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Poster: Amithral at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: "Rays" are broken
Ok as a hunter I have to live with absurd arena designs which atm. makes it very easy to for certain classes to kite us with LoS. Which you can argue if that is fair as it is, but thats not the concearn in this subject.

The thing that seems bugged is that we are affected so much by LoS but if a warlock/priest (Might be more classes) uses mindflay, lifedrain, manadrain etc. on a target that is in LoS then it is of course casted and channeled, but the thing that seems bugged is that you can only counter this by moving away from the caster, moving out of LoS do NOT break the spell. And this must be bugged.

It makes it impossible for a paladin to do anything against a afflication spected warlock (Unstable affliction) unless all he focueses at is staying at range.

This is NOT a nerf warlock post, but this will balance teams like priest/lock abit so they can not manadrain that fast.

Q u o t e:
Female characters should have +50 to cooking.
Poster: Tharfor at 2007-09-07 08:39:10
Subject: Re: "Rays" are broken
We are aware of the issue with channeled ray-type spells continuing to channel and be ray-like when the target is technically out of line of sight.

At this time this is considered be a working feature and there are currently no plans to change it.

However, we will raise this point again as it appears to have been some time since it was evaluated and there may be more viable options for its adjustment.

Please note though that we are not promising that any change will be made, just that we will ask if it can be re-evaluated at this time.

"Tharfor, you are really playing with fire."
Poster: Tharfor at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: "Rays" are broken

Q u o t e:
you all play warlocks dont you?

Well if you look at some of the class forums, we blues are expected to have played all classes with all talent builds at end-game level.

So yeah, we all play warlocks according to you guys.

Sorry for sarcasm, couldn't help myself :(

"Tharfor, you are really playing with fire."

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