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Poster: Leserre at 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Subject: Joke - TOTAL joke
just chanced upon a hunter in last av.

poison IMMUNE, stun IMMUNE, her pet is poison IMMUNE, her pet can hit harder and FASTER than me with grand marshal's slicer, (which happens to be around 430 or so max dmg and 360 min dmg, and when i hit an armored target it boils down to around 250 on medium, 300 on cloth, 170 on heavy). her pet can do 500 hit including armor reduction every 1 or 1.5 seconds or what.

i tried to gouge the pet, and got an "immune" i dont know if that message was due to crippling poison (which the pet is immune) or gouge.

her pet has STUN for 3 seconds. my greatest stun opener is godfrigging 4 seconds and longest kidney is 6 seconds. also probably had the marksmanship spec that gave stun on hit with change.

on top of that, HUGE hp, mail armor.

despite im muti, and due to muti being much more energy efficient, i can hit harder than a hemo/combat in a short time (of 3-4 seconds), i wasnt able to even dent any hp neither from her nor her pet in 5-6 matchups we made outside fw gy.

in addition, almost many irrelevant classes do easily resist stun TOO often.

and yesterday "developers" came up with a "fix" of "blind" that you all knew about. then retracted it thankfully.

is this a joke ?

im NOT IMMUNE to anything.

i have the LOWEST armor class in the game, with NO mana shield, NO bubble, NO plate, NO reflective %*#%.

i have NO heal. Not even "when you crit you regen 10% of your hp in 12 seconds" - i put a 5 pt rupture on a warrior then vanished to watch, the warrior ACTUALLY AUTO HEALED during rupture ticks, JUST DUE TO TALENT !

i have NO damage.

even my mutilate which does 1000 base damage against poisoned targets, my highest mutilate crit is 1400 or so, and im not gonna talk about how worse it was when i was ar/hemo.

when i go ar/hemo, and try wearing the target down with dps, im made a cc monkey out of. because i dont have any IMMUNITY to any %*#% whatsoever.

a mages fire blast does 1000 dmg minimum alone.

a hunter does 700 damage uncrit.

a hunter's pet can outdamage me.

when i put 150 extra attack power, i gain a WHOPPING 10 DPS and a MIND BOGGLING 17 TO MY BASE WEAPON DAMAGE !!!!!

druids get 700 GODFRIGGING AP with just ONE item. i need to sacrifice sta, agi and hit rating to get pitiful 40--70 ap giving items and donate my toon with them, to still be pathetic damage in regard to what a hunter's pet does.

my stealth is a JOKE.

4 out of 5 every sap i did, hunter easily autotargetted me and sent her pet after me, one sap being done while she was mounted, and i even opened sprint to GET AWAY FAST so she wont be able to notice me.

still, she sent her pet.

stealth is NONE.

theres a question i want to pose to developers who got to their current positions after the 2006 mass exodus of formed developers - ARE YOU TRYING TO SCREW US PAYING CUSTOMERS OF ROGUE CLASS OUT OF 15 EUROS A MONTH WITHOUT GIVING ANYTHING ?

..,,;; Playing the game only until blizz screws up Rogue, the only distinctive class that makes wow different from zillions of other mmogs i played. ;;,,..
Poster: Vaneras at 2007-07-16 02:24:32
Subject: Re: Joke - TOTAL joke
Closing this thread as it has been derailed into somewhat of a nasty flamefest.

Q u o t e:


Your 15 Euros a month does not limit you to play only one class, so if you find that the Rogue class is not performing the way you like and doesn't really fit your style of play, then perhaps it is worth considering playing another class.

Feel free to create a new complaint thread, however please note that it might be a good idea to try and be more constructive and less flamebaiting. That way your thread will have a smaller chance of getting derailed into a flamewar.

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