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Poster: Ashera at 2006-09-03 13:51:15
Subject: What people "seem" to forget
Yea, it seems to me in every post about certain 41 talents being overpowered people forget that we are going to level 70. 70! people, we are supposed to be more powerful, we are supposed to have more powerful tools at our disposal, what you wanna keep with the same talent trees, no extensions to them at all? Guess what, even if Blizzard did that wed still have that 10 extra points which would still make us generally more powerful than we already are.
UA is fine, TM is fine, all these changes are gonna make everyone TONS more unique if you really actually stop to think. No more carbon copies cause we only had 51 points to spend on three trees that go to 31. Now people can be a huge mix with 61 points at thier disposal. Personally they should add a few more points, not many but a make it similar to what we used to be. 31 20, or 18/33 or w/e your build you always generally had 20 (rounded up) in one tree and 30+ in another..just my thoughts.

/rant off

Good job on everything Blizzard, cant wait till its all done..cant wait for the priest talents either ^_^

(flame on)

I don't know what irony is, but I'm pretty sure this is it. -Drysc
Poster: Drysc at 2006-09-03 14:53:13
Subject: Re: What people "seem" to forget
I think the main point that is rarely factored into the comparisons and theory for the new abilities and talents is how health and armor are going to scale in comparison to damage in the expansion. As they won't scale parallel to each other we're going to be looking at longer engagements, less importance or viability in using crowd control abilities, and overall a bigger requirement for long term planning and tactics.

It's hard to imagine a color you've never seen before, but if you can at least acknowledge its existence you can begin to perceive outside of what you see in front of you.

there's a price you'll pay for trying hard to become whatever they are and saying whatever they say
Poster: Drysc at 2006-09-03 15:05:06
Subject: Re: What people "seem" to forget

Q u o t e:

You do realize you just hinted at people having to learn how to play this game to succeed right? You KNOW that won't sit well with most. LOL

I don't think any 'learning curve' would be very big. The game isn't fundamentally changing, but I think some ways to go about killing your opponent may become more prevalent than they would have been, and some ways that work well now may not. People that are actually skilled at PvP now will continue to be. They're skilled because they play and they practice, and regardless of what is different you can always adapt. Because you’re already leveling to 70 and the past knowledge of PvE and PvP at 60 is changing through that leveling process, it probably won’t even be something you notice you’re adapting to. It’s also not a huge leap off of a damage vs health/armor differential cliff, but it’s there.

there's a price you'll pay for trying hard to become whatever they are and saying whatever they say
Poster: Drysc at 2006-09-03 15:13:45
Subject: Re: What people "seem" to forget

Q u o t e:

Drysc, are we supposed to interpret that as Blizzard intending to scale health higher than damage, resulting in more lengthy thoughtful fights and fewer two-shot head-sploding?

Mmmhmm. Really though, it can't work any other way with hopes of keeping the game within the realm of reason and not making every player a walking god. We could surely balance new content around players with parallel scaling damage, we could easily put in extra health and armor on mobs to help mitigate the damage from the arcing beams of pure light shooting out of players eyes, but what about old content? It's completely trivialized, even the hardest content we threw out there. What happens when another expansion comes out, does it continue to scale? If so, isn't the last expansion now trivialized? So really, it's necessary to ensure a healthy and prosperous game world. On the PvP front, it looks to have a positive influence on how battles will progress, especially when taking into account the (strictly controlled) Arenas.

[ Post edited by Drysc ]

there's a price you'll pay for trying hard to become whatever they are and saying whatever they say

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