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Poster: Emorto at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Don't complain about leechers
I know this topic's title is a provocation but I'd like to point out this:

How many 70+ instances are there in the game? A lot...
If you consider heroic ones you can have:
4 from Tempest Keep
4 from Auchindoun
3 from Caverns of Time
4 from Coilfang
4 from Hellfire Citadel
1 Gruul's lair

How many BGs are in the game?

Guys (referring to Blizzard), how can you think people are interested in the same exact BG played so many times since 2+ years?
How can you put 0 rewards from 70s from different BGs reputation?

This character is Exalted to all 3 old pvp factions...
How can you pretend I feel some attraction to play BG instead of leeching as many now do?

Do you want to refresh PvP or just focus on PvE?


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Poster: Tharfor at 2007-09-07 09:41:24
Subject: Re: Don't complain about leechers
The question I find myself asking is: if there is no decent rewards from doing battlegrounds, why are people leeching so much?

People leech honor and reputation by not participating in the battles. What do they spend it on?

PvE instances cannot be compared to battlegrounds so readily, in my opinion.

Once a group has learned the rules of an encounter, they need something else to keep them going.

In PvP you can never predict what the other side is going to do, or even what class balance they will have. It's an adrenaline rush that I just don't get in PvE. Personally.

I think leeching is lame, and anyone who tries to justify it is only kidding themselves.

If you want honor, be honorable about it.

"Tharfor, you are really playing with fire."
Poster: Tharfor at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Don't complain about leechers
Your points are basically valid.

I can see that there is a reason for leeching (people are forced to run through the same instances repeatedly in order to access the phat loots associated with said instances).

Can you tell me, in no uncertain terms, what your motive for this post is?

I mean- hypothetically speaking, if you had to choose a path of PvP or a path of PvE and you could never switch over the gear you earned from one into the other, would you then be happy with the current levels of PvP gear?

It seems to me that is basically what these complaints are about. The pure PvP players are upset that they worked through the PvP ladder to be the best, but can be beaten by PvE gamers on their day off. Am I close?

"Tharfor, you are really playing with fire."
Poster: Tharfor at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Don't complain about leechers
If there were 20+ PvP instances to choose from, which would you choose and how long would you be willing to queue in order to play in it?

Or if there were 20+ PvP instances, would you be willing to accept limitations on which ones you can enter at any given time?

Perhaps you would have no control over which battleground you actually get to play in, perhaps you would join a universal 'PvP queue' and the popup would say 'You are now eligible to join WSG' or 'You are now eligible to join AV'...

..I'm just thinking out loud here. I will raise the question of why there are not more PvP instances available and see what feedback is given.

"Tharfor, you are really playing with fire."

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