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Poster: Hortus at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: TESTING REQUEST: Crash reports
Hello Everyone.

I need some assistance from some technically savvy players on the PTR.

We are currently not receiving any crash reports from the PTR, this means one of two things...
1. This is the best build ever and there are no crashes.
2. There is something wrong with our crash reporting tool.

I highly suspect the answer is number 2 but we are not having any problems reporting crashes internally or via an outside connection.

What I would like is someone to force a crash on their PTR and then let us know if the tool comes up and what It says.

*If you are in any way unsure of your technical abilities please do not attempt this*

Follow these steps to invoke a crash on the PTR client.
1. Exit out of WoW.
2. Go into your WoWtest folder and find the "Data" Folder.
3. Move the Data Folder to your desktop.
4. Restart WoW.
5. -->You game should crash and display the crash reporting tool.
6. Please put "PTR FOCUS TEST CRASH" in the description field and hit submit.
7. Post here in this thread with the first few lines of the crash report so we can verify that it got to us.

Once you are done move the Data folder back into your WoWtest folder and the PTR should run correctly again.

**Again if you are in any way unsure of what you are doing, please do not attempt this.**

Blizzard QA
"Random does not mean fair, and past results do not influence future occurrences." - Corbenn
Poster: Hortus at 2007-09-25 12:27:32
Subject: Re: TESTING REQUEST: Crash reports
Ok thanks everyone we instantly got several dozen crash reports submitted.

We don't need anymore unless they are legitimate crashes.

Blizzard QA
"Random does not mean fair, and past results do not influence future occurrences." - Corbenn
Poster: Hortus at 2007-09-25 12:27:32
Subject: Re: TESTING REQUEST: Crash reports
Ok I notice that all of these reports say the version is 7286, but the current version should be 7304.

Those of you that have already submitted reports, are you able to get onto the PTR right now?

Blizzard QA
"Random does not mean fair, and past results do not influence future occurrences." - Corbenn

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