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Poster: Shinosai at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinkets
I was wondering, sir, if you folks at Blizzard have thought about itemizing some pvp trinkets? Currently, the insignia of the alliance is quite wonderful. However, my problem is that right now I am using a bloodlust brooch. Anyone who raids has a significant trinket advantage over me because there are no pvp trinkets available to me other than the insignia. Now, I know you think that the trinket that heals you for 1000 and gives some resilience is great, but that is not really a melee trinket.

I am really hoping you would consider adding trinkets like the ones from Zul'Gurub, only updated with resilience. Renataki's charm of trickery comes to mind. Back before the Burning Crusades, anyone who was going to PvP seriously had these trinkets. So, thus, my question is:

Are there any plans to update trinket itemization in season 3?
Poster: Kalgan at 2007-10-01 17:51:18
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:
I was wondering, sir, if you folks at Blizzard have thought about itemizing some pvp trinkets? Currently, the insignia of the alliance is quite wonderful. However, my problem is that right now I am using a bloodlust brooch. Anyone who raids has a significant trinket advantage over me because there are no pvp trinkets available to me other than the insignia. Now, I know you think that the trinket that heals you for 1000 and gives some resilience is great, but that is not really a melee trinket.

I am really hoping you would consider adding trinkets like the ones from Zul'Gurub, only updated with resilience. Renataki's charm of trickery comes to mind. Back before the Burning Crusades, anyone who was going to PvP seriously had these trinkets. So, thus, my question is:

Are there any plans to update trinket itemization in season 3?

There are a few new pvp oriented trinkets for 2.3.

All versions of the trinket have a click effect to gain 1750 max health (kind of like the old lifegiving gem effect), along with a passive effect (your choice of 47 spell damage, 40 spell crit rating, 80 attack power, 40 melee crit rating, or 88 healing).
Poster: Kalgan at 2007-10-01 17:51:18
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:

Any resilience?

Nope, we did the clicky max health instead of resilience in this case (some players are at or nearing the resilience cap already).
Poster: Kalgan at 2007-10-01 17:51:18
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:
Wow thats really cool!

I think i might start saving up will these cost about as much as the healy PVP trinket, or more?

Actually, they cost badges of justice, which will also be available off Kara and Zul Aman bosses.
Poster: Kalgan at 2007-10-01 17:51:18
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:
Kalgan, Will these trinkets be restricted by class like the current mark of Defiance such that Druids/pali/shami can not get the +spell crit or +damage version or will they be open to all classes?

They're open to all classes. The click effects share a cooldown though, so you won't be able to stack that effect.
Poster: Kalgan at 2007-10-01 18:21:13
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:

That isn't really the point, though.

PvEing to get gear for PvP is a huge drag on people who have no desire to run 5mans or raid ZA/Kara...and doesn't make sense when the item is designed for PvP use.

And you can't really tank heroics in s2 gear.

We like to encourage players to mix it up a little to a reasonable extent. Obviously, I can't argue that you personally will have more total fun if you also do a little PvE to go along with your PvP, but we do feel that for most players it adds up to a better overall play experience.

That being said, you certainly can tank heroics in s2 gear.
Poster: Kalgan at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:

It may sound like a Noob, but anyway.

How can you tank in PvP gear if there is no Def, Parry, Block orDodge ?

If your choice is between blue tank gear and s2 gear, it can be very effective to use the s2 armor pieces/shield supplemented with the blue tank jewelry/trinkets/cape. Surprising amounts of mitigation and a very noticeable difference in threat generation.
Poster: Kalgan at 2007-10-01 18:51:51
Subject: Re: Mister Kalgan: On the state of PvP Trinke

Q u o t e:

Cooldown and cost of trinkets. Please!

Oh don't you worry, the trinkets will have BOTH a cooldown AND a cost!

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