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Poster: Geadum at 7/22/2006 6:49:46 AM PDT
Subject: [Bug?] Sandworm not dropping Silithyst??
   Perhaps I don't know all there is to know about the Sandworm, but I've seen the following:

1. When the Sandworm is defeated, he doesn't always drop Silithyst.
2. I'll often see at least three Silithysts on the ground near the Sandworm BEFORE he is defeated.
3. I was able to loot the Sandworm once, but he didn't have any loot on him.

Am I missing something here? Is there a point to defeating this Sandworm? Is Silithyst supposed to spawn nearby AFTER he's defeated?
Poster: Hortus at 7/24/2006 1:54:54 PM PDT
Subject: Re: [Bug?] Sandworm not dropping Silithyst??
   Hi Deadum,

The Sandworms do not drop Silithyst upon death they
"throw" random amounts of Silithyst onto the ground after taking various amounts of damage.
Blizzard QA

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