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Poster: Nostro at 2007-02-05 16:45:16
Subject: Netherdrakes
I was wondering if someone might have some information about when or how we might be able to get a netherdrake flying mount. I think a safe bet is that it will have something to do with the Netherwing Faction, but who knows could be another way. I know there has been talk of drops from raids so that is also covered. A slight issue I have is that in 10+days is that after 3 months of arena matches, the rumor is that the top rated players will be able to recieve purchase an armored Netherdrake mount. If this is not true, I appologize for my ignorance.
If this is true, however, I think it is somewhat unfair that those of us who do not do arena matches are left out on this. Before people bite my head off on this, I am in no way trying to say that the people doing the arenas will not be earning that netherdrake, the cross server battlegroups will ensure tough competition, and see to it that not many are available. Now, for all of the talk and "suggestions" from pvp players on having access to better quality gear, I think as a pve player I am allowed the same courteousy. Not trying to start a flame war out of this, just want to know if there is some way for others to get this type of a mount. Whether it is being given the opportunity to start earning more rep with the Netherwing if that is how it is done or at the very least a hint of what we can expect in the future. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-05 17:35:55
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes
Weird, I know I posted about this last Thursday. Well anyway, the armored Netherdrake will be available through the arenas as a reward, and a Netherdrake that has a distinctly different appearance from the armored Netherdrake will be available through a quest line which has not yet been implemented. It's likely that it will be implemented with the next major content patch.

They're both epic flying mounts, just to clear up any confusion on their speed.

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-05 17:48:07
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes

Q u o t e:

With all due respect, Drysc, your post last week about this did not have any mention of the magic words "not yet implemented". :p

No, no, not that one. It was almost exactly the same as what I just wrote... maybe I'm going crazy.

Q u o t e:
Very cool, are they both +280, or is one 280 and the other 310?

As far as I'm aware the current plan is to make them both the same speed, which I believe is planned for 310%, a bit faster than the purchasable epic flying mounts. That's of course subject to change.

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-05 17:57:52
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes

Q u o t e:
And can you tell us anything about the content of the next major content patch, other than this questline? I won't ask for an ETA....

Not really, it's all a bit hush hush right now. I wish I could, there's some exciting stuff.

I can say that the team matching system for the battlegrounds currently appears to still be on schedule for release with it though.

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-08 19:26:18
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes
I've been able to gather a little more information which should help set some of the information straight.

The swift (armored) nether drake which is a seasonal arena reward will be a 310% speed flying mount.

The (unarmored) nether drake will be obtained through a quest (which is planned to be implemented in a future patch) and will be a 280% speed flying mount. This nether drake is intended to supply players with a cool new epic mount and won't require any tasks within raid encounters. It's a reward that all players can work towards, but it will still be difficult to obtain.

There is another mount that is 310% speed that is yet undiscovered which is intended to be an equally rare and difficult to obtain equivalent to the arena reward. That's the only information we're able to give at this time.

[ Post edited by Drysc ]

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Nostro at 2007-02-05 17:45:16
Subject: Netherdrakes
I was wondering if someone might have some information about when or how we might be able to get a netherdrake flying mount. I think a safe bet is that it will have something to do with the Netherwing Faction, but who knows could be another way. I know there has been talk of drops from raids so that is also covered. A slight issue I have is that in 10+days is that after 3 months of arena matches, the rumor is that the top rated players will be able to recieve purchase an armored Netherdrake mount. If this is not true, I appologize for my ignorance.
If this is true, however, I think it is somewhat unfair that those of us who do not do arena matches are left out on this. Before people bite my head off on this, I am in no way trying to say that the people doing the arenas will not be earning that netherdrake, the cross server battlegroups will ensure tough competition, and see to it that not many are available. Now, for all of the talk and "suggestions" from pvp players on having access to better quality gear, I think as a pve player I am allowed the same courteousy. Not trying to start a flame war out of this, just want to know if there is some way for others to get this type of a mount. Whether it is being given the opportunity to start earning more rep with the Netherwing if that is how it is done or at the very least a hint of what we can expect in the future. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-05 18:35:55
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes
Weird, I know I posted about this last Thursday. Well anyway, the armored Netherdrake will be available through the arenas as a reward, and a Netherdrake that has a distinctly different appearance from the armored Netherdrake will be available through a quest line which has not yet been implemented. It's likely that it will be implemented with the next major content patch.

They're both epic flying mounts, just to clear up any confusion on their speed.

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-05 18:48:07
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes

Q u o t e:

With all due respect, Drysc, your post last week about this did not have any mention of the magic words "not yet implemented". :p

No, no, not that one. It was almost exactly the same as what I just wrote... maybe I'm going crazy.

Q u o t e:
Very cool, are they both +280, or is one 280 and the other 310?

As far as I'm aware the current plan is to make them both the same speed, which I believe is planned for 310%, a bit faster than the purchasable epic flying mounts. That's of course subject to change.

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-05 18:57:52
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes

Q u o t e:
And can you tell us anything about the content of the next major content patch, other than this questline? I won't ask for an ETA....

Not really, it's all a bit hush hush right now. I wish I could, there's some exciting stuff.

I can say that the team matching system for the battlegrounds currently appears to still be on schedule for release with it though.

so it is, so it's always been
Poster: Drysc at 2007-02-08 20:26:18
Subject: Re: Netherdrakes
I've been able to gather a little more information which should help set some of the information straight.

The swift (armored) nether drake which is a seasonal arena reward will be a 310% speed flying mount.

The (unarmored) nether drake will be obtained through a quest (which is planned to be implemented in a future patch) and will be a 280% speed flying mount. This nether drake is intended to supply players with a cool new epic mount and won't require any tasks within raid encounters. It's a reward that all players can work towards, but it will still be difficult to obtain.

There is another mount that is 310% speed that is yet undiscovered which is intended to be an equally rare and difficult to obtain equivalent to the arena reward. That's the only information we're able to give at this time.

[ Post edited by Drysc ]

so it is, so it's always been

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