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Poster: Jiant at 2007-08-24 13:24:15
Subject: Hero Classes
So Blizzard has mentioned that other "hero" classes will be considered, including the archmage, the demon hunter, and the like. My main concern with this "hero" system and I use that term losely is that it makes zero sense for someone who has a developed toon to abandon it for a new class. Why would someone who has invested so much time into their class want to abandon it for a new class? Why call them a hero class when they are just new classes? To me the ONLY way to do the hero class system correctly is to allow each class 2-3 choices to "finish" their toon. Allow each class to have 2-3 hero classes available to them to further differentiate them from the other members of their class.

I like my mage, but now that the Archmage is going to be released, what does that say about the ordinary mage? They aren't heros, they are normal classes.. Why would someone want to play a normal class when they could play a hero class? I know i've made this argument before, but i need to make it again because it boggles my mind how Blizzard could make such a horrible mistake in regards to hero classes.

Blizzard, look into SWG and the problems that arose with the Jedi and you might have a better understanding of what you are doing so terribly wrong with this implementation of said hero classes.

I'm speechless at this hapless abandonment of logic.

[ Post edited by Jiant ]
Poster: Bornakk at 2007-08-24 13:24:15
Subject: Re: Hero Classes
Death Knights are something we are very excited about implementing. A lot of people have built up thoughts on how they want the system to work, but if we add a bunch of Hero classes at once, it would greatly skew the balance that we have and on top of this lead to too much complexity in designing and balancing dungeons. We have to think very carefully about what will be the most fun for our players before we can make any final decisions on this.

We will provide more information on Death Knights when details have been finalized.

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