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Poster: Demonicnite at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Exception to TOS Blizz????
I know according to the TOS u are not aloud to give (gift) an account to someone else. But why cant Blizz make it possible to do this to people leaving the game. I'm sure there is a way they can track to make sure that a person is not making toons over and over again and doing whatever with. for myself, I am leaving the game for sometime (do to a deployment) and really have no desire to return, but would like to hand the toons i have to a RL friend or guild that would like a second account. To me it would be a win/win for both, Blizz still gets their $15 a month from this account and I would get to pass this off to a freind that would use it. Hell i would even give them the CD's and what not, I have no need for them or the desire to want to play the game anymore..............
Right now u can pay $25 to x-fer a toon to another server blizz should just add another button to pay X $$$ to transfer an account to the receiving party.

So theres more money for ya blizz, money from the x-fer and the monthly fee (or however they decide to pay) for the new account for them.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-24 13:24:15
Subject: Re: Exception to TOS Blizz????
Hrm, not quite, it's more of an issue of "giving" an account to your "friend".
Poster: Drysc at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: Exception to TOS Blizz????

Q u o t e:
Yes, Giving to already an account holder that already has LvL'ed toons but would like to have this for a 2nd account.

That's great, you're an honest person, unfortunately companies can't develop policies based on honest people.

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