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Poster: Marugavin at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: BLIZZARD~~~Racials need to be redone~~~
Racials need to be redone. They are imbalanced, especially in the expansion age. They greatly effect PvP and PvE as well.Though some will attempt to deny it, this is fact.

I suggest taking all the racials and putting them into seperate pools. Then allowing people to choose one racial from each pool. This would prevent someone from loading up on all the good racials but still allow people to choose their racial and their will be alot less complaints about racials. Change the racials name to "traits" and maybe rename some of the "traits"

Racials sounds nice in theory but it fails in practice. It is too hard to balance game altering abilites when combined with trying to balance classes as well. Make no mistake, racials play a huge impact in pvp. The only solution is to redo them.

Also I would suggest adding in a way to change your trait/racials akin to respeccing. Perhaps 20-50g per change. This would allow changing a char around a little for pvp and pve the way people respec for them.
Poster: Kyzoc at 2007-09-02 10:22:21
Subject: Re: BLIZZARD~~~Racials need to be redone~~~
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