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Poster: Mythril at 2007-08-23 18:52:48
Subject: Professions and hero classes?
Anyword on how professions and hero classes is going to work? I saw the post about the death knight starting at level 55-60 and was wondering how it will work....will the professions "roll over" to the death knight? Will they be reduced to the level 60 limits if they are? Perhaps death knights will start with no professions at all? I would like to know if I need to start stockpiling the mats to lvl a new profession :)

Also I really like the idea of death knights starting at level 55ish..will put the giant swarm of death knights into the old EPL/Silithius zones to start,and give the old world a influx of people.
Poster: Bornakk at 2007-08-23 18:52:48
Subject: Re: Professions and hero classes?
We still have a lot of decisions to make regarding the Death Knight. Once we’re closer to the release of the expansion and these kinds of details are finalized, we’ll provide more information on these types of questions. Currently though it’s just too early to tell.

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