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Poster: DreadnĂ ut at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Did tseric really say this?
"Enhancement is a solo leveling and grinding build, and players need to adjust to the fact that it is not meant to be a PvP or non-solo PvE build." -Tseric

if so then hes contradicting his own statement b/c i do remember back in the day when it was considered a pvp spec but meh l could b wrong

oh and if it isn't a non-solo PvE build....then wtf is solo leveling?

l2logic tseric l2logic

[ Post edited by DreadnĂ ut ]

Who would use such an evil weapon?
That's the one! Why not just give it to them?
Because they're overpowered enough already?
Overpowdered? My donut this morning was overpowdered
Poster: Tseric at 2007-05-08 16:15:12
Subject: Re: Did tseric really say this?
Seems that you've paraphrased comments to tailor to your own opinion.

Here's the commentary from me about enhancement, directly quoted:

Q u o t e:
If you want to talk enhance, they're lending themselves to a solo build. That's why it seems frustrating from a transition from leveling to end-game. Folks are familiar with their spec, and don't want to break from it. They have opportunity for DPS in a raid situation, but the PvP is tougher due to inherent drawbacks, such as the lack of overwhelming CC.

Notice how I make conditional statements (It lends itself to soloing, not it is a soloing build), not black and white ones. Notice how I don't want to tell you how to play, but suggest that all builds are not equal in all situations.

Notice how some of those who are agreeing with you didn't bother to reference the original quote, just completely agree with your rephrasing of my comments.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Poster: Tseric at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Did tseric really say this?

Q u o t e:

I would counter with this: If enhancement is a solo build in any aspect, why does it contain the most improvements to totems? Why the party attack power buff? It seems to me to be a very party-oriented talent tree- with the exception of a lack of threat reduction, which often can work against the group.

If you really see enhancement as a primarily solo build, and especially if the devs share this sentiment, you need to reevaluate.

Ok, I'll rephrase myself, then. Or approach it from a different angle.

A lot of Shaman spec in Enhancement for 1-69. This really has nothing to do with group-effect totems or talents being aimed at group buffing. So, regardless of the design of the talent tree, a lot of folks are leveling with Enhancement and then become frustrated with the shift of game-play between that and end-game. That is really what I'm talking about.

To follow that, I'm not placing value judgements on it, either. Merely indicating how some Shaman seem to be banging their heads on the wall out of frustration with PvP or what have you.

Do I think Enhancement would benefit from positive adjustments? Absolutely.

Why then, does the whole tenor of this, and other discussions I've had seem to result in people saying "Oh, Tseric's just saying we're fine L2P"?

It honestly doesn't matter how many times I acknowledge an area that needs attention and actually agree with some things people are saying, because the emotional bulldozer is at full speed and can't really be bothered to consider gray areas or complex issues.

"Just gives us buffs" is a blunt sentiment that the devs have heard before, so don't be surprised if it doesn't come to pass.

It should be quite obvious to some of our more astute posters that the devs aren't ignoring the class. If that was the case, Elemental Focus wouldn't have been reduced. Windfury would not be undergoing further changes.

So, if they are paying attention, why is it do you think they aren't immediately implementing the "thousands of clear, well-balanced suggestions" being posted? Is it possible that they do not agree with all of your math? They perhaps consider your suggestion to be over-powered, unable to be implemented under current design or coding limitations? Any one of another thousand reasons by which suggestions may not make it into implementation?

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Poster: Tseric at 2007-05-08 17:14:58
Subject: Re: Did tseric really say this?

Q u o t e:
Hey Tseric...


Still here, still posting.

If you really think I'm contributing nothing to these boards, you are clearly demonstrating you contribute less.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Poster: Tseric at 2007-05-08 17:14:58
Subject: Re: Did tseric really say this?

Q u o t e:
Enhancement spec used to be a viable PvP spec, whether you were solo or with a group.

Did the devs intend for it to change?

If so, why?

If not, will it be adjusted to be viable once again?

Like so many other balance issues, I think it is something that gradually changed over time.

The devs will likely say that it is more important for the class as a whole to be viable, than have single spec's balanced in all fields. I think plenty of us can acknowledge having each spec equally viable in each field is an unrealistic expectation.

However, they also recognize Enhance does have drawbacks and seems to be more limited in its viability compared to other specs, but it still has its usefulness.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
Poster: Tseric at 2007-05-08 17:14:58
Subject: Re: Did tseric really say this?

Q u o t e:

why are you always so defensive and insulting? Thats why people have a hard time taking your points, even if they are true.

I defend myself because I'm here alone. No one else is going to stand up for me and dismiss misquotes or nonsense. By letting false conceptions, misinformation and assumptions go unchallenged, they replicate themselves faster than any real truth could.

As Mark Twain said "A lie is halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on."

Why you defend the behavior of trolls like that is beyond me.

[ Post edited by Tseric ]

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.

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