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Poster: Neferian at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Changing the tags on Anzu/Alar etc...
I'm sure there's alot of religious players out there and I'm also sure that some if not most of them get into religious discussion,but what I'm asking for will take about 10 seconds of programming.

Now you see, some religions have a problem with the multitude of gods, mainly Islam which considers it the ultimate sin. You can see what I'm talking about here
Most of religious leaders say that WoW is forbidden,mostly because of this issue. Some people ignore this and just play and try to make the game not looking as it is (In other words, ignoring the issue).

This change would increase your player base, even thou -and I'm sure 90% of you- will most likely bash religion, but I'd ask you to just leave out your *need* to bash religion, and try to help instead (even thou that's probably not going to happen),but I can try anyway.

All you have to do is change the name from "god" to like any other bajillion names (Lord,Prince,Master,Father,Mother,Brood Mother).

Note:I have a problem with my logging system here, so I will most likely won't be able to reply to your posts.

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Poster: Vaneras at 2007-09-25 03:34:14
Subject: Re: Changing the tags on Anzu/Alar etc...
This thread has been locked because it is quickly derailing into one massive flamewar fuelled by hate, bigotry and disdain. This is a computer game forum, and it is really not a suitable place to have discussions about religion and terrorism.

To the OP: Please post in the suggestions forum, if you have ideas for ways to improve or change the game.

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