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Poster: Rutger at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Sick of You Warlocks
I'm sick of it, that even if you might be mature you act totally like a child... Given to you the title of warlocks are a class for kiddoz

It used to be paladins, but i'm clearly mistaken... Horde or alliance it doesn't matter actually...

Something has to be done against the useless constructive posting. And this i mean hi-jacking an other person's thread by posting useless junk from a searchwebsite.

Most favourites are

I know you are probably sick of all the "Nerf Warlockz" threads, but trying to hi-jack ones that have nothing to do with this matter do not even try to dignify justice.


If you want, i can just start posting useless junk when a warlock enters the mage forum or any other class that hasn't got a respective lvl 70, or endgame character.

But i will not, i repeat will not lower myself to this level of childish-maturity... I used a -, because well yes... These warlocks, might be mature irl, but still act like child on the forums that has NO RESPECT for an other his opinion.

And i think this should conflict with the forum rules.
Offtopic subforum is made for a reason.


Offtopic = matter that are not related to wow in any way or do not fit the other forum discription.
Class subforums = matter that are related to that chosen subforum's representive class.

Make an extra rule in the Forum rules, there shall not be posted links are matter that have TOTALLY NOTHING connected to the OP. The degree of the violation will be discussed by thee moderator finding the post that has violated the rule. Violators WILL get a suspension.
(reason: Hi-jacking threads,posting unconstructive matter,...)

In other words, if you post direct matter from Wikipedia or other matter, you will get a forum suspension. Because you diserved it by not respecting an other person's opinion from his point of view/perspective. And this should've been rule N°1 if I'm not mistaken.

oh and before a moderator draws the wrong conclusions, I'm not being unconstructive, so you cannot harm me or even touch me

()_() I'm a bunny! Hop. Hop. Hop.
Poster: Salthem at 2007-09-25 03:10:33
Subject: Re: Sick of You Warlocks

Clearly a few warlocks posting in this thread took the time to check Rutger's armory, but not to read the actual text.

Rutger, I agree with you, but the manner in which this was posted was not really very constructive (titles like "Sick of You Warlocks" aren't going to win you any friends on the warlock forum).

For the benefit of the TLDR crowd, here's the short version:

Q u o t e:
I know you are probably sick of all the "Nerf Warlockz" threads, but trying to hi-jack ones that have nothing to do with this matter do not even try to {justify}.

In other words, we understand frustration, and will generally tolerate the relatively harmless (compared to the alternatives) derailing of a thread that is already breaking the forum rules in some way (e.g. a nerf thread), but you really should take the time to read the post before you decide to inform the OP of the correct way to prepare French Toast.

By far the best option is not to post anything at all, report it, and let it fall to the bottom of the forum, where we will lock it as soon as we can.


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