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Poster: Greeg at 2006-10-18 09:11:36
Subject: Rage formula in beta, you won't believe this
From US forum:

and whole thread

I'll just say: prepare for waiting not for cooldowns anymore but for rage... It's not unnoticable nerf. It's huge nerf. You'll never have rage generation similar to current.

It's funny that we received some buffs but also probably biggest nerf ever.
Poster: Crezax at 2006-10-19 08:00:30
Subject: Re: Rage formula in beta, you won't believe t
We’d like to provide some clarity for rage normalisation as players seem to be working it out to be a rather large impact to what they’re able to generate with their current gear:
We have an internal target amount of rage we expect you to generate per second with your weapon. We take that rage-per-second number, multiply it by your weapon speed, and then average that with the rage you would have gained, purely based on the damage dealt.

Some observable effects: If you are doing close to expected damage at your level, crits will only increase your rage gained by about 50%; If you’re geared below the expected level, you will generally generate more rage with your hits than you used to; if you’re geared above the expected level, you will generally generate less rage with your hits than you used to.

In addition, players have been using a lot of numbers they derived from empirical testing at level 60 to try to calculate the rage they get at higher levels, assuming the rage generation formula will follow some linear curve it was following from 1-60. The rage generation curve beyond level 60 takes into account that we are giving out much better green and blue items, and so their empirical testing derived formulas from 1-60 will not be correct from 61-70.

That Crezax, so hot right now!

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