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Poster: Elistra at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Bad parents, part II
For your amusement and edification, the original thread lies here:

Now then, where was I...?

Q u o t e:
The fact that you dare to repeat yourself as though you think you have cornered me is very annoying.

Stop evading the question, and I shall stop asking it. When someone asks you a question, unless it is a very personal one (how many people you've slept with, the color of your underwear, etc.), it is only common courtesy to answer it.

Humor me.... was it or was it not morally alright to bomb the civilians of Germany, in order to stop Hitler? ;)

Q u o t e:
You are very smarmy and show evidence of a satanic temptress mind.

Satanic temptress? No. Although it is flattering, I am one of those rare people who cannot be bought with flattery. As both an archivist and a human being, I am but a humble functionary in a larger mechanism.

You are too... the difference is that it bothers you. ;)

[ Post edited by Elistra ]
Poster: Kyzoc at 2007-09-22 11:22:34
Subject: Re: Bad parents, part II
When a thread is moved to another forum, reposting the thread again in the original forum is considered to be circumventing the moderation process.

However feel free to continue posting in such threads at the location they were moved to.

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