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Poster: Deadeight at 2007-11-14 08:35:23
Subject: THE Hemo Thread
Ok, theres so many hemo threads now its ridiculous. I hope to collate all the ideas so when the new people come on the forums they can just look here instead of starting yet another thread.

First of all, Hemo is not a spec for Daggers. You don't use daggers; im surprised how many people keep asking this. It is generally accepted that you use swords if you are PvE orientated and maces if you are PvP orientated, due to the weapon specialisation talents in the combat tree.
You use Hemo instead of SS. Therefore you dont pick up any sinsiter strike talents.

For a nice look at the viability of hemo in raids, please see

Common Builds

11/26/24 (or variations upon)
Some filler talents can change.

This will most likely be the best spec in raids, with the 11 in assasination supporting a sustained DPS.

Note: Dirty Deeds is changing so that the damage of all special abilities is increased by 20% when the target is under 35% hp. This makes it still a neccessary talent if you are raiding, as bosses stay under 35% hp for a long time. (I am unsure whether this damage increase also applies to the hemo debuff, any info on this?)

4/33/24 - 0/37/24 - 0/33/28 - 0/31/30


These four are essentially the same, different stuff done with the talent points at the end.

In all four builds elusiveness has two points in, personally i will probably use those two points in Setup instead, as with ghostly strike and the two uses of evasion (dur to preparation) il get a greater combo point generation.

Many other filler talents are interchangeable, and the weapon spec obviously needs to be changed depending upon the weapons you use.

17/3/41 - 21/0/40

Many people have ideas of speccing hemo like this. I have one friend who is going to, so if you have to, go something like this:


The second spec there has imp evis and CB, so you can finish with a CB and big Evis reliably.
If you absolutely have to spec this, then cos you haven't picked up any weapon specialisations you aren't restricted on weapon choice. This means go for the biggest, slowest weapon in you MH you can get, probably a sword. In the off hand get the fastest dagger you can get with a decent dps. The reason for this is an increased OH speed will eat up the extra damage from hemo quicker (before debuff is refreshed), as well as poison procs and ench procs, and spell interupts, etc.

24/13/24 Cold Blood/Prep (thanks to Galeo)

Gets the standard low tier points from Assas, with imp evis and CB for a decent burst. Probably more viable against warriors, with imp expose armor and vile poisons opened up. This particular one has taken fleet footedness, which in combination with imp sprint will still help maneuvrability (in arena?).
Though notably no DW spec or AR.

The talent point in Ghostly strike can be moved... its not cheap energy wise for the damage, but i still think its worth it, especially if you have Setup.

Please also see

Criticism is appreciated. If there's anything missing/incorrect here please say and il stick it in this OP.

[ Post edited by Deadeight ]
Poster: Salthem at 2007-11-14 08:35:23
Subject: Re: THE Hemo Thread
/Bluetag on this thread too, to aid visibility.

I will add this to the Subtlety builds section of the Informative and useful Rogue threads sticky aswell so you can stick to the discussion without worrying about bumps:

"My grandfather informs me that this is not possible."
Poster: Deadeight at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: THE Hemo Thread
Ok, theres so many hemo threads now its ridiculous. I hope to collate all the ideas so when the new people come on the forums they can just look here instead of starting yet another thread.

First of all, Hemo is not a spec for Daggers. You don't use daggers; im surprised how many people keep asking this. It is generally accepted that you use swords if you are PvE orientated and maces if you are PvP orientated, due to the weapon specialisation talents in the combat tree.
You use Hemo instead of SS. Therefore you dont pick up any sinsiter strike talents.

For a nice look at the viability of hemo in raids, please see

Common Builds

11/26/24 (or variations upon)
Some filler talents can change.

This will be the best spec in raids, with the 11 in assasination supporting a sustained DPS.

The addition of preparation here is not neccessary, and could be used elsewhere. Since you dont have AR, prep doesnt really reset any useful raiding CDs. If you are pure raid, and raid only, you'd be best putting it into Weapon Expertise or something.

Note: Dirty Deeds has changed so that the damage of all special abilities is increased by 20% when the target is under 35% hp. This makes it still a neccessary talent if you are raiding, as bosses stay under 35% hp for a long time. (I am unsure whether this damage increase also applies to the hemo debuff, any info on this?)

4/33/24 - 0/37/24 - 0/33/28 - 0/31/30


These four are essentially the same, different stuff done with the talent points at the end.

In all four builds elusiveness has two points in, personally i will probably use those two points in Setup instead, as with ghostly strike and the two uses of evasion (due to preparation) il get a greater combo point generation.

0/33/28 proves to be the best in arena, though 0/31/30 is surprisingly viable in raids, as your AP is huge, especially with all the raid buffs.

Many other filler talents are interchangeable, and the weapon spec obviously needs to be changed depending upon the weapons you use.

17/3/41 - 21/0/40

Many people have ideas of speccing hemo like this. I have one friend who is going to, so if you have to, go something like this:


The second spec there has imp evis and CB, so you can finish with a CB and big Evis reliably.
If you absolutely have to spec this, then cos you haven't picked up any weapon specialisations you aren't restricted on weapon choice. This means go for the biggest, slowest weapon in you MH you can get, probably a sword. In the off hand get the fastest dagger you can get with a decent dps. The reason for this is an increased OH speed will eat up the extra damage from hemo quicker (before debuff is refreshed), as well as poison procs and ench procs, and spell interupts, etc.

24/13/24 Cold Blood/Prep (thanks to Galeo)

Gets the standard low tier points from Assas, with imp evis and CB for a decent burst. Probably more viable against warriors, with imp expose armor and vile poisons opened up. This particular one has taken fleet footedness, which in combination with imp sprint will still help maneuvrability (in arena?).
Though notably no DW spec or AR.

The talent point in Ghostly strike can be moved... its not cheap energy wise for the damage, but i still think its worth it, especially if you have Setup.

Please also see

Criticism is appreciated. If there's anything missing/incorrect here please say and il stick it in this OP.

[ Post edited by Deadeight ]

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