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Poster: Nyctemaria at 2007-09-07 08:51:09
Subject: Nerf Deadly Throw
I'm sick of it getting spammed on me 5 times in a row while Im trying to escape from a gank of 4 Horde. Im not even being attacked by a Rogue. Just spammed with Deadly Throw. 5 seconds reduced movement speed. which turns out to be 20-25 seconds, while they're spamming it.

I just tried to run from a Rogue and Mage chasing me. I turned to kill the Mage, he's dead, I run for the healing hut, and the Rogue just spammed it. It's ridiculous.
Poster: Nethaera at 2007-09-07 08:51:09
Subject: Re: Nerf Deadly Throw
I'm still nerfing "nerf" threads. They are generally unproductive for conversation and just create a lot of back and forth arguing vs. more constructive conversation. Please don't create more nerf threads.

What we focus on, we empower and enlarge. Good multiplies when focused upon. Negativity multiplies when focused upon. The choice is ours: Which do we want more of?- Julia Cameron

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