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Poster: Kalman at 7/3/2006 4:09:10 AM PDT
Subject: Expose vs. Sunder Stacking (Order)
   Drysc, this is actually a pretty important question, and one I figured the devs might want to or already have thought about.

When these two debuffs are applied, the order in which they're applied matters quite a bit.

Let's say the mob's armor is X, and the Expose reduces it by 50%, while the sunders reduce by 2250 total.

I can think of three options.

1) Expose always applies first. Armor left is:
.5(X) - 2250. If X is 10000, the end result is 2750 armor, damage reduction of ~35% for a 63 opponent.

2) Sunder always applies first. Armor left is:
.5(X - 2250). X is 10000, end is 3875. ~42.5% damage reduction.

3) Stacking depends on order of application. This would be... interesting, because it would favor (while raiding) having a SF rogue open with an ambush and backstab, then exposing, before the tank is allowed to use sunder to generate threat, in order to have the more favorable result.

So, Drysc, which is it? Do you know? Do the devs know? It makes a difference in terms of the power of the ability and the way it can be used; I'd appreciate the devs thinking about it. I imagine it'll be pretty easy to test which is true once all this hits test, but I'd rather know it's been thought about than that it be an afterthought.

edit: Cirrus pointed out a stupid arithmetic error, and to clarify: the reduction numbers presented are how much incoming damage is reduced by, not how much armor is reduced by.

[ post edited by Kalman ]

I feel stabby today.
Poster: Drysc at 7/5/2006 5:34:57 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Expose vs. Sunder Stacking (Order)
   I know that I had hinted at specific functionality, and I take that mistake upon myself for making statements based on information which was not final and/or fully intended. Expose Armor will not stack with Sunder Armor in 1.12.

The changes to make it perform as a percentage is still intended, and it should now give a pretty nice boost against high-armor targets versus the current Expose Armor functionality.

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