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Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes

* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)

(Last update 2008-07-18 15:08 Pacific)
to be continued...

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
All of the GetPlayerBuff* functions have been removed. In addition, there is a new function called UnitAura and CancelPlayerBuff, UnitBuff, and UnitDebuff are modified slightly.

The functions in question look like so:


name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

Some points of interest:
1) The "filter" parameter is a consolidation of the old GetPlayerBuff filter and the raidFilter parameter from the old UnitBuff/UnitDebuff.
It may have any combination of the following values:

Like in GetPlayerBuff, a "|" character delimits multiple filters. For example, UnitAura("HELPFUL|RAID") will return only buffs that you can cast on your raid and UnitAura("HARMFUL|RAID") will return only buffs that you can dispel from your raid. By default, UnitAura will implicitly set "HELPFUL" as part of its filter value, unless you specify "HARMFUL" as part of its filter. You can only get back one or the other. Passing "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" as a filter to either UnitBuff or UnitDebuff is meaningless and will be ignored since UnitBuff is essentially a shortcut for UnitAura with "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter and UnitDebuff is a shortcut for UnitAura with "HARMFUL" as an implicit filter.

2) Since there is no more GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft function, you will have to keep your own countdown variable if you want to show a buff countdown on your UI. We decided that there would be too much of a performance hit to call a UnitAuraTimeLeft function in an OnUpdate.

3) The untilCanceled return value is another carry over from GetPlayerBuff*. true basically means the buff doesn't have its own duration (totem buffs and stealth are great examples), false typically means it does have a duration (and therefore a timeLeft).
Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play (*cheering as the crowd goes wild*).

To facilitate this, many settings have been moved to CVars, eliminating the following functions:

The following functions have been added:
value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.

You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions:
These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.

The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
We're working on converting the Blizzard UI to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so we're going to have an extra long PTR phase so AddOn authors can make sure they get all their code converted over to the new style.
You can actually start converting and testing your code in the live 2.4 build. A full list of the new style arguments is available here:

[ Post edited by Slouken ]
Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Can we still use the normal GetCVar on boolean vars for shortcuts like SetCVar("blah", 1 - GetCVar("blah")) ?

Yes, GetCVarBool() is just a convenience function.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:

Has the size of macros using the Blizzard macro interface increased from 255?

No, it hasn't.
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes

* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* Slash command handlers have a new 'self' parameter before the message that is the edit box the command ran from, this means all slash command handlers must be updated to include it or they will not work. !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)

(Last update 2008-07-19 14:12 Pacific)
to be continued...

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 11:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Heya folks,

We've revised the changes to slash commands so the msg argument is still first - they now work as follows:

SlashCmdList["SLASHCMD"] = function (msg, editBox) end;

This should allow everyone's slash command handlers to function without requiring rewriting!

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes

* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* UPDATED: In the current beta build slash command handlers have a new 'self' parameter before the message that is the edit box the command ran from. As this is a cause of major backward incompatibility the change is going to be reversed and the editBox will come AFTER the message -- ETA unknown !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)

(Last update 2008-07-21 12:41 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 16:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
In 3.0, we've fixed unit functions (such as UnitExists) so that they work for units whose unit names start with unit tokens.

Previously unit functions would return nothing for units whose names started with unit token (for example, UnitExists("Petlover") would return nil).

This should be fixed, and they now should all work correctly! Thanks everyone for the reports.

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes

* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* UPDATED: In the current beta build slash command handlers have a new 'self' parameter before the message that is the edit box the command ran from. As this is a cause of major backward incompatibility the change is going to be reversed and the editBox will come AFTER the message -- ETA unknown !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)

(Last update 2008-07-24 22:37 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes

* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* UPDATED: In the current beta build slash command handlers have a new 'self' parameter before the message that is the edit box the command ran from. As this is a cause of major backward incompatibility the change is going to be reversed and the editBox will come AFTER the message -- ETA unknown !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)

* The latest beta build has a substantial number of new API functions for 'Companions' (CallCompanion, GetCompanionInfo, GetNumCompanions, PickupCompanion) which manage "CRITTER" and "MOUNT" companions -- looks like this may be the non-combat pet API we've been waiting for!

(Last update 2008-07-28 23:46 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
Is it likely (or even possible) we'll get to see source information being added to SPELL_AURA_ events in the combat log? From the point of view, as a hot/dot tracking addon author, this would be like xmas coming early (over the top I know, but i'd <3 to see this happen); even if its just the GUID without associated name or flags, it would still be really useful.

No, the client doesn't have this information.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Vanity pet and mount items have been converted over to spells for the companion UI.

There are two types of companions, "CRITTER" and "MOUNT"

There is a new event which is sent to notify the UI that it should update, if visible.
If the type is nil, the UI should update if it's visible, regardless of which type it's managing. If the type is non-nil, then it will be either "CRITTER" or "MOUNT" and that signifies that the active companion has changed and the UI should update if it's currently showing that type.

There are several new companion script API functions:
Return the number of that type of companion available:
count = GetNumCompanions(type)

Return information about the specified companion:
creatureID, creatureName, spellID, icon, active = GetCompanionInfo(type, index)

Place the corresponding spell into the cursor for placing on the action bar:
PickupCompanion(type, index)

Cast the corresponding spell to summon your companion or mount up. Note that this spell cast is currently not protected from AddOns, which means they can mount or call vanity pets at will.
CallCompanion(type, index)

Added PlayerModel:SetCreature(creatureID)
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes

* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* UPDATED: In the current beta build slash command handlers have a new 'self' parameter before the message that is the edit box the command ran from. As this is a cause of major backward incompatibility the change is going to be reversed and the editBox will come AFTER the message -- ETA unknown !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)

* Mounts and non-combat pets have been changed to be spell rather than item based, and there's a new API to query and use them. (CallCompanion, GetCompanionInfo, GetNumCompanions, PickupCompanion - which manage "CRITTER" and "MOUNT" companions) - See slouken's post below for details.

(Last update 2008-08-03 12:20 Pacific)

[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Texture:SetTexture() has a new parameter to specify whether tiling should be enabled for that texture.

texture:SetTexture("file", true)
texture:SetTexCoord(0, 4, 0, 1)
would tile the texture four times horizontally.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Added FOCUSCAST click modifier, which defaults to nothing, but can be bound to a modifier.

For example, if you usually have the "Auto Self Cast" interface option on and want to remap ALT-cast to cast on your focus target, you could do this:
/script SetModifiedClick("SELFCAST", nil)
/script SetModifiedClick("FOCUSCAST", "ALT")

We plan to add a way to set this in the interface options UI.
Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 16:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Aggro Warning System

(this is always true of anything posted here, but this is still in active development)

First, some definitions:
* mob - enemy creature
* threat list - a mob's list of possible targets, along with each possible target's current threat value
* threat situation - the situation that a unit is currently in (either globally, or with respect to a certain mob)
* scaled percentage - a threat percentage, where 100% means you will pull aggro (become the primary target of the mob), and thus this % cannot be higher than 100% under normal circumstances
* raw threat percentage - the percentage of the units threat when divided by the threat of the mob's current primary target, this % CAN be over 100%

Now the API functions:

state = UnitThreatSituation(unit, mob)

Returns the unit's threat situation with respect to the given mob. The state can be one of the following values:
nil = the unit is not on the mob's threat list
0 = 0-99% raw threat percentage (no indicator shown)
1 = 100% or more raw threat percentage (yellow warning indicator shown)
2 = tanking, other has 100% or more raw threat percentage (orange indicator shown)
3 = tanking, all others have less than 100% raw percentage threat (red indicator shown)

state = UnitThreatSituation(unit)

Returns the unit's maximum threat state on any mob's threat list.

isTanking, state, scaledPercent, rawPercent, threatValue = UnitDetailedThreatSituation(unit, mob)

Returns detailed information about the unit's state on the mob's threat list.
isTanking is true if the unit the primary target of the mob (and by definition has 100% threat)
state is the unit's threat situation, as listed above.
scaledPercent is the current percent threat of the unit, scaled in the 0-100% range based on distance from target.
rawPercent is the current percent threat of the unit relative to the primary target of the mob.
threatValue is the amount of threat that the unit has on the mob's threat list. This is roughly approximate to the amount of damage and healing the unit has done.

r, g, b = GetThreatStatusColor(state)

Returns the colors used in the UI to represent each major threat state.
Now the new events:


* fired when a mob has its threat list updated. The mob that had its list updated is the first parameter of the event.


* fired when a unit's threat situation changes. The unit that had a change in threat situation is the first parameter of the event. Note that this only triggers when major state changes, not when the raw threat values change.
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

* The old crafting API's have finally been retired and enchanting moved onto the more common tradeskill API

* UPDATED: The incompatible slash command change has been reverted.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar
* There is a new FOCUSCAST click modifier (with no default value) which will cause spells to be cast on your focus.

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, timeLeft, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the time left and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

* The old crafting API's have finally been retired and enchanting moved onto the more common tradeskill API

* UPDATED: The incompatible slash command change has been reverted.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar
* There is a new FOCUSCAST click modifier (with no default value) which will cause spells to be cast on your focus.

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiryTime, untilCanceled = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiryTime, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiryTime, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the expiry time and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 16:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
With the release of 3.0, we've made a couple fixes to GetInventoryItemsForSlot().

It now correctly:
- Finds and returns information for relics
- Looks through bank bags and returns the proper flag

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 19:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
With the release of 3.0, sliders now have enable/disable functionality that prevents their values from being changed by moving their thumbs.

New functionality is as follows:

Slider:IsEnabled() (returns 1 or nil)

There haven't been any changes to the display code for sliders, so if you want any textures to change when you change slider states, you'll still need to manage this yourself.

[ Post edited by Zootfizzle ]

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 23:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Q u o t e:
UnitBuff and UnitAura seem to be broken on beta, untilCancelled is always 1 no matter what. For the Alchemist's Stone buff it's giving 1, but for Gift of the Wild it's 1 as well.

The new parameters and return values are:
name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, isMine, isStealable = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"])

UnitBuff() and UnitDebuff() are aliases for UnitAura() with built in helpful/harmful filters.

The filter set is a space or | separated list of these tokens:
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 11:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

By popular demand, we have modified GetNextAchievement(). It now returns two values, the ID of the following achievement and whether or not the following achievement has been completed.

For example, on a level 58 Deathknight:
- GetNextAchievement(9) returns '10, true'
- GetNextAchievement(10) returns '11'

I never met a sprocket I didn't like!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

* The old crafting API's have finally been retired and enchanting moved onto the more common tradeskill API

* UPDATED: The incompatible slash command change has been reverted.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar
* There is a new FOCUSCAST click modifier (with no default value) which will cause spells to be cast on your focus.

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, isMine, isStealable = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]) -- !!! Updated !!!
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiryTime, untilCanceled = UnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
name, rank, texture, count, debuffType, duration, expiryTime, untilCanceled = UnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the expiry time and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 15:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
Heya Tenge!

Can you post the rest of the function around where your error is occurring? It looks like the "self" reference you're using is probably just invalid.

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List
This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion (3.0) repease. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes.

IMPORTANT: Off-topic or entirely redundant posts are liable to get deleted. It is however in everyone's best interest to not post them in the first place - We'd rather slouken could spend his time coding us cool things than moderating this thread!

Significant Changes
* The blizzard UI is being converted to use 'self' and the other local arguments in favor of 'this' and argN. The old style arguments are going to be obsoleted, so AddOn code needs to be updated too. This may mean there are changes in the signatures of Blizzard UI functions - update code that hooks or replaces the blizzard UI where necessary as well. !!!

* The SecureStateHeader has been replaced by a new secure template which allows for a more natural specification of rules in lua rather than via complex state tables. More details will be forthcoming. !!!

* Key bindings, macros, and many UI settings are now stored on the server and will be available wherever you play.

* Button objects appear to no longer have their own internal Font objects, and have replaced the various methods to alter them with methods to reference existing Font objects to use for each state (SImple color changes can still be done without creating your own Font objects by using the |c color escape)

* The old crafting API's have finally been retired and enchanting moved onto the more common tradeskill API

* UPDATED: The incompatible slash command change has been reverted.

Settings and Preferences
* The following functions have been replaced with server-stored cvars: SetAutoLootDefault(), GetAutoLootDefault(), ShowNameplates(), HideNameplates(), ShowFriendNameplates(), HideFriendNameplates()
* Saving the settings on the server can be disabled by setting the "synchronizeSettings" cvar to 0. You can then use the new UploadSettings() and DownloadSettings() functions to manage synchronization manually.
* NEW value = GetCVarBool("cvar") - Returns the value of the cvar as 1 or nil instead of requiring you to compare the cvar value with "0" or "1"
* NEW name, defaultValue, serverStoredAccountWide, serverStoredPerCharacter = GetCVarInfo("cvar") - Returns information about the named cvar
* There is a new FOCUSCAST click modifier (with no default value) which will cause spells to be cast on your focus.

* You can now maintain a backup copy of your macros and restore them at any time with the following functions: BackupMacros(), RestoreMacros(). These functions can not be called by AddOns while you are in combat.
* The number of account-wide macros has been increased to 36.

Buff Information
* The various GetPlayerBuff functions have been removed and integrated into the appropriate unit functions, adding a new UnitAura function and updating the others:

The new parameters and return values are:
name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, isMine, isStealable = UnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"])

UnitBuff() and UnitDebuff() are aliases for UnitAura() with built in helpful/harmful filters.

CancelPlayerBuff([index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

GameTooltip:SetUnitAura("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);
GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff("unit", [index] or ["name", "rank"][, "filter"]);

* The "filter" parameter can be any of "HELPFUL", "HARMFUL", "PLAYER", "RAID", "CANCELABLE", "NOT_CANCELABLE". You can also specify several filters separated by a space or | character to chain multiple filters together (e.g. "HELPFUL|RAID" == helpful buffs that you can cast on your raid). By default UnitAura has "HELPFUL" as an implicit filter - you cannot get back BOTH helpful and harmful at the same time. Neither "HELPFUL" or "HARMFUL" have meaning for UnitBuff/UnitDebuff, and will be ignored.
* AddOns displaying remaining time should cache the expiry time and decrement their own counter, do not re-query the information every OnUpdate.
* The untilCanceled return value is true if the buff doesn't have its own duration (e.g. stealth)


[ Post edited by Iriel ]

UI and Macros Forum MVP - Understand GC!
Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 11:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 16:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 16:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 16:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 19:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 23:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 11:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 15:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 12:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 13:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 12:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 10:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 11:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 16:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 16:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 16:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 19:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 23:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 11:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 15:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 12:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 13:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 12:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 10:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 12:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 10:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 15:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 15:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 18:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 22:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 10:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 14:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 11:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 12:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 11:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 09:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 10:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 15:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 15:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 18:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 22:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 10:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 14:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 09:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 12:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 11:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 12:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 11:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 12:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 10:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 15:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 15:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 18:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 22:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 10:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 14:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 11:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 12:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 11:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 09:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 12:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 10:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 15:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 15:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 18:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 22:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 10:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 14:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 11:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 12:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 11:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 09:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2009-01-06 17:45:09
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 12:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0.x Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 10:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 15:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 14:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 11:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 12:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 11:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 15:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 18:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 22:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 10:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 09:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2009-01-06 17:45:09
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 12:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0.x Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 13:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 10:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 15:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 10:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 14:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 15:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 18:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 22:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 10:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 14:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 09:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 11:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 12:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 11:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 09:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2009-01-06 17:45:09
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Iriel at 2008-07-18 13:58:50
Subject: Upcoming 3.0.x Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:45:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:46:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 14:47:02
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 11:16:42
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 16:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 16:10:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-27 16:41:41
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-28 19:49:39
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-28 23:23:25
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 11:12:22
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-08-29 15:51:47
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:05:18
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-17 10:06:05
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-19 12:32:23
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-09-19 13:42:51
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-09-21 12:51:38
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-10-17 10:25:15
Subject: Re: BackpackTokenFrame_Update()

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2009-01-06 18:45:09
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:02:54
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-07-18 15:03:43
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Zootfizzle at 2008-07-21 16:31:26
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:01:01
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-03 11:57:20
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:35:45
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List

Poster: Slouken at 2008-08-08 15:38:21
Subject: Re: Upcoming 3.0 Changes - Concise List


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