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Poster: Ralgus at 2006-08-27 11:46:41
Subject: Karazhan will have a chess game.
Are you good at chess?

I'm not.

Poster: Drysc at 2006-08-27 12:10:42
Subject: Re: Karazhan will have a chess game.
There is indeed an encounter currently planned for Karazhan that resembles a chess board, however it is not planned to actually allow (or require) you to play chess. I'm not aware of any specific details for the encounter, but it's probably safe to assume that it won't just be a normal 'pull' room.

No Deep Blue here. We continue to appreciate the presence and value of mini-games however, and we are looking to continue incorporating them. The chess board encounter in Karazhan is not currently planned to be one of them though.

You were not brought upon this world to "get it".

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