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Poster: Mahad at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: [Bug] Scratchy sound
i know this has been brought up like 500+ times but this is getting ridicolous the sound is so bad that you could easily mistake me for eating rice crispie cereal...when this phase of testing just started i didnt really have any problems with the sound then after a few patches it got really bad and since the last patch i have to turn off my sound completely to stop it...i suck hardcore without sound -_- is there any way to fix this yet? my computer program im using is vista if that helps

Edit: and yes i read the stickies so dont bug me with that i couldnt understand it cause im not a very good computer person

[ Post edited by Mahad ]

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Poster: Hortus at 2007-09-07 12:57:20
Subject: Re: [Bug] Scratchy sound
In order to identify and fix the issue we need the SEsound and Dxdiag information for your computer.
Please follow the instructions in this thread to provide that information.

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