detail on all of them here, but here’s the basic organization.

Base Events:
SWING – These events relate to melee swings, commonly called “White Damage”.
RANGE – These events relate to hunters shooting their bow or a warlock shooting their wand.
SPELL – These events relate to spells and abilities.
SPELL_CAST – These events relate to spells starting and failing.
SPELL_AURA – These events relate to buffs and debuffs.
SPELL_PERIODIC – These events relate to HoT, DoTs and similar effects.
DAMAGE_SHIELD – These events relate to damage shields, such as Thorns
ENCHANT – These events relate to temporary and permanent item buffs.
ENVIRONMENTAL – This is any damage done by the world. Fires, Lava, Falling, etc.

_DAMAGE – If the event resulted in damage, here it is.
_MISSED - If the event resulted in failure, such as missing, resisting or being blocked.
_HEAL – If the event resulted in a heal.
_ENERGIZE – If the event resulted in a power restoration.
_LEECH – If the event transferred health or power.
_DRAIN – If the event reduces power, but did not transfer it.

Special Events:
PARTY_KILL – Fired when you or a party member kills something.
UNIT_DIED – Fired when any nearby unit dies.

Q & A:
Q: The combat log only stores 5 minutes of events. Why 5? Why not 10?
A: We feel that 5 minutes is a good base number for most players . You can change this length, however with the CombatLogSetRetentionTime(seconds) function.

Q: Will the combat log be saved when I logout to my character list?
A: No. However, if you only reload the UI, the messages stay in the client.

Q: Why did you do it this way? Why didn’t you do it X way?
A: We tried to expose as much information as we could, without compromising gameplay and giving us the feature set we needed.

Q: Why didn’t you include information about who owns <Summoned Pet Name Here>?
A: This was one we considered for a while, but decided to leave out for the sake of simplicity. We’re going to be watching how the new combat log plays out before adding new features or making additional changes.

Q: Why did the CombatLog.txt file change?
A: Changing the CombatLog.txt format freed us to implement the combat log in this new event-driven way. We also felt that providing the combat log as raw data made parsing easier for sites such as WoW Web Stats, avoiding localization issues.

Q: Will the combat log format change again?
A: We’re always dedicated to improving our game, so we will very likely be making changes again in the future. However, we do realize the frustration that comes with AddOns breaking between patches. Hopefully, this new system will actually reduce how often you need to recode your AddOns, by decoupling AddOn authors from localization changes.

Q: Can we provide feedback on the new combat log?
A: Absolutely! We’ll be reading the Test Forums during the 2.4.0 PTR and gathering feedback. The more constructive, clear and concise the feedback is, the more responsive we can be.
Poster: Iriel at 2008-02-04 16:30:33
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis. UPDATED: See the incredibly detailed notes in posts 177-180 in this thread

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 Blizzard_InterfaceUI.lua.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)

Inventory Management
* NEW - freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) -- Returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.
* NEW - bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink") -- When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

* PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE will no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.

* In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

(Last Updated 2008-03-04 16:03 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 10:31:07
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
From the designer:

Q: Does the new log system give us a way to distinguish between:

- Physical Melee. Autoattacks that deal physical damage that can be dodged, blocked, and parried but not resisted (e.g. autoattacks from some guy with a sword);

Yes. These are logged under the SWING_DAMAGE event with a school mask of 1 (Physical).

- Elemental Melee. Autoattacks that deal elemental damage that can be dodged, parried, and resisted but not blocked (e.g. autoattacks from Hydross the Unstable);

Yes. These are logged under the SWING_DAMAGE event with a school mask greater than 1 (Magical).

- Pure Spells. Elemental damage that can be resisted but not dodged, blocked or parried (e.g. Fireball); and

Yes. These are logged under the SPELL_DAMAGE event with a school mask greater than 1 (Magical).

- Melee Spells. Physical or elemental damage that counts as a spell but may be dodged, blocked, and parried; may or may not be resistable (e.g. Heroic Strike) ?

Yes. These are logged under the SPELL_DAMAGE event with a school mask of 1.

Q: How is the Water Elemental flagged in the summoner’s combat log?

A: The Water Elemental is flagged 0x1111. Mine | Friendly | Player-Owned | Pet. This means that if all Frost mages submit their combat logs, then the specific GUIDs for each Mage’s water elemental can be determined. Other Mage’s Water Elementals in the same raid are flagged 0x1112 (Same Party) or 0x1114 (Same Raid).

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 11:31:04
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, BTW...
If you turn off all combat log filtering, you'll see EVERYTHING that's happening in your area of interest. In addition, EVERYTHING in your area of interest is saved to WOWCombatLog.txt, regardless of in-game filtering.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 13:00:56
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Any way of posting (a few lines' worth of) a mock-up WoWCombatLog.txt file before 2.4 hits the PTR just so we can get an idea of what it will actually look like?


2/5 12:36:05.709 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:07.704 SWING_MISSED,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,DODGE
2/5 12:36:09.729 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:10.965 SPELL_CAST_START,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,331,Healing Wave,0x8
2/5 12:36:11.715 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:13.532 SPELL_HEAL,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,331,Healing Wave,0x8,44,nil
2/5 12:36:13.738 SWING_MISSED,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,DODGE
2/5 12:36:15.726 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:16.462 SPELL_CAST_START,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,403,Lightning Bolt,0x8
2/5 12:36:17.712 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:18.111 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,403,Lightning Bolt,0x8,16,8,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:19.729 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:20.689 SWING_DAMAGE,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,157,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:20.909 PARTY_KILL,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48
2/5 12:36:21.311 UNIT_DIED,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48

Edit: Hey, that (null) shouldn't be in there... *goes off to fix a bug...*

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-06 08:27:48
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Just how dynamic are these GUIDs? For example, in any of the following situations, would a new GUID be generated?

A monster has a single GUID from spawn until death (or despawn). When it respawns it gets a new GUID.

Pets get a new GUID each time they are summoned.

Monster and pet GUIDs can be recycled after server (or instance) restart.

Players keep their GUID forever, and are unique even in cross-server battlegrounds.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-06 15:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Additional change in 2.4.0:

The Raid UI now can display the range of players relative to you. The option to enable this is in the Party & Raid section of the UI Options.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 09:59:57
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
We already have that, it's IsSpellInRange and CheckInteractDistance, and "In Range" is fairly vague given that can mean 10 different things.

Yes, but IsSpellInRange requires a spell action to be ready on a cursor before actually being able to give you the data. CheckInteractDistance is also for game objects.

Alexander is correct, there's a function called UnitInRange(unit) that returns a boolean based upon a static value (because we can't predict what spell you might want to cast) that is based upon Flash Heal/Cure range. So yes, it could return true incorrectly. We haven't quite built the AI that will predict the action of any player in every game situation... yet!

Kaythedree, this functionality is not in the Party UI. You, however, can make it yourself! =D
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 11:32:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
will we be able to change that static range or is it hardcoded?

This is a static value set within code. Though it would be cool to let you pass in a value, it might make writing bots that much easier. :)
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 14:02:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
New for 2.4.0
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)

[ Post edited by Rislyn ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-07 14:02:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
New in 2.4:
icon = GetItemIcon(item)
This information is available if the item exists, even if GetItemInfo() returns nil.
Poster: Iriel at 2008-02-07 15:31:21
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis. UPDATED: See the incredibly detailed notes in posts 177-180 in this thread

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 Blizzard_InterfaceUI.lua.

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)

Inventory Management
* NEW - freeSlots, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) -- Returns the number of free slots in a bag, and the type of items that can go in the bag. For bagType, 0 means any item can go in the bag.
* NEW - bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink") -- When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

* NEW - icon = GetItemIcon(item) -- Returns the icon for an item (as long as the item is valid), even if GetItemInfo returns nil.
* NEW - inRange = UnitInRange(unit) -- Determines if a unit is within a (fixed by Blizzard) useful range based on flash heal/cure range) This is now used by the Blizzard Raid UI ( May only apply to friendly units? Need to test)

* PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE will no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.

* In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

(Last Updated 2008-03-07 15:05 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 17:30:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Been asking for this for YEARS!!!!!!!!
Thank you Slouken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been driving me nuts for years.

So, you're welcome.

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 19:30:30
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Interface Options Revamp

Along with Patch 2.4 we will be releasing a revamped in-game Interface Options screen. Most of the systems that interact with the current Interface Options screen have seen some code changes as a result. The new architecture for the system should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current Interface Options system.

Additionally, this new system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options to players with a custom heading, subcategories, and frames. I'd like to encourage authors interested in utilizing these features to try the new system on the PTRs before Patch 2.4 is released.

Please be aware that AddOns that interact with the Interface Options screen, modify it, or change the way that its options affect other systems within the game will need to be updated with the release of Patch 2.4.

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 19:30:30
Subject: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
Embedded Textures in FontStrings
A new feature in 2.4 is the ability to embed textures inside FontStrings. This functionality works similar to embedding a hyperlink, and should allow AddOn authors a great deal more flexibility in using textures in conjunction with FontStrings.

The format for placing a texture inside a FontString is as follows:


If the height argument is omitted, the width will be used, resulting in a square texture.

ChatFrame1:AddMessage(“\124TInterface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_WordFortitude:64\124t is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”);

This will add a message to ChatFrame1 with a 64x64 texture for Power Word: Fortitude, along with the text “ is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”.

At this time, to prevent potential abuse, raw texture links cannot be sent to other players. In order to allow players to send each other textures, we have added support for texture tags to ChatFrames and the Raid Warning frame. Texture tags are parsed out of messages added to these frames and replaced with appropriate textures.

Texture tags use the following format:


Currently there are only texture tags for raid icons. We may add more texture tags in the future.

Available texture tags:
{star}, {rt1} - Star icon
{circle}, {rt2} - Circle icon
{diamond}, {rt3} - Diamond icon
{triangle}, {rt4} - Triangle icon
{moon}, {rt5} - Moon icon
{square}, {rt6} - Square icon
{cross}, {rt7} - Cross icon
{skull}, {rt8} - Skull icon

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 19:30:30
Subject: Re: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
HOWTO: Add new categories of options

The new Interface Options frames allows authors to place their configuration
frames (aka "panels") alongside the panels for modifying the default UI.

Adding a new panel to the Interface Options frame is a fairly straightforward process.
Any frame can be used as a panel as long as it implements the required values and methods.
Once a frame is ready to be used as a panel, it must be registered using the function
InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, i.e. InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel)

Panels can be designated as sub-categories of existing options. These panels are listed
with smaller text, offset, and tied to parent categories. The parent categories can be expanded
or collapsed to toggle display of their sub-categories.

When players select a category of options from the Interface Options frame, the panel associated
with that category will be anchored to the right hand side of the Interface Options frame and shown.

The following members and methods are used by the Interface Options frame to display and organize panels. - string (required)
The name of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This is the text that will display in the AddOn options list.

panel.parent - string (optional)
Name of the parent of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This identifies "panel" as the child of another category.
If the parent category doesn't exist, "panel" will be displayed as a regular category.

panel.okay - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "okay" in the Interface Options.

panel.cancel - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "cancel" in the Interface Options. Use this to revert their changes.

panel.default - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "defaults". Use this to revert their changes to your defaults.

EXAMPLE -- Use XML to create a frame, and through its OnLoad function, make the frame a panel.
<Frame name="ExamplePanel">
function ExamplePanel_OnLoad (panel) = "My AddOn"

EXAMPLE -- Dynamically create a frame and use it as a subcategory for "My AddOn".
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExampleSubCategory"); = "My SubCategory";
panel.parent = "My AddOn";

EXAMPLE -- Create a frame with an okay and a cancel method
--[[ Create a frame to use as the panel ]] --
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExamplePanel"); = "My AddOn";
-- [[ When the player clicks okay, set the original value to the current setting ]] --
panel.okay =
function (self)
self.originalValue = MY_VARIABLE;
-- [[ When the player clicks cancel, set the current setting to the original value ]] --
panel.cancel =
function (self)
MY_VARIABLE = self.originalValue;
-- [[ Add the panel to the Interface Options ]] --

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-02-09 09:59:15
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 Blizzard_InterfaceUI.lua.

Font String Display
* Textures can now be included in FontStrings locally using a new | escape code: |T<path>:<width>[:<height>:<xOffset>:<yOffset>]|t
* Selected textures can also be included in Chat messages and sent to other users, the current available textures are represented in a form like: {star}

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-02-09 10:29:39
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 UIOptionsPanel.lua.

Font String Display
* Textures can now be included in FontStrings locally using a new | escape code: |T<path>:<width>[:<height>:<xOffset>:<yOffset>]|t
* Selected textures can also be included in Chat messages and sent to other users, the current available textures are represented in a form like: {star}

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-09 15:29:04
Subject: Re: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
HOWTO: Add new categories of options

The new Interface Options frame allows authors to place their configuration
frames (aka "panels") alongside the panels for modifying the default UI.

Adding a new panel to the Interface Options frame is a fairly straightforward process.
Any frame can be used as a panel as long as it implements the required values and methods.
Once a frame is ready to be used as a panel, it must be registered using the function
InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, i.e. InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel)

Panels can be designated as sub-categories of existing options. These panels are listed
with smaller text, offset, and tied to parent categories. The parent categories can be expanded
or collapsed to toggle display of their sub-categories.

When players select a category of options from the Interface Options frame, the panel associated
with that category will be anchored to the right hand side of the Interface Options frame and shown.

The following members and methods are used by the Interface Options frame to display and organize panels. - string (required)
The name of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This is the text that will display in the AddOn options list.

panel.parent - string (optional)
Name of the parent of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This identifies "panel" as the child of another category.
If the parent category doesn't exist, "panel" will be displayed as a regular category.

panel.okay - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "okay" in the Interface Options.

panel.cancel - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "cancel" in the Interface Options. Use this to revert their changes.

panel.default - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "defaults". Use this to revert their changes to your defaults.

EXAMPLE -- Use XML to create a frame, and through its OnLoad function, make the frame a panel.
<Frame name="ExamplePanel">
function ExamplePanel_OnLoad (panel) = "My AddOn"

EXAMPLE -- Dynamically create a frame and use it as a subcategory for "My AddOn".
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExampleSubCategory"); = "My SubCategory";
panel.parent = "My AddOn";

EXAMPLE -- Create a frame with an okay and a cancel method
--[[ Create a frame to use as the panel ]] --
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExamplePanel"); = "My AddOn";
-- [[ When the player clicks okay, set the original value to the current setting ]] --
panel.okay =
function (self)
self.originalValue = MY_VARIABLE;
-- [[ When the player clicks cancel, set the current setting to the original value ]] --
panel.cancel =
function (self)
MY_VARIABLE = self.originalValue;
-- [[ Add the panel to the Interface Options ]] --

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-11 15:00:30
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Tivs and Maul:

Thanks for the reports! These have been fixed for 2.4 release.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 16:00:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, the behavior of the SetParent() function has changed. Previously, changing a frame’s parent would update its FrameLevel, but not change its children's FrameLevels. With the release of patch 2.4, changing a frame’s parent will update all its children's frame levels as well.

For example, Frame A is on FrameLevel 0. Frame B is a child of Frame A and is on FrameLevel 1. Frame C is a child of UIParent and is on FrameLevel 2.

Running Frame A:SetParent(Frame C) will now change Frame A’s FrameLevel to 3 (one higher than its parent, Frame C) and will change Frame B’s FrameLevel to 4 (one higher than its parent, Frame A).

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 17:30:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Thanks. Still think it's a bug since 0 has meaning for this function so returning 0 just because the info isn't in the item cache is wrong. Function should return nil if it can't return the data I asked for.

Shefki, thanks for bringing this to our attention. The behavior of this function has been changed for 2.4 release. If the client does not have information for an item, it will now return nil instead of 0.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 10:59:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I posted this to the Test Realm forums, but thought maybe here was more appropriate...

The affected party Name for the SPELL_ENERGIZE line as below is incorrect. The guid is correct, referring to "Mara", but the name listed is "Jerierex", whose guid is different. The two previous lines establish the guids of the two, and are consistent with the rest of the log file.

Either that, or I'm missing something big :)

2/12 06:32:20.840 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x000000000055C520,Mara,0x518,0xF1300061AA0F9B6F,Unleashed Hellion,0xa48,26862,Sinister Strike,0x1,1269,1,nil,nil,nil,1,nil,nil
2/12 06:32:21.231 SWING_DAMAGE,0x0000000000569D9B,Jerierex,0x518,0xF1300061A90F9F2F,Abyssal Flamewalker,0xa48,169,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/12 06:32:21.231 SPELL_ENERGIZE,0x000000000055C520,Mara,0x518,0x000000000055C520,Jerierex,0x518,35548,Combat Potency,0x1,15,3

Nope, this was a bug that is fixed for the next test realm update.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 10:59:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
One more: Just an inconsistency more than anything, but I figured you might change it now so it doesn't annoy too many others down the track :)

The first "Spell School" parameter is hex, the second where there is one is decimal.

Can you post specific examples? Environmental damage is already fixed for the next test realm update, are there any others?

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 16:29:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
The combat log range is now everything that you can see.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 16:29:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Added for 2.4:
guid = UnitGUID("unit")
Returns a string representing a unique identifier for the given unit. This is the same string that is used in the combat log to identify a unit.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:07:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Slouken, don't you go getting any ideas...he's mine! That is, unless I can have your babies...

I have plenty already, thanks! :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:34:46
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Now what are the chances of a FEW(!!!) of the Unit*() functions accepting GUIDs? Just wanting informational ones like name, class, race, level, classification, creaturetype, creaturefamily, faction, sex, and buffs. Nothing like health, mana, castinginfo, or anything like that.

Hmm, I thought it was a little chilly on the way to the office today...
Poster: Iriel at 2008-02-23 15:58:30
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

* The combat log range is now everything you can see.

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 UIOptionsPanel.lua.

Font String Display
* Textures can now be included in FontStrings locally using a new | escape code: |T<path>:<width>[:<height>:<xOffset>:<yOffset>]|t
* Selected textures can also be included in Chat messages and sent to other users, the current available textures are represented in a form like: {star}

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-25 13:59:46
Subject: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
Embedded Textures in FontStrings
A new feature in 2.4 is the ability to embed textures inside FontStrings. This functionality works similar to embedding a hyperlink, and should allow AddOn authors a great deal more flexibility in using textures in conjunction with FontStrings.

The format for placing a texture inside a FontString is as follows:


If the height argument is omitted, the width will be used, resulting in a square texture.

If 0 is used as the width argument, the resulting texture will be a square texture with the same height as the fontstring.

ChatFrame1:AddMessage(“\124TInterface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_WordFortitude:64\124t is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”);

This will add a message to ChatFrame1 with a 64x64 texture for Power Word: Fortitude, along with the text “ is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”.

At this time, to prevent potential abuse, raw texture links cannot be sent to other players. In order to allow players to send each other textures, we have added support for texture tags to ChatFrames and the Raid Warning frame. Texture tags are parsed out of messages added to these frames and replaced with appropriate textures.

Texture tags use the following format:


Currently there are only texture tags for raid icons. We may add more texture tags in the future.

Available texture tags:
{star}, {rt1} - Star icon
{circle}, {rt2} - Circle icon
{diamond}, {rt3} - Diamond icon
{triangle}, {rt4} - Triangle icon
{moon}, {rt5} - Moon icon
{square}, {rt6} - Square icon
{cross}, {rt7} - Cross icon
{skull}, {rt8} - Skull icon

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-25 13:59:46
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
With the release of patch 2.4 we’re adding a new event, UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY.

This event will fire whenever the durability of an item in your inventory changes. UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS has not changed, and is sent in conjunction with UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY when appropriate.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 18:58:44
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Perhaps a useful function for addons would be an enhanced form of CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() that included an additional parameter to specify the Unfiltered combat log

This is already implemented, and I believe was posted to this changes thread already...

Q u o t e:
and an additional parameter (or parameters) to specify the filter to apply. I think this would make sense

This is a little tricky, since the filter is actually a set of filters. :)
The intent with the "unfiltered" combat log is that you would run your own filtering on the return values from the function in the same way you handle them in the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event. You'll notice that the return values from the API function exactly match the arguments to the event.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 18:58:44
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
So going through combat logs, I see for some spells there is never a spell cast success message. In particular, i was looking for a spell cast success message for earth shield. Is there a reason we don't get messages for some spells?

Yes, auras don't currently have a spell cast success message, but this is planned for a future patch.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 15:59:03
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There are two new combat log events for the next test realm update:
These are sent with the guid and name of the creature or object that is created by a spell (along with who cast it, naturally)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 16:28:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
You're welcome! :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-06 19:28:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In this case nil and 0 are interchangeable. I went ahead and converted nil to 0 for text log output.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-07 06:58:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Thanks for the change Slouken! How about the effective healing change? Is it at all possible?

Not at the moment, the client doesn't have access to that information.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:04:24
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Is it just me, or is the new combat log totally not picking up players dieing now? It worked fine on PTR, but now the UNIT_DIED event isn't firing for players dieing. So they're just not showing up - either in the ingame combat log or using /combatlog

This is fixed for 2.4.2. Thanks!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:13:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Every player GUID i've run across so far begins with 0x00, i've been trying (with success so far, but who knows if there are counterexamples, I'd love to see them) to use the upper bits of the GUID to determine what kind of GUID it is, right now I have:

0xF13 -- NPC
0xF53 -- NPC

0xF14 -- PET
0xF54 -- PET

0x000 -- Player

(I haven't figured out if there's any useful significance of the 0xF1 versus 0xF5 thing)

It's a player if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x000
It's a creature if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x003
It's a pet if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x004

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Iriel at 2007-11-19 18:31:47
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

* The combat log range is now everything you can see.

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 UIOptionsPanel.lua.

Font String Display
* Textures can now be included in FontStrings locally using a new | escape code: |T<path>:<width>[:<height>:<xOffset>:<yOffset>]|t
* Selected textures can also be included in Chat messages and sent to other users, the current available textures are represented in a form like: {star}

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:43:10
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Combat Log Revamp!

In 2.4 the combat log is being completely reimplemented so that it sends events with arguments instead of text strings to the UI code.

It's still in development, so nothing is final, but here is a raw sneak preview:

-- Object type constants
-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type
-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

COMBATLOG = ChatFrame2;

-- Process the event and add it to the combat log
function CombatLog_AddEvent(...)
local info = ChatTypeInfo["COMBAT_MISC_INFO"];
local timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = select(1, ...);
local message = format("%s> %s, %s, %s, 0x%x, %s, %s, 0x%x",
date("%H:%M:%S", timestamp), type,
srcGUID, srcName or "nil", srcFlags,
dstGUID, dstName or "nil", dstFlags);
for i = 9, select("#", ...) do
message = message..", "..(select(i, ...) or "nil");
COMBATLOG:AddMessage(message, info.r, info.g, info.b);

-- Save the original event handler
local original_OnEvent = COMBATLOG:GetScript("OnEvent");
function(self, event, ...)
if ( event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT" ) then
original_OnEvent(self, event, ...);


New API functions:
CombatLogAddFilter("events", "srcGUID" or srcMask, "dstGUID" or dstMask)
seconds = CombatLogGetRetentionTime()
count = CombatLogGetNumEntries()
timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, ... = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()
hasEntries = CombatLogAdvanceEntry(count)

Note that you can change filters on the fly and re-query previous combat log entries, which are retained for 5 minutes by default.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:00:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There is a new console variable in 2.4:

0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z
1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z

/console unitHighlights 0
/console unitHighlights 1
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:11:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I know it's not final code, but is select(1, ...) in there instead of ... for any particular reason?

Mostly for clarity, since this this is just sample code.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:12:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Slouken: Out of curiosity, will the old CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_... events still be sent, or will the new combat log event be the only one transmitted?

The old combat events are no longer generated. All existing combat log AddOns will need to be rewritten.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:13:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Slouken, your babies, can I have them please?

You'll have to work that out with my beautiful and pregnant wife. :)

Q u o t e:

Will there be a way to to get a name/level/whatever from a GUID? Something analogous to UnitName(GUID)?

Not at the moment, although you'll notice that the name comes with it in the event.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:08:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

If enGB hasn't seen an event with 1234 yet, though, then they'll have no name to associate with 1234, and deDE can't pass across a name when asked for it, since they won't have the enGB equivalent. It'd be nice to get data via GUID to patch up holes like that, though admittedly, it won't be too critical so long as players have sane combat log ranges.

The combat log ranges are the same. You'll find that the GUID decodes into the type of creature, which can then be matched against data in the WDB cache ... not that anyone would ever try to decode that data. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:09:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Man, I've been sent deaf by the cheers. And I'm all the way over the other side of the planet!

*grin* You'll have to thank AlexanderYoshi who convinced me it was a good idea. :)

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:51:53
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, the combat log text file format changed as well, dumping the text format in favor of a comma separated event format for easy post-processing and analysis.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-20 08:29:58
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Remember, this is a moderated thread for discussing upcoming scripting API changes in the 2.4. patch. Off topic posts will be deleted.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 11:24:15
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
I'm not sure why everyone is concerned about the "possession" stance. If I remember correctly, it's simply an actionbar page change, right?
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 15:51:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, right, so it's a bonus bar. There isn't already a state driver for the bonus bar? It seems like there should be... :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-17 10:18:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Loot events and so forth are sticking with the old text format. Only combat messages use the new combat event .. event. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 12:03:37
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2007-12-19 15:06:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I'm not sure if there is anything that currently is allowed in multiple types of bags. However there definitely are materials that are used by multiple professions. The API as presented would be a difficulty if those were ever made to go into more than one type of bag.

Hey Nayala, thanks for the suggestions.

We’ll no longer be adding GetContainerItemFamily and GetInventoryItemFamily. Instead we’ve added the following:

bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink");

When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in.

Currently there isn't anything allowed in multiple types of bags. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 22:44:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
The content of the logs aren't changing, just the way the information is delivered. The person with Lifebloom really is healing themselves. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-03 14:03:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
As of 2.4, PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-25 17:12:30
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

HA!!! I found it!
The question is at 5:50, the answer is at 7:30, with direct references to outfitter and itemrack. I'd have to do some extreme forum crawling to dig up the post mentioning this as a change in 2.4 specifically, but when else would it be implemented? WotLK?

And if you continue listening, there is mention of a built-in threat meter, which I presume goes hand-in-hand with the combat log changes that have been discussed at length in this thread.

These are planned features for WotLK, but haven't been started yet, so no promises. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-30 11:55:52
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Since the combat log filter is global, there is a new event that AddOns can register for:
If you register for this event, you will receive the event regardless of whether it matches the current filter.

There is also a new optional ignoreFilter parameter for the following functions:
Passing true as the last parameter allows you to iterate over combat log entries ignoring the filter.
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-01-30 14:47:44
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Interface Options Revamp

Along with Patch 2.4 we will be releasing a revamped in-game Interface Options screen. Most of the systems that interact with the current Interface Options screen have seen some code changes as a result. The new architecture for the system should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current Interface Options system.

Additionally, this new system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options to players with a custom heading, subcategories, and frames. I'd like to encourage authors interested in utilizing these features to try the new system on the PTRs before Patch 2.4 is released.

Please be aware that AddOns that interact with the Interface Options screen, modify it, or change the way that its options affect other systems within the game will need to be updated with the release of Patch 2.4.

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-31 10:37:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
FYI, this is a moderated thread for technical discussion of upcoming features. Off topic posts will be deleted. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:47:49
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
2.4.0 Guide to the New Combat Log

Hello Fellow UI Modders,

With the release of patch 2.4.0, we’ve made some enormous changes to the existing combat log. While this will result in some hard work now, it should be easier to maintain your AddOns in the future.

The feature we’re most proud of is the ability to filter your combat log. The combat log stores the last five minutes worth of raw combat events. Filters can be setup on multiple criteria, affiliation, ownership, etc. Any events that match the current filter are passed through the client via the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT message. The combat log filter is global. However, AddOns which want to parse all events the moment they happen can register for the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED message. This should allow all existing AddOns to still respond to combat events without a complicated middle-manager AddOn.
While the default combat log will only be setting 1-2 filters at a time, the WoW client supports many simultaneous filters. It’s possible to setup multiple filters to filter very specific source-target-event combinations. If a combat log event passes any of the filters, the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event fires. This allows AddOns to define extremely specific settings we chose not expose in the base UI.

The new combat log will be coming with two text formats. One is the familiar, grammatically correct sentences with substitutions. The other is a terse format, containing the source, target, spell, action and result. There will be a number of ways to manipulate the formatting, from unit name coloring to coloring the damage numbers by their magic school. The settings used for these formats are stored in the Blizzard_CombatLog_Filters variable.

The result of the new terse format is that it’s very easy to write AddOns to modify or extend the format which ships with 2.4.0. In the formatting section, you can read up on a quick demonstration of how to convert the combat log to a “Nurfed” style combat log. While you can do a lot by just adjusting the settings within WoW, it’s also possible to provide an AddOn that changes the strings used to generate the Combat Log messages. This allows for more extensive formatting changes without re-writing the entire parsing engine. See the Formatting Section for an example.

The whole combat log also supports a new coloring model, based on context. While by default, entire lines are a single color, highlighting the most important details. The combat log also supports coloring just unit names, spells, actions and damage numbers. Spells and damage can also be colored by school. However, there are several features not exposed in the base UI that AddOns can use right away. These are event-specific coloring, unit coloring with greater granularity and the ability to customize the list of highlighted events.

There are several other formatting related features. You can enable timestamps which show the time that spell or attack happened. You can show or hide square braces, change formatting without refreshing the combat log and disable the display of raid icons. These features were too niche to go into the base UI, but can be easily exposed for power users. By now you’ve already thought of some features of your own and are ready to get to coding. So let’s jump straight to some examples.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Formatting & Coloring
One of the major combat log formats we considered while redoing the combat log was the Nurfed Combat Log format. This combat log format was very concise, made heavy use of color-coding and was one of the final candidates for the combat log. We eventually axed it on the basis of being too overwhelming for new users. However, we left in all of the options to convert the current combat log into the Nurfed combat log.

Here’s how:

Combat Log Settings -> Colors

Unit Colors:
Me -> Green
My Pet -> Dark Green
Friends -> Blue
Enemies -> Red
Neutral -> Yellow
Unit Names -> Checked
Spell Names -> Checked
Spell Color-by-School -> Checked
Damage Number -> Checked
Damage Color-by-School -> Checked
Damage School -> Checked
Entire Line -> Unchecked
All Highlighting Options-> Unchecked

Verbose -> Unchecked
Braces -> Checked
Timestamps -> Checked

However, some people may want it even more terse than that. For this, we present:

Hyper Condensed Mode

To get rid of the word “Fire” and “Frost” type:


That will remove the Fire from “55 Fire”. However, let’s go even farther:

(Critical) (Crushing) (Blocked) (Resisted)

All of these are really long. Let’s compress them:


Now we get

[You] [Fireball] Hit [Spider] 64. (C) (5 R)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Filters consistent of 3 parts:

  • Source
  • Target
  • Events

Source & Target can be one of two types:

  • String
  • Number

If it is a string, then that string is assumed to be the GUID of the unit in question. If it’s a number, it is assumed to be a bitfield assembled from the following criteria:


-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type

-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

A unit can only be one of the following four categories:
1. Affiliation
2. Reaction
3. Ownership
4. Type

Here’s a quick explanation of how these flags are broken down:

A unit’s affiliation is the unit’s relationship relative to YOU. Either it is owned by you, your party, your raid or someone else.

[[[Mine]Party]Raid] Outsiders

This is the unit’s faction reaction, relative to you. Anything that hates you is Hostile, anything that is friendly with you is Friendly, everything else is Neutral.

This is who owns this object. It can only be controlled by a player or the server.

Unit Type:
This is the way the unit is currently being controlled. Units directly controlled by their owner are players. Units controlled by the server are NPCs. Pets are controlled by another player or unit. Guardians are automatons that are not controlled, but automatically defend their master. Objects are everything else, such as Traps.

The result is that these bits can tell you what kind of unit that combat log object was.

A player who is dueling you is 0x0548.
(A hostile outsider who is both owned by a player and controlled as a player)
A player who was mind controlled that attacks you is 0x1148.
(A hostile outsiders who is owned by a player, but controlled as a pet)

Default Filters
The default filters are constructed by summing certain bit combinations together:


This means that everything colored mine by default must be affiliated with me, friendly, controlled by a player and be a player.

Any unit that matches at least one bit in each of the four exclusive categories will pass the filter test. Filters can have more than one bit set in a category.


This will allow messages relating to any unit who has a friendly reaction with you, the player. (Another way to do this is to use the “_MASK” suffixed globals, rather than specifying all bits, but I did it this way to make the point clear).
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:50:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Setting up Filters
Each time you call the CombatLogAddFilter() function, you add a new filter. Any unit that passes that filter fires the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event. For example, if you wanted to see anything that you did and anything hostile enemies did to you, you would call the following

CombatLogAddFilter(nil, COMBATLOG_FILTER_MINE, nil)

Retrieving Combat Messages
Once you setup your filter, all of the entries which match that filter are organized into a linked list. By calling CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(1), you set the current pointer to the beginning of that list. If no message exists, CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(1) will fail. If you pass a negative number into CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(), it will select the Nth entry from the end of the list.

To move the pointer forward, call CombatLogAdvanceEntry(1) to move to the next entry in the list.

The CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() and COMBAT_LOG_EVENT events will return all of the arguments for that event. The exact argument order depends on the event, but here are the arguments that do not change:

timestamp, event, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()

There are honestly too many events to go into detail on all of them here, but here’s the basic organization.

Base Events:
SWING – These events relate to melee swings, commonly called “White Damage”.
RANGE – These events relate to hunters shooting their bow or a warlock shooting their wand.
SPELL – These events relate to spells and abilities.
SPELL_CAST – These events relate to spells starting and failing.
SPELL_AURA – These events relate to buffs and debuffs.
SPELL_PERIODIC – These events relate to HoT, DoTs and similar effects.
DAMAGE_SHIELD – These events relate to damage shields, such as Thorns
ENCHANT – These events relate to temporary and permanent item buffs.
ENVIRONMENTAL – This is any damage done by the world. Fires, Lava, Falling, etc.

_DAMAGE – If the event resulted in damage, here it is.
_MISSED - If the event resulted in failure, such as missing, resisting or being blocked.
_HEAL – If the event resulted in a heal.
_ENERGIZE – If the event resulted in a power restoration.
_LEECH – If the event transferred health or power.
_DRAIN – If the event reduces power, but did not transfer it.

Special Events:
PARTY_KILL – Fired when you or a party member kills something.
UNIT_DIED – Fired when any nearby unit dies.

Q & A:
Q: The combat log only stores 5 minutes of events. Why 5? Why not 10?
A: We feel that 5 minutes is a good base number for most players . You can change this length, however with the CombatLogSetRetentionTime(seconds) function.

Q: Will the combat log be saved when I logout to my character list?
A: No. However, if you only reload the UI, the messages stay in the client.

Q: Why did you do it this way? Why didn’t you do it X way?
A: We tried to expose as much information as we could, without compromising gameplay and giving us the feature set we needed.

Q: Why didn’t you include information about who owns <Summoned Pet Name Here>?
A: This was one we considered for a while, but decided to leave out for the sake of simplicity. We’re going to be watching how the new combat log plays out before adding new features or making additional changes.

Q: Why did the CombatLog.txt file change?
A: Changing the CombatLog.txt format freed us to implement the combat log in this new event-driven way. We also felt that providing the combat log as raw data made parsing easier for sites such as WoW Web Stats, avoiding localization issues.

Q: Will the combat log format change again?
A: We’re always dedicated to improving our game, so we will very likely be making changes again in the future. However, we do realize the frustration that comes with AddOns breaking between patches. Hopefully, this new system will actually reduce how often you need to recode your AddOns, by decoupling AddOn authors from localization changes.

Q: Can we provide feedback on the new combat log?
A: Absolutely! We’ll be reading the Test Forums during the 2.4.0 PTR and gathering feedback. The more constructive, clear and concise the feedback is, the more responsive we can be.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 11:14:27
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
From the designer:

Q: Does the new log system give us a way to distinguish between:

- Physical Melee. Autoattacks that deal physical damage that can be dodged, blocked, and parried but not resisted (e.g. autoattacks from some guy with a sword);

Yes. These are logged under the SWING_DAMAGE event with a school mask of 1 (Physical).

- Elemental Melee. Autoattacks that deal elemental damage that can be dodged, parried, and resisted but not blocked (e.g. autoattacks from Hydross the Unstable);

Yes. These are logged under the SWING_DAMAGE event with a school mask greater than 1 (Magical).

- Pure Spells. Elemental damage that can be resisted but not dodged, blocked or parried (e.g. Fireball); and

Yes. These are logged under the SPELL_DAMAGE event with a school mask greater than 1 (Magical).

- Melee Spells. Physical or elemental damage that counts as a spell but may be dodged, blocked, and parried; may or may not be resistable (e.g. Heroic Strike) ?

Yes. These are logged under the SPELL_DAMAGE event with a school mask of 1.

Q: How is the Water Elemental flagged in the summoner’s combat log?

A: The Water Elemental is flagged 0x1111. Mine | Friendly | Player-Owned | Pet. This means that if all Frost mages submit their combat logs, then the specific GUIDs for each Mage’s water elemental can be determined. Other Mage’s Water Elementals in the same raid are flagged 0x1112 (Same Party) or 0x1114 (Same Raid).

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 12:04:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, BTW...
If you turn off all combat log filtering, you'll see EVERYTHING that's happening in your area of interest. In addition, EVERYTHING in your area of interest is saved to WOWCombatLog.txt, regardless of in-game filtering.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 13:38:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Any way of posting (a few lines' worth of) a mock-up WoWCombatLog.txt file before 2.4 hits the PTR just so we can get an idea of what it will actually look like?


2/5 12:36:05.709 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:07.704 SWING_MISSED,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,DODGE
2/5 12:36:09.729 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:10.965 SPELL_CAST_START,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,331,Healing Wave,0x8
2/5 12:36:11.715 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:13.532 SPELL_HEAL,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,331,Healing Wave,0x8,44,nil
2/5 12:36:13.738 SWING_MISSED,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,DODGE
2/5 12:36:15.726 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:16.462 SPELL_CAST_START,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,403,Lightning Bolt,0x8
2/5 12:36:17.712 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:18.111 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,403,Lightning Bolt,0x8,16,8,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:19.729 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:20.689 SWING_DAMAGE,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,157,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:20.909 PARTY_KILL,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48
2/5 12:36:21.311 UNIT_DIED,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48

Edit: Hey, that (null) shouldn't be in there... *goes off to fix a bug...*

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-06 09:24:40
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Just how dynamic are these GUIDs? For example, in any of the following situations, would a new GUID be generated?

A monster has a single GUID from spawn until death (or despawn). When it respawns it gets a new GUID.

Pets get a new GUID each time they are summoned.

Monster and pet GUIDs can be recycled after server (or instance) restart.

Players keep their GUID forever, and are unique even in cross-server battlegrounds.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-06 15:18:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Additional change in 2.4.0:

The Raid UI now can display the range of players relative to you. The option to enable this is in the Party & Raid section of the UI Options.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 10:40:29
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
We already have that, it's IsSpellInRange and CheckInteractDistance, and "In Range" is fairly vague given that can mean 10 different things.

Yes, but IsSpellInRange requires a spell action to be ready on a cursor before actually being able to give you the data. CheckInteractDistance is also for game objects.

Alexander is correct, there's a function called UnitInRange(unit) that returns a boolean based upon a static value (because we can't predict what spell you might want to cast) that is based upon Flash Heal/Cure range. So yes, it could return true incorrectly. We haven't quite built the AI that will predict the action of any player in every game situation... yet!

Kaythedree, this functionality is not in the Party UI. You, however, can make it yourself! =D
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 11:39:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
will we be able to change that static range or is it hardcoded?

This is a static value set within code. Though it would be cool to let you pass in a value, it might make writing bots that much easier. :)
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 14:38:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
New for 2.4.0
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)

[ Post edited by Rislyn ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-07 14:56:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
New in 2.4:
icon = GetItemIcon(item)
This information is available if the item exists, even if GetItemInfo() returns nil.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 18:16:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Been asking for this for YEARS!!!!!!!!
Thank you Slouken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been driving me nuts for years.

So, you're welcome.

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:01:55
Subject: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
Embedded Textures in FontStrings
A new feature in 2.4 is the ability to embed textures inside FontStrings. This functionality works similar to embedding a hyperlink, and should allow AddOn authors a great deal more flexibility in using textures in conjunction with FontStrings.

The format for placing a texture inside a FontString is as follows:


If the height argument is omitted, the width will be used, resulting in a square texture.

If 0 is used as the width argument, the resulting texture will be a square texture with the same height as the fontstring.

ChatFrame1:AddMessage(“\124TInterface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_WordFortitude:64\124t is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”);

This will add a message to ChatFrame1 with a 64x64 texture for Power Word: Fortitude, along with the text “ is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”.

At this time, to prevent potential abuse, raw texture links cannot be sent to other players. In order to allow players to send each other textures, we have added support for texture tags to ChatFrames and the Raid Warning frame. Texture tags are parsed out of messages added to these frames and replaced with appropriate textures.

Texture tags use the following format:


Currently there are only texture tags for raid icons. We may add more texture tags in the future.

Available texture tags:
{star}, {rt1} - Star icon
{circle}, {rt2} - Circle icon
{diamond}, {rt3} - Diamond icon
{triangle}, {rt4} - Triangle icon
{moon}, {rt5} - Moon icon
{square}, {rt6} - Square icon
{cross}, {rt7} - Cross icon
{skull}, {rt8} - Skull icon

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:05:28
Subject: Re: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
HOWTO: Add new categories of options

The new Interface Options frame allows authors to place their configuration
frames (aka "panels") alongside the panels for modifying the default UI.

Adding a new panel to the Interface Options frame is a fairly straightforward process.
Any frame can be used as a panel as long as it implements the required values and methods.
Once a frame is ready to be used as a panel, it must be registered using the function
InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, i.e. InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel)

Panels can be designated as sub-categories of existing options. These panels are listed
with smaller text, offset, and tied to parent categories. The parent categories can be expanded
or collapsed to toggle display of their sub-categories.

When players select a category of options from the Interface Options frame, the panel associated
with that category will be anchored to the right hand side of the Interface Options frame and shown.

The following members and methods are used by the Interface Options frame to display and organize panels. - string (required)
The name of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This is the text that will display in the AddOn options list.

panel.parent - string (optional)
Name of the parent of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This identifies "panel" as the child of another category.
If the parent category doesn't exist, "panel" will be displayed as a regular category.

panel.okay - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "okay" in the Interface Options.

panel.cancel - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "cancel" in the Interface Options. Use this to revert their changes.

panel.default - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "defaults". Use this to revert their changes to your defaults.

EXAMPLE -- Use XML to create a frame, and through its OnLoad function, make the frame a panel.
<Frame name="ExamplePanel">
function ExamplePanel_OnLoad (panel) = "My AddOn"

EXAMPLE -- Dynamically create a frame and use it as a subcategory for "My AddOn".
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExampleSubCategory"); = "My SubCategory";
panel.parent = "My AddOn";

EXAMPLE -- Create a frame with an okay and a cancel method
--[[ Create a frame to use as the panel ]] --
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExamplePanel"); = "My AddOn";
-- [[ When the player clicks okay, set the original value to the current setting ]] --
panel.okay =
function (self)
self.originalValue = MY_VARIABLE;
-- [[ When the player clicks cancel, set the current setting to the original value ]] --
panel.cancel =
function (self)
MY_VARIABLE = self.originalValue;
-- [[ Add the panel to the Interface Options ]] --

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-11 15:58:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Tivs and Maul:

Thanks for the reports! These have been fixed for 2.4 release.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 16:59:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, the behavior of the SetParent() function has changed. Previously, changing a frame’s parent would update its FrameLevel, but not change its children's FrameLevels. With the release of patch 2.4, changing a frame’s parent will update all its children's frame levels as well.

For example, Frame A is on FrameLevel 0. Frame B is a child of Frame A and is on FrameLevel 1. Frame C is a child of UIParent and is on FrameLevel 2.

Running Frame A:SetParent(Frame C) will now change Frame A’s FrameLevel to 3 (one higher than its parent, Frame C) and will change Frame B’s FrameLevel to 4 (one higher than its parent, Frame A).

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 18:02:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Thanks. Still think it's a bug since 0 has meaning for this function so returning 0 just because the info isn't in the item cache is wrong. Function should return nil if it can't return the data I asked for.

Shefki, thanks for bringing this to our attention. The behavior of this function has been changed for 2.4 release. If the client does not have information for an item, it will now return nil instead of 0.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:51:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I posted this to the Test Realm forums, but thought maybe here was more appropriate...

The affected party Name for the SPELL_ENERGIZE line as below is incorrect. The guid is correct, referring to "Mara", but the name listed is "Jerierex", whose guid is different. The two previous lines establish the guids of the two, and are consistent with the rest of the log file.

Either that, or I'm missing something big :)

2/12 06:32:20.840 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x000000000055C520,Mara,0x518,0xF1300061AA0F9B6F,Unleashed Hellion,0xa48,26862,Sinister Strike,0x1,1269,1,nil,nil,nil,1,nil,nil
2/12 06:32:21.231 SWING_DAMAGE,0x0000000000569D9B,Jerierex,0x518,0xF1300061A90F9F2F,Abyssal Flamewalker,0xa48,169,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/12 06:32:21.231 SPELL_ENERGIZE,0x000000000055C520,Mara,0x518,0x000000000055C520,Jerierex,0x518,35548,Combat Potency,0x1,15,3

Nope, this was a bug that is fixed for the next test realm update.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:52:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
One more: Just an inconsistency more than anything, but I figured you might change it now so it doesn't annoy too many others down the track :)

The first "Spell School" parameter is hex, the second where there is one is decimal.

Can you post specific examples? Environmental damage is already fixed for the next test realm update, are there any others?

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:08:32
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
The combat log range is now everything that you can see.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:22:36
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Added for 2.4:
guid = UnitGUID("unit")
Returns a string representing a unique identifier for the given unit. This is the same string that is used in the combat log to identify a unit.
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-25 14:55:35
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
With the release of patch 2.4 we’re adding a new event, UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY.

This event will fire whenever the durability of an item in your inventory changes. UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS has not changed, and is sent in conjunction with UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY when appropriate.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Perhaps a useful function for addons would be an enhanced form of CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() that included an additional parameter to specify the Unfiltered combat log

This is already implemented, and I believe was posted to this changes thread already...

Q u o t e:
and an additional parameter (or parameters) to specify the filter to apply. I think this would make sense

This is a little tricky, since the filter is actually a set of filters. :)
The intent with the "unfiltered" combat log is that you would run your own filtering on the return values from the function in the same way you handle them in the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event. You'll notice that the return values from the API function exactly match the arguments to the event.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:46
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
So going through combat logs, I see for some spells there is never a spell cast success message. In particular, i was looking for a spell cast success message for earth shield. Is there a reason we don't get messages for some spells?

Yes, auras don't currently have a spell cast success message, but this is planned for a future patch.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 16:55:12
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There are two new combat log events for the next test realm update:
These are sent with the guid and name of the creature or object that is created by a spell (along with who cast it, naturally)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 17:18:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
You're welcome! :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-06 20:14:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In this case nil and 0 are interchangeable. I went ahead and converted nil to 0 for text log output.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-07 07:54:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Thanks for the change Slouken! How about the effective healing change? Is it at all possible?

Not at the moment, the client doesn't have access to that information.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:04:24
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Is it just me, or is the new combat log totally not picking up players dieing now? It worked fine on PTR, but now the UNIT_DIED event isn't firing for players dieing. So they're just not showing up - either in the ingame combat log or using /combatlog

This is fixed for 2.4.2. Thanks!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:13:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Every player GUID i've run across so far begins with 0x00, i've been trying (with success so far, but who knows if there are counterexamples, I'd love to see them) to use the upper bits of the GUID to determine what kind of GUID it is, right now I have:

0xF13 -- NPC
0xF53 -- NPC

0xF14 -- PET
0xF54 -- PET

0x000 -- Player

(I haven't figured out if there's any useful significance of the 0xF1 versus 0xF5 thing)

It's a player if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x000
It's a creature if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x003
It's a pet if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x004

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Iriel at 2007-11-19 18:31:47
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the 2.4 release. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The combat logging mechanism is completely overhauled with explicit data instead of text strings delivered to the UI. See slouken's post below for a sneak-peak at some of the current details. Highlights include detailed flags indicating relationship of involved units to player, unique identifiers for units with the same name within the combat log -- great for log analysis.

* The combat log range is now everything you can see.

* The In-game Interface Options screen is being revamped and the new architecture should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current system. Additionally this system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options. Authors interested in this feature should be sure to experiment on the PTRs before patch 2.4 is released so that any issues can be surfaced and discussed. Basic details on how to use this system can be found in code comments in the 2.4 UIOptionsPanel.lua.

Font String Display
* Textures can now be included in FontStrings locally using a new | escape code: |T<path>:<width>[:<height>:<xOffset>:<yOffset>]|t
* Selected textures can also be included in Chat messages and sent to other users, the current available textures are represented in a form like: {star}

Visual Settings
* There's a new cVar unitHighlights; 0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z, 1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z. (e.g. /console unitHighlights 1)
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:43:10
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Combat Log Revamp!

In 2.4 the combat log is being completely reimplemented so that it sends events with arguments instead of text strings to the UI code.

It's still in development, so nothing is final, but here is a raw sneak preview:

-- Object type constants
-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type
-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

COMBATLOG = ChatFrame2;

-- Process the event and add it to the combat log
function CombatLog_AddEvent(...)
local info = ChatTypeInfo["COMBAT_MISC_INFO"];
local timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = select(1, ...);
local message = format("%s> %s, %s, %s, 0x%x, %s, %s, 0x%x",
date("%H:%M:%S", timestamp), type,
srcGUID, srcName or "nil", srcFlags,
dstGUID, dstName or "nil", dstFlags);
for i = 9, select("#", ...) do
message = message..", "..(select(i, ...) or "nil");
COMBATLOG:AddMessage(message, info.r, info.g, info.b);

-- Save the original event handler
local original_OnEvent = COMBATLOG:GetScript("OnEvent");
function(self, event, ...)
if ( event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT" ) then
original_OnEvent(self, event, ...);


New API functions:
CombatLogAddFilter("events", "srcGUID" or srcMask, "dstGUID" or dstMask)
seconds = CombatLogGetRetentionTime()
count = CombatLogGetNumEntries()
timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, ... = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()
hasEntries = CombatLogAdvanceEntry(count)

Note that you can change filters on the fly and re-query previous combat log entries, which are retained for 5 minutes by default.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:00:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There is a new console variable in 2.4:

0 = no model highlighting with Alt-Z
1 = model highlighting on with Alt-Z

/console unitHighlights 0
/console unitHighlights 1
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:11:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I know it's not final code, but is select(1, ...) in there instead of ... for any particular reason?

Mostly for clarity, since this this is just sample code.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:12:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Slouken: Out of curiosity, will the old CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_... events still be sent, or will the new combat log event be the only one transmitted?

The old combat events are no longer generated. All existing combat log AddOns will need to be rewritten.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:13:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Slouken, your babies, can I have them please?

You'll have to work that out with my beautiful and pregnant wife. :)

Q u o t e:

Will there be a way to to get a name/level/whatever from a GUID? Something analogous to UnitName(GUID)?

Not at the moment, although you'll notice that the name comes with it in the event.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:08:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

If enGB hasn't seen an event with 1234 yet, though, then they'll have no name to associate with 1234, and deDE can't pass across a name when asked for it, since they won't have the enGB equivalent. It'd be nice to get data via GUID to patch up holes like that, though admittedly, it won't be too critical so long as players have sane combat log ranges.

The combat log ranges are the same. You'll find that the GUID decodes into the type of creature, which can then be matched against data in the WDB cache ... not that anyone would ever try to decode that data. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:09:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Man, I've been sent deaf by the cheers. And I'm all the way over the other side of the planet!

*grin* You'll have to thank AlexanderYoshi who convinced me it was a good idea. :)

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:51:53
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, the combat log text file format changed as well, dumping the text format in favor of a comma separated event format for easy post-processing and analysis.
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-20 08:29:58
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Remember, this is a moderated thread for discussing upcoming scripting API changes in the 2.4. patch. Off topic posts will be deleted.

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 11:24:15
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
I'm not sure why everyone is concerned about the "possession" stance. If I remember correctly, it's simply an actionbar page change, right?
Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 15:51:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, right, so it's a bonus bar. There isn't already a state driver for the bonus bar? It seems like there should be... :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-17 10:18:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Loot events and so forth are sticking with the old text format. Only combat messages use the new combat event .. event. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 12:03:37
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, you'll be able to pass a coroutine as a first (optional) parameter to debugstack()

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2007-12-19 15:06:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I'm not sure if there is anything that currently is allowed in multiple types of bags. However there definitely are materials that are used by multiple professions. The API as presented would be a difficulty if those were ever made to go into more than one type of bag.

Hey Nayala, thanks for the suggestions.

We’ll no longer be adding GetContainerItemFamily and GetInventoryItemFamily. Instead we’ve added the following:

bagType = GetItemFamily(itemID | "name" | "itemLink");

When used with a container, this returns the type of container. When used with an item, it returns the type of container the item can go in.

Currently there isn't anything allowed in multiple types of bags. However, bagType is a bitflag, so GetItemFamily for something that could go in a quiver (bagType 1) and an ammo pouch (bagType 2) would return 3. A bag that can hold both arrows and bullets would also return 3.

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 22:44:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
The content of the logs aren't changing, just the way the information is delivered. The person with Lifebloom really is healing themselves. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-03 14:03:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
As of 2.4, PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE and PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE no longer provide information about which party member was enabled or disabled.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-25 17:12:30
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

HA!!! I found it!
The question is at 5:50, the answer is at 7:30, with direct references to outfitter and itemrack. I'd have to do some extreme forum crawling to dig up the post mentioning this as a change in 2.4 specifically, but when else would it be implemented? WotLK?

And if you continue listening, there is mention of a built-in threat meter, which I presume goes hand-in-hand with the combat log changes that have been discussed at length in this thread.

These are planned features for WotLK, but haven't been started yet, so no promises. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-30 11:55:52
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Since the combat log filter is global, there is a new event that AddOns can register for:
If you register for this event, you will receive the event regardless of whether it matches the current filter.

There is also a new optional ignoreFilter parameter for the following functions:
Passing true as the last parameter allows you to iterate over combat log entries ignoring the filter.
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-01-30 14:47:44
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Interface Options Revamp

Along with Patch 2.4 we will be releasing a revamped in-game Interface Options screen. Most of the systems that interact with the current Interface Options screen have seen some code changes as a result. The new architecture for the system should allow AddOn authors to modify its contents without the taint issues presented by the current Interface Options system.

Additionally, this new system will contain an area for AddOn authors to present their own configuration options to players with a custom heading, subcategories, and frames. I'd like to encourage authors interested in utilizing these features to try the new system on the PTRs before Patch 2.4 is released.

Please be aware that AddOns that interact with the Interface Options screen, modify it, or change the way that its options affect other systems within the game will need to be updated with the release of Patch 2.4.

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-31 10:37:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
FYI, this is a moderated thread for technical discussion of upcoming features. Off topic posts will be deleted. :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:47:49
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
2.4.0 Guide to the New Combat Log

Hello Fellow UI Modders,

With the release of patch 2.4.0, we’ve made some enormous changes to the existing combat log. While this will result in some hard work now, it should be easier to maintain your AddOns in the future.

The feature we’re most proud of is the ability to filter your combat log. The combat log stores the last five minutes worth of raw combat events. Filters can be setup on multiple criteria, affiliation, ownership, etc. Any events that match the current filter are passed through the client via the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT message. The combat log filter is global. However, AddOns which want to parse all events the moment they happen can register for the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED message. This should allow all existing AddOns to still respond to combat events without a complicated middle-manager AddOn.
While the default combat log will only be setting 1-2 filters at a time, the WoW client supports many simultaneous filters. It’s possible to setup multiple filters to filter very specific source-target-event combinations. If a combat log event passes any of the filters, the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event fires. This allows AddOns to define extremely specific settings we chose not expose in the base UI.

The new combat log will be coming with two text formats. One is the familiar, grammatically correct sentences with substitutions. The other is a terse format, containing the source, target, spell, action and result. There will be a number of ways to manipulate the formatting, from unit name coloring to coloring the damage numbers by their magic school. The settings used for these formats are stored in the Blizzard_CombatLog_Filters variable.

The result of the new terse format is that it’s very easy to write AddOns to modify or extend the format which ships with 2.4.0. In the formatting section, you can read up on a quick demonstration of how to convert the combat log to a “Nurfed” style combat log. While you can do a lot by just adjusting the settings within WoW, it’s also possible to provide an AddOn that changes the strings used to generate the Combat Log messages. This allows for more extensive formatting changes without re-writing the entire parsing engine. See the Formatting Section for an example.

The whole combat log also supports a new coloring model, based on context. While by default, entire lines are a single color, highlighting the most important details. The combat log also supports coloring just unit names, spells, actions and damage numbers. Spells and damage can also be colored by school. However, there are several features not exposed in the base UI that AddOns can use right away. These are event-specific coloring, unit coloring with greater granularity and the ability to customize the list of highlighted events.

There are several other formatting related features. You can enable timestamps which show the time that spell or attack happened. You can show or hide square braces, change formatting without refreshing the combat log and disable the display of raid icons. These features were too niche to go into the base UI, but can be easily exposed for power users. By now you’ve already thought of some features of your own and are ready to get to coding. So let’s jump straight to some examples.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Formatting & Coloring
One of the major combat log formats we considered while redoing the combat log was the Nurfed Combat Log format. This combat log format was very concise, made heavy use of color-coding and was one of the final candidates for the combat log. We eventually axed it on the basis of being too overwhelming for new users. However, we left in all of the options to convert the current combat log into the Nurfed combat log.

Here’s how:

Combat Log Settings -> Colors

Unit Colors:
Me -> Green
My Pet -> Dark Green
Friends -> Blue
Enemies -> Red
Neutral -> Yellow
Unit Names -> Checked
Spell Names -> Checked
Spell Color-by-School -> Checked
Damage Number -> Checked
Damage Color-by-School -> Checked
Damage School -> Checked
Entire Line -> Unchecked
All Highlighting Options-> Unchecked

Verbose -> Unchecked
Braces -> Checked
Timestamps -> Checked

However, some people may want it even more terse than that. For this, we present:

Hyper Condensed Mode

To get rid of the word “Fire” and “Frost” type:


That will remove the Fire from “55 Fire”. However, let’s go even farther:

(Critical) (Crushing) (Blocked) (Resisted)

All of these are really long. Let’s compress them:


Now we get

[You] [Fireball] Hit [Spider] 64. (C) (5 R)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Filters consistent of 3 parts:

  • Source
  • Target
  • Events

Source & Target can be one of two types:

  • String
  • Number

If it is a string, then that string is assumed to be the GUID of the unit in question. If it’s a number, it is assumed to be a bitfield assembled from the following criteria:


-- Affiliation
-- Reaction
-- Ownership
-- Unit type

-- Special cases (non-exclusive)

A unit can only be one of the following four categories:
1. Affiliation
2. Reaction
3. Ownership
4. Type

Here’s a quick explanation of how these flags are broken down:

A unit’s affiliation is the unit’s relationship relative to YOU. Either it is owned by you, your party, your raid or someone else.

[[[Mine]Party]Raid] Outsiders

This is the unit’s faction reaction, relative to you. Anything that hates you is Hostile, anything that is friendly with you is Friendly, everything else is Neutral.

This is who owns this object. It can only be controlled by a player or the server.

Unit Type:
This is the way the unit is currently being controlled. Units directly controlled by their owner are players. Units controlled by the server are NPCs. Pets are controlled by another player or unit. Guardians are automatons that are not controlled, but automatically defend their master. Objects are everything else, such as Traps.

The result is that these bits can tell you what kind of unit that combat log object was.

A player who is dueling you is 0x0548.
(A hostile outsider who is both owned by a player and controlled as a player)
A player who was mind controlled that attacks you is 0x1148.
(A hostile outsiders who is owned by a player, but controlled as a pet)

Default Filters
The default filters are constructed by summing certain bit combinations together:


This means that everything colored mine by default must be affiliated with me, friendly, controlled by a player and be a player.

Any unit that matches at least one bit in each of the four exclusive categories will pass the filter test. Filters can have more than one bit set in a category.


This will allow messages relating to any unit who has a friendly reaction with you, the player. (Another way to do this is to use the “_MASK” suffixed globals, rather than specifying all bits, but I did it this way to make the point clear).
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:50:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Setting up Filters
Each time you call the CombatLogAddFilter() function, you add a new filter. Any unit that passes that filter fires the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT event. For example, if you wanted to see anything that you did and anything hostile enemies did to you, you would call the following

CombatLogAddFilter(nil, COMBATLOG_FILTER_MINE, nil)

Retrieving Combat Messages
Once you setup your filter, all of the entries which match that filter are organized into a linked list. By calling CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(1), you set the current pointer to the beginning of that list. If no message exists, CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(1) will fail. If you pass a negative number into CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(), it will select the Nth entry from the end of the list.

To move the pointer forward, call CombatLogAdvanceEntry(1) to move to the next entry in the list.

The CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() and COMBAT_LOG_EVENT events will return all of the arguments for that event. The exact argument order depends on the event, but here are the arguments that do not change:

timestamp, event, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()

There are honestly too many events to go into detail on all of them here, but here’s the basic organization.

Base Events:
SWING – These events relate to melee swings, commonly called “White Damage”.
RANGE – These events relate to hunters shooting their bow or a warlock shooting their wand.
SPELL – These events relate to spells and abilities.
SPELL_CAST – These events relate to spells starting and failing.
SPELL_AURA – These events relate to buffs and debuffs.
SPELL_PERIODIC – These events relate to HoT, DoTs and similar effects.
DAMAGE_SHIELD – These events relate to damage shields, such as Thorns
ENCHANT – These events relate to temporary and permanent item buffs.
ENVIRONMENTAL – This is any damage done by the world. Fires, Lava, Falling, etc.

_DAMAGE – If the event resulted in damage, here it is.
_MISSED - If the event resulted in failure, such as missing, resisting or being blocked.
_HEAL – If the event resulted in a heal.
_ENERGIZE – If the event resulted in a power restoration.
_LEECH – If the event transferred health or power.
_DRAIN – If the event reduces power, but did not transfer it.

Special Events:
PARTY_KILL – Fired when you or a party member kills something.
UNIT_DIED – Fired when any nearby unit dies.

Q & A:
Q: The combat log only stores 5 minutes of events. Why 5? Why not 10?
A: We feel that 5 minutes is a good base number for most players . You can change this length, however with the CombatLogSetRetentionTime(seconds) function.

Q: Will the combat log be saved when I logout to my character list?
A: No. However, if you only reload the UI, the messages stay in the client.

Q: Why did you do it this way? Why didn’t you do it X way?
A: We tried to expose as much information as we could, without compromising gameplay and giving us the feature set we needed.

Q: Why didn’t you include information about who owns <Summoned Pet Name Here>?
A: This was one we considered for a while, but decided to leave out for the sake of simplicity. We’re going to be watching how the new combat log plays out before adding new features or making additional changes.

Q: Why did the CombatLog.txt file change?
A: Changing the CombatLog.txt format freed us to implement the combat log in this new event-driven way. We also felt that providing the combat log as raw data made parsing easier for sites such as WoW Web Stats, avoiding localization issues.

Q: Will the combat log format change again?
A: We’re always dedicated to improving our game, so we will very likely be making changes again in the future. However, we do realize the frustration that comes with AddOns breaking between patches. Hopefully, this new system will actually reduce how often you need to recode your AddOns, by decoupling AddOn authors from localization changes.

Q: Can we provide feedback on the new combat log?
A: Absolutely! We’ll be reading the Test Forums during the 2.4.0 PTR and gathering feedback. The more constructive, clear and concise the feedback is, the more responsive we can be.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 11:14:27
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
From the designer:

Q: Does the new log system give us a way to distinguish between:

- Physical Melee. Autoattacks that deal physical damage that can be dodged, blocked, and parried but not resisted (e.g. autoattacks from some guy with a sword);

Yes. These are logged under the SWING_DAMAGE event with a school mask of 1 (Physical).

- Elemental Melee. Autoattacks that deal elemental damage that can be dodged, parried, and resisted but not blocked (e.g. autoattacks from Hydross the Unstable);

Yes. These are logged under the SWING_DAMAGE event with a school mask greater than 1 (Magical).

- Pure Spells. Elemental damage that can be resisted but not dodged, blocked or parried (e.g. Fireball); and

Yes. These are logged under the SPELL_DAMAGE event with a school mask greater than 1 (Magical).

- Melee Spells. Physical or elemental damage that counts as a spell but may be dodged, blocked, and parried; may or may not be resistable (e.g. Heroic Strike) ?

Yes. These are logged under the SPELL_DAMAGE event with a school mask of 1.

Q: How is the Water Elemental flagged in the summoner’s combat log?

A: The Water Elemental is flagged 0x1111. Mine | Friendly | Player-Owned | Pet. This means that if all Frost mages submit their combat logs, then the specific GUIDs for each Mage’s water elemental can be determined. Other Mage’s Water Elementals in the same raid are flagged 0x1112 (Same Party) or 0x1114 (Same Raid).

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 12:04:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Oh, BTW...
If you turn off all combat log filtering, you'll see EVERYTHING that's happening in your area of interest. In addition, EVERYTHING in your area of interest is saved to WOWCombatLog.txt, regardless of in-game filtering.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 13:38:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Any way of posting (a few lines' worth of) a mock-up WoWCombatLog.txt file before 2.4 hits the PTR just so we can get an idea of what it will actually look like?


2/5 12:36:05.709 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:07.704 SWING_MISSED,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,DODGE
2/5 12:36:09.729 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:10.965 SPELL_CAST_START,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,331,Healing Wave,0x8
2/5 12:36:11.715 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:13.532 SPELL_HEAL,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,331,Healing Wave,0x8,44,nil
2/5 12:36:13.738 SWING_MISSED,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,DODGE
2/5 12:36:15.726 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:16.462 SPELL_CAST_START,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,403,Lightning Bolt,0x8
2/5 12:36:17.712 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:18.111 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,403,Lightning Bolt,0x8,16,8,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:19.729 SWING_DAMAGE,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,5,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:20.689 SWING_DAMAGE,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48,157,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/5 12:36:20.909 PARTY_KILL,0x0000000000427042,Foozle,0x511,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48
2/5 12:36:21.311 UNIT_DIED,0x0000000000000000,(null),0x80000000,0xF13000002800192A,Kobold Miner,0x10a48

Edit: Hey, that (null) shouldn't be in there... *goes off to fix a bug...*

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-06 09:24:40
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Just how dynamic are these GUIDs? For example, in any of the following situations, would a new GUID be generated?

A monster has a single GUID from spawn until death (or despawn). When it respawns it gets a new GUID.

Pets get a new GUID each time they are summoned.

Monster and pet GUIDs can be recycled after server (or instance) restart.

Players keep their GUID forever, and are unique even in cross-server battlegrounds.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-06 15:18:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Additional change in 2.4.0:

The Raid UI now can display the range of players relative to you. The option to enable this is in the Party & Raid section of the UI Options.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 10:40:29
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
We already have that, it's IsSpellInRange and CheckInteractDistance, and "In Range" is fairly vague given that can mean 10 different things.

Yes, but IsSpellInRange requires a spell action to be ready on a cursor before actually being able to give you the data. CheckInteractDistance is also for game objects.

Alexander is correct, there's a function called UnitInRange(unit) that returns a boolean based upon a static value (because we can't predict what spell you might want to cast) that is based upon Flash Heal/Cure range. So yes, it could return true incorrectly. We haven't quite built the AI that will predict the action of any player in every game situation... yet!

Kaythedree, this functionality is not in the Party UI. You, however, can make it yourself! =D
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 11:39:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
will we be able to change that static range or is it hardcoded?

This is a static value set within code. Though it would be cool to let you pass in a value, it might make writing bots that much easier. :)
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 14:38:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
New for 2.4.0
* Players can now toggle the display of Friendly and Enemy player names, as well as their pets and creations. You can toggle cosmetic pet names too. :)

[ Post edited by Rislyn ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-07 14:56:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
New in 2.4:
icon = GetItemIcon(item)
This information is available if the item exists, even if GetItemInfo() returns nil.
Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 18:16:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Been asking for this for YEARS!!!!!!!!
Thank you Slouken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been driving me nuts for years.

So, you're welcome.

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:01:55
Subject: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
Embedded Textures in FontStrings
A new feature in 2.4 is the ability to embed textures inside FontStrings. This functionality works similar to embedding a hyperlink, and should allow AddOn authors a great deal more flexibility in using textures in conjunction with FontStrings.

The format for placing a texture inside a FontString is as follows:


If the height argument is omitted, the width will be used, resulting in a square texture.

If 0 is used as the width argument, the resulting texture will be a square texture with the same height as the fontstring.

ChatFrame1:AddMessage(“\124TInterface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_WordFortitude:64\124t is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”);

This will add a message to ChatFrame1 with a 64x64 texture for Power Word: Fortitude, along with the text “ is the icon for Power Word: Fortitude”.

At this time, to prevent potential abuse, raw texture links cannot be sent to other players. In order to allow players to send each other textures, we have added support for texture tags to ChatFrames and the Raid Warning frame. Texture tags are parsed out of messages added to these frames and replaced with appropriate textures.

Texture tags use the following format:


Currently there are only texture tags for raid icons. We may add more texture tags in the future.

Available texture tags:
{star}, {rt1} - Star icon
{circle}, {rt2} - Circle icon
{diamond}, {rt3} - Diamond icon
{triangle}, {rt4} - Triangle icon
{moon}, {rt5} - Moon icon
{square}, {rt6} - Square icon
{cross}, {rt7} - Cross icon
{skull}, {rt8} - Skull icon

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:05:28
Subject: Re: Embedded Textures in FontStrings
HOWTO: Add new categories of options

The new Interface Options frame allows authors to place their configuration
frames (aka "panels") alongside the panels for modifying the default UI.

Adding a new panel to the Interface Options frame is a fairly straightforward process.
Any frame can be used as a panel as long as it implements the required values and methods.
Once a frame is ready to be used as a panel, it must be registered using the function
InterfaceOptions_AddCategory, i.e. InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(panel)

Panels can be designated as sub-categories of existing options. These panels are listed
with smaller text, offset, and tied to parent categories. The parent categories can be expanded
or collapsed to toggle display of their sub-categories.

When players select a category of options from the Interface Options frame, the panel associated
with that category will be anchored to the right hand side of the Interface Options frame and shown.

The following members and methods are used by the Interface Options frame to display and organize panels. - string (required)
The name of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This is the text that will display in the AddOn options list.

panel.parent - string (optional)
Name of the parent of the AddOn or group of configuration options. This identifies "panel" as the child of another category.
If the parent category doesn't exist, "panel" will be displayed as a regular category.

panel.okay - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "okay" in the Interface Options.

panel.cancel - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "cancel" in the Interface Options. Use this to revert their changes.

panel.default - function (optional)
This method will run when the player clicks "defaults". Use this to revert their changes to your defaults.

EXAMPLE -- Use XML to create a frame, and through its OnLoad function, make the frame a panel.
<Frame name="ExamplePanel">
function ExamplePanel_OnLoad (panel) = "My AddOn"

EXAMPLE -- Dynamically create a frame and use it as a subcategory for "My AddOn".
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExampleSubCategory"); = "My SubCategory";
panel.parent = "My AddOn";

EXAMPLE -- Create a frame with an okay and a cancel method
--[[ Create a frame to use as the panel ]] --
local panel = CreateFrame("FRAME", "ExamplePanel"); = "My AddOn";
-- [[ When the player clicks okay, set the original value to the current setting ]] --
panel.okay =
function (self)
self.originalValue = MY_VARIABLE;
-- [[ When the player clicks cancel, set the current setting to the original value ]] --
panel.cancel =
function (self)
MY_VARIABLE = self.originalValue;
-- [[ Add the panel to the Interface Options ]] --

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-11 15:58:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Tivs and Maul:

Thanks for the reports! These have been fixed for 2.4 release.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 16:59:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In 2.4, the behavior of the SetParent() function has changed. Previously, changing a frame’s parent would update its FrameLevel, but not change its children's FrameLevels. With the release of patch 2.4, changing a frame’s parent will update all its children's frame levels as well.

For example, Frame A is on FrameLevel 0. Frame B is a child of Frame A and is on FrameLevel 1. Frame C is a child of UIParent and is on FrameLevel 2.

Running Frame A:SetParent(Frame C) will now change Frame A’s FrameLevel to 3 (one higher than its parent, Frame C) and will change Frame B’s FrameLevel to 4 (one higher than its parent, Frame A).

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 18:02:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Thanks. Still think it's a bug since 0 has meaning for this function so returning 0 just because the info isn't in the item cache is wrong. Function should return nil if it can't return the data I asked for.

Shefki, thanks for bringing this to our attention. The behavior of this function has been changed for 2.4 release. If the client does not have information for an item, it will now return nil instead of 0.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:51:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
I posted this to the Test Realm forums, but thought maybe here was more appropriate...

The affected party Name for the SPELL_ENERGIZE line as below is incorrect. The guid is correct, referring to "Mara", but the name listed is "Jerierex", whose guid is different. The two previous lines establish the guids of the two, and are consistent with the rest of the log file.

Either that, or I'm missing something big :)

2/12 06:32:20.840 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x000000000055C520,Mara,0x518,0xF1300061AA0F9B6F,Unleashed Hellion,0xa48,26862,Sinister Strike,0x1,1269,1,nil,nil,nil,1,nil,nil
2/12 06:32:21.231 SWING_DAMAGE,0x0000000000569D9B,Jerierex,0x518,0xF1300061A90F9F2F,Abyssal Flamewalker,0xa48,169,1,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil
2/12 06:32:21.231 SPELL_ENERGIZE,0x000000000055C520,Mara,0x518,0x000000000055C520,Jerierex,0x518,35548,Combat Potency,0x1,15,3

Nope, this was a bug that is fixed for the next test realm update.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:52:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
One more: Just an inconsistency more than anything, but I figured you might change it now so it doesn't annoy too many others down the track :)

The first "Spell School" parameter is hex, the second where there is one is decimal.

Can you post specific examples? Environmental damage is already fixed for the next test realm update, are there any others?

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:08:32
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
The combat log range is now everything that you can see.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:22:36
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
Added for 2.4:
guid = UnitGUID("unit")
Returns a string representing a unique identifier for the given unit. This is the same string that is used in the combat log to identify a unit.
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-25 14:55:35
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
With the release of patch 2.4 we’re adding a new event, UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY.

This event will fire whenever the durability of an item in your inventory changes. UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS has not changed, and is sent in conjunction with UPDATE_INVENTORY_DURABILITY when appropriate.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Perhaps a useful function for addons would be an enhanced form of CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() that included an additional parameter to specify the Unfiltered combat log

This is already implemented, and I believe was posted to this changes thread already...

Q u o t e:
and an additional parameter (or parameters) to specify the filter to apply. I think this would make sense

This is a little tricky, since the filter is actually a set of filters. :)
The intent with the "unfiltered" combat log is that you would run your own filtering on the return values from the function in the same way you handle them in the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED event. You'll notice that the return values from the API function exactly match the arguments to the event.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:46
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
So going through combat logs, I see for some spells there is never a spell cast success message. In particular, i was looking for a spell cast success message for earth shield. Is there a reason we don't get messages for some spells?

Yes, auras don't currently have a spell cast success message, but this is planned for a future patch.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 16:55:12
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
There are two new combat log events for the next test realm update:
These are sent with the guid and name of the creature or object that is created by a spell (along with who cast it, naturally)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 17:18:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
You're welcome! :)
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-06 20:14:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List
In this case nil and 0 are interchangeable. I went ahead and converted nil to 0 for text log output.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-07 07:54:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Thanks for the change Slouken! How about the effective healing change? Is it at all possible?

Not at the moment, the client doesn't have access to that information.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:04:24
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Is it just me, or is the new combat log totally not picking up players dieing now? It worked fine on PTR, but now the UNIT_DIED event isn't firing for players dieing. So they're just not showing up - either in the ingame combat log or using /combatlog

This is fixed for 2.4.2. Thanks!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:13:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Every player GUID i've run across so far begins with 0x00, i've been trying (with success so far, but who knows if there are counterexamples, I'd love to see them) to use the upper bits of the GUID to determine what kind of GUID it is, right now I have:

0xF13 -- NPC
0xF53 -- NPC

0xF14 -- PET
0xF54 -- PET

0x000 -- Player

(I haven't figured out if there's any useful significance of the 0xF1 versus 0xF5 thing)

It's a player if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x000
It's a creature if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x003
It's a pet if the upper bits masked with 0x00f = 0x004

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-04-11 09:59:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Is there any way to properly pass the GUID to APIs that currently use ("unit")? Even in a round-a-bout way?

No, and there are currently no plans for this. The scripting system is not intended to have complete knowledge of the surrounding area, only with units that you are directly interacting with.
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-05-20 12:43:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
A request!

The addon list in the Interface options panel seems to sort by the order panels were registered. This is rather annoying really, addons don't always load up in alpha order, nor do they always register their panel OnLoad... Could the default behavior be changed to sorting base categories in alpha order, and subcats in the order the addon registers them (it currently seems subcats sort in reverse order of when they were registered).

Naturally I tried to fix this myself, but the table that stores panels is a local... it's not exposed in any way I COULD fix it.

This has been changed in the next patch so that, by default, the AddOn list will alphabetically sorted, and subcategories will be displayed in the order they were registered, rather than the reverse.

In addition, the table in which addon categories are stored has been changed so that it is no longer local, so addons should be able to reorder the list themselves.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-05-20 14:59:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Unfortunately there's currently (also in 2.4.2 on ptr as of this morning) no escaping for quotes inside the names. This produces lines like the (utterly fabulous):

5/1 14:11:05.819 SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS, 0x0000000000A007BE, "Elfled", 0x511, 0xF130005D580018E8, ""Dirty" Michael Crowe", 0x10a18,6078, "Renew", 0x2

This is fixed for 2.4.3, thanks! Quotes inside of strings will be escaped with \
Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-15 15:26:03
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
have they fixed the missing SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS or SPELL_CAST_START event on patch 2.4.3?
or will it be on the next next patch...

What's the issue with them?
Poster: Iriel at 2007-11-19 18:31:47
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:43:10
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:00:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:11:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:12:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:13:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:08:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:09:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:51:53
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-20 08:29:58
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 11:24:15
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 15:51:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-17 10:18:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 12:03:37
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2007-12-19 15:06:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 22:44:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-03 14:03:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-25 17:12:30
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-30 11:55:52
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-01-30 14:47:44
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-31 10:37:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:47:49
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:50:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 11:14:27
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 12:04:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 13:38:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-06 09:24:40
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-06 15:18:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 10:40:29
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 11:39:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 14:38:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-07 14:56:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 18:16:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:01:55
Subject: Embedded Textures in FontStrings

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:05:28
Subject: Re: Embedded Textures in FontStrings

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-11 15:58:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 16:59:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 18:02:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:51:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:52:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:08:32
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:22:36
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-25 14:55:35
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:46
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 16:55:12
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 17:18:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-06 20:14:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-07 07:54:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:04:24
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:13:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-04-11 09:59:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-05-20 12:43:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-05-20 14:59:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-15 15:26:03
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Iriel at 2007-11-19 18:31:47
Subject: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 18:43:10
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:00:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:11:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:12:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 19:13:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:08:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:09:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-19 20:51:53
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-20 08:29:58
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 11:24:15
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-11-24 15:51:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-17 10:18:16
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 12:03:37
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2007-12-19 15:06:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2007-12-19 22:44:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-03 14:03:28
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-25 17:12:30
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-30 11:55:52
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-01-30 14:47:44
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-01-31 10:37:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:47:49
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:49:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-04 15:50:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 11:14:27
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 12:04:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-05 13:38:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-06 09:24:40
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-06 15:18:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 10:40:29
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 11:39:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 14:38:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-07 14:56:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Rislyn at 2008-02-07 18:16:17
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:01:55
Subject: Embedded Textures in FontStrings

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-08 20:05:28
Subject: Re: Embedded Textures in FontStrings

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-11 15:58:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 16:59:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-12 18:02:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:51:34
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-19 11:52:55
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:08:32
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-22 17:22:36
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-02-25 14:55:35
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:11
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-02-26 19:41:46
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 16:55:12
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-01 17:18:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-06 20:14:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-07 07:54:00
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:04:24
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-03-27 13:13:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-04-11 09:59:14
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-05-20 12:43:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-05-20 14:59:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-15 15:26:03
Subject: Re: Upcoming 2.4 Changes - Concise List


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