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Poster: Shaake at 2007-08-24 01:24:52
Subject: New Idea for Arena Titles
(taken from the pvp forum)

Blizzard should give titles to low ranking teams to show that they are bad

yes/no ?

i like it.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-24 01:24:52
Subject: Re: New Idea for Arena Titles
Publicly indicating bad behavior or just poor play never really works out. It turns into a weird reward for those that want to test the boundaries.

Long before the game released, and while pvp and the honor system were still in discussion, a popular idea was that if someone got enough dishonorable kills they would have their head placed on a pike in front of a major city.

That's just too cool though, everyone would have been trying to see how many vendors they could kill just so they could get a trophy like that displayed for all to see.

We all want to believe that we all want to do the honorable thing, but it rarely pans out that way. "Lawful Good" are just words.

Hi Faiz!

Go to sleep.

[ Post edited by Drysc ]
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-24 01:24:52
Subject: Re: New Idea for Arena Titles

Q u o t e:

I'm about to. You? ;)

I'll think about it.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-24 01:24:52
Subject: Re: New Idea for Arena Titles

Q u o t e:

are we going to be called

merciless gladiator
merciless duelist
merciless rival
merciless challanger


cos that would suck, i hope you guys can think of something new.

Hrm, well there's a pretty important detail that I think a lot of people glossed over.

Arena titles only last one season.

For instance, I played season 1 and got Rival. For all of season 2 (now) I have that title. When season 2 ends that title is stripped away, and a new title (if warranted) is given.
Poster: Drysc at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Re: New Idea for Arena Titles

Q u o t e:
what about season 2 length. it's quite long, is this intentional? is everyone over 1500 rating supposed to be able to collect every piece of gear this season?

any chance of it being released earlier, so it lasts a similar length to s1? =\

Shiggity shiggity schwa?

Season 1 lasted a little over four months. Right now we're at about two months for season 2.

The seasons are generally intended to coincide with what we feel is appropriate to keep PvP gear progression in-line with PvE. Seasons could be shorter or longer depending on how PvE content and progression works out.

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