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Poster: Outstanding at 2007-08-23 19:24:00
Subject: Blue: How much will DK cost?
Alot of quests have a gold component packed other words the player pays gold. I was wondering how much we will have to pay in the DK "quest" so we can start saving now.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-23 19:24:00
Subject: Re: Blue: How much will DK cost?

Q u o t e:
Alot of quests have a gold component packed other words the player pays gold. I was wondering how much we will have to pay in the DK "quest" so we can start saving now.

I don't know what quests you're doing, but I generally receive gold for completing quests.

It's too early to say how the Death Knight will be unlocked exactly, but as stated in a recent interview with Jeff, we're looking at the possibility of not requiring a quest be completed at 80 at all, but just having a higher level character on the account or realm. It's still too early in development to lock anything down, a lot is going to change, even if we have a good enough idea about something to have talked about it at BlizzCon.

We still have a lot of content coming for the game now, and while Wrath is definitely on the horizon, I wouldn't put too much thought into preparing for it just yet.
Poster: Drysc at 2007-08-23 19:24:00
Subject: Re: Blue: How much will DK cost?

Q u o t e:

bah i wanted an epic questline where the character encounters the evil that turns him into a DK, so in thoery ur old character dies (i prob wont play him so much after getting my DK) and is reborn a DK

Trust me, I've heard some of the ideas and thoughts being passed around on how the whole Death Knight thing will go down, and it sounds awesome. We'll do it right.

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