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Poster: Knightxl at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Lowered Epic Flying Cost?
i hear they are lowing the cost of epic flying to like 2k gold
anyone know anything on this topic
if so what do you know
and can a blue tell us anything?

Q u o t e:
* The raid color to distinguish paladins will now be hot pink. HOT pink. Mmm. Shake it!
* Removed plate armor for paladins since they all wore priest stuff anyway.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-23 18:52:48
Subject: Re: Lowered Epic Flying Cost?
As Dominitus stated the mount costs going from the original game to BC was lowered to make it a smooth transition ranking through the mount riding skills. Really that 'smoothing' of the riding skill progression, now that it was being extended, was because there was somewhere for it to extend to. Flying mounts were being added. If you start a new character you can get your epic ground mount right around 60 without too much hassle, and then on to your flying mount at 70 without too much hassle.

So really, the lowering of the cost of the flying mounts would really depend on the riding skill being extended further, and at this time there are no plans to do so.

Their system of oppression, what did it lead to? Global robot depression.

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