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Poster: Annivar at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Why, Why, Why. . .
Why do they call it "trolling" the forums. I personally have met many I likable and courteous troll and Azeroth and feel that this promotes an unfair stereotype.
Poster: Nethaera at 2007-09-07 15:52:10
Subject: Re: Why, Why, Why. . .

troll1 /troʊl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[trohl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation,
–verb (used with object)
1. to sing or utter in a full, rolling voice.
2. to sing in the manner of a round or catch.
3. to fish for or in with a moving line, working the line up or down with a rod, as in fishing for pike, or trailing the line behind a slow-moving boat.
4. to move (the line or bait) in doing this.
5. to cause to turn round and round; roll.
6. Obsolete. to hand around, as a bowl of liquor at table.
–verb (used without object)
7. to sing with a full, rolling voice; give forth full, rolling tones.
8. to be uttered or sounded in such tones.
9. to fish by trolling.
10. to roll; turn round and round.
11. to move nimbly, as the tongue in speaking.
12. a song whose parts are sung in succession; a round.
13. the act of trolling.
14. a lure used in trolling for fish.
15. the fishing line containing the lure and hook for use in trolling.

I'm sure the Trolls love you though no matter how misplaced your defense of them. ;) Congratulations on your successful troll though!

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