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Poster: Storak at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: *** Chilton: AV is in favour of Aliance ***
call it my masochistic side, but i will continue the discussion started here:

the original video can be found here:
the part about Alterac is between minutes 7 and 10.

the discussion in the original topic got somewhat derailed, by claims, that the real problem in AV were QUEUE issues.

i will simply continue the discussion here. please take the time to read at least some of the older topic, i promise that it IS entertaining.

Q u o t e:
Why in every Battle Group where horde queue length is equalish or longer (therefore queue issues being near equal or in their favour) the horde win FAR more than their share of AV, if not for QUEUE ISSUES being the overriding factor controlling AV win ratios?

i m still glad, that you no longer claim that "with equal queues, horde wins 99%"

and i do not deny the existance of queue issues. short queues do strengthen AFK issues and they make the side give up more easily. yes, strong queue issues, mainly in the form of more people AFK are MORE important that map issues. (what map issue could make up for 25% less players?)

but your claim does NOT contradict the existance of map issues.
again: on server, on which Horde wins the majority (yes, those seem to be servers that at least don t have extreme alliance queues) horde uses a DIFFERENT tactic!

the RUSH they use, circumvents the most unbalancing map issues:
the long way to SP (no defenders)
the NPCs in the base (no defenders)
"forced" alliance defenders (they pass the horde, as horde ignores SH)

another interesting fact: a quick scan of the battlegroup forums showed, that in the 51-60 brackets there still seems to be some horde dominance.while i could accept, that queus in that bracket tend to be more "equalish" i can t get rid of the feeling that it s tactics not queues that decide that bracket.

Q u o t e:
Once anti-leecher measures go in (queue issue) and they re-balance honour for winning (queue issue) and re-do the tunnel GYs (the closes thing to a map issue, but it's result will be purely slowing the game down for both sides, so will actually work like a queue issue), then the short queue side win ratio (usually horde) is going to ROCKET UP.

one of the reasons why you think that QUEUE issues are most important is, that you summarise lots of things as "queue issues".
AFK issues do exist on the side with the longer queue. i ve been in plenty battles, with as many allies AFK as horde. the "giving up" issue isn t simply a "queue issue" either. in the 51-60 bracket, it seems like level 51s, trying to get the ice barbed spear are causing a lot of trouble.
well, the change to respawn places SURELY is a MAP issue.
a fix to honor on the losing side will help with queue related issues, but calling it a "queue fix" is a stretch.

you continue to forget to mention the NPC fixes they speak about in the video (mainly marshalls) but i surely expect some change to horde base NPCs (and a buff for balinda, btw)


my main reason to revive this topic, is the fact that that the majority of MAP issues have not been properly discussed.

i d like tto examine more, what the changes will bring as well.

[ Post edited by Storak ]
Poster: Salthem at 2007-08-24 05:52:12
Subject: Re: *** Chilton: AV is in favour of Aliance
This thread would be fine if it was about queue times and whether there is bias in AV or not.

But Gorrock is determined to turn this into a thread all about him. Sorry, but I don't find you as interesting as the original topic.

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