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Poster: Trillninja at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Old School servers. Deff no or maybe CM's.
I would love to hear an answer on this subject and sorry if this has been answered before. Are old school servers being thought about or are they a deffinent no.
While i know you wanna focus on progressing the game, i know a lot of people that would come back to the game and roll on those servers, making you money in the end.

Anyways thanks for your time.
Poster: Nethaera at 2007-08-24 10:27:46
Subject: Re: Old School servers. Deff no or maybe

Q u o t e:
I would love to hear an answer on this subject and sorry if this has been answered before. Are old school servers being thought about or are they a deffinent no.
While i know you wanna focus on progressing the game, i know a lot of people that would come back to the game and roll on those servers, making you money in the end.

Anyways thanks for your time.

No. I'm sorry, but they are not being thought of at this point in time. We are focused on improving what we have both in Azeroth and in continuing to develop for the new content.

[ Post edited by Nethaera ]

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Poster: Nethaera at 2007-11-19 07:51:18
Subject: Re: Old School servers. Deff no or maybe CM's
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