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Poster: Azithromax at 2007-08-24 11:26:16
Subject: Flying mount money
How did you guys get the money for normal flying mount? I can think quests can do it, but you can only do so much, I'd imagine running instances a lot would help also. I never leveled my professions like I should have so that idea is out, I also thought maybe soloing older instances could work, what did you guys do? share the secrets.

Q u o t e:

From the PTR:
A rogue said the following...
"Why isn't it letting me use two handed swords"
Poster: Nethaera at 2007-08-24 11:26:16
Subject: Re: Flying mount money

Q u o t e:
How did you guys get the money for normal flying mount? I can think quests can do it, but you can only do so much, I'd imagine running instances a lot would help also. I never leveled my professions like I should have so that idea is out, I also thought maybe soloing older instances could work, what did you guys do? share the secrets.

I'm still working on getting mine (I'm not in a huge rush) and I've been mostly, doing quests both regular quests and dailies as well as selling items on the AH.

So please buy buy buy at the AH people. I need my epic flying mount!

It seems that those that actively are working toward getting the money for their mount find it to go much quicker than expected since they are focusing primarily on saving money rather than spending it. Those that are just going along waiting for the money to come, seem to be having a harder time of it.

I've noticed a difference from just going along and letting it ride to being more active about pursuing saving. I know it's no big secret or anything, but it makes a difference on how you set your mind.

*I just saw the "normal" in there after assuming it was for the epic. The normal was easy and I had that pretty fast. Same philosophy though. You just have to want it enough.

[ Post edited by Nethaera ]

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