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Poster: Rainmann at 2007-09-28 21:51:29
Subject: Explain plz....
Sry for my english, its not my main!

Serios... I dont. get it!!!

I know blizzard will nail my noble parts to a burning house, becaurse I link to other posts and its a locked one!! But I can't see why you most close the opener! Its a simple game issue.
Seriosly, I can't imagine it's becaurse I use caps in the title! If it is, you guys should get bigger shoes.

Serios - Am I the only one who think blizzard is acting like a dictator who only grants limited oppertunities to speech freely - you know, like the backbone in western democracy, freedom of spech!!
Its cool you have forum rules to help making it a clean forum, but omg.
Fx it's not allowed to call for nerfs??? How are we -paying customers - going to inform you - gamedevelopers - about the situation and frustration in the game!! This is the ONLY link to you and the only way to open a debat against areas in the game, which seems unbalanced. But maybe you really don't give a **** about what the payong customers think.

I asked in the opener for a simple answer to help with an in-game problem! Serios, you lack in customer support makes this the only place I can go with my in-game problem. Not to get help from you guys, but from one of your other playing customers.

Btw, I still need an answer to my opener.......
Poster: Aeus at 2007-09-28 21:51:29
Subject: Re: Explain plz....
Rainmann, it IS explained. We have forum guidelines posted where everyone can read them. So stick to them or, if you don't like them, use a different forum.

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