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Poster: Quonette at 3/12/2006 7:51:32 PM PST
Subject: BUG: Video: Troll Rogues falling into ground.
   So I created a new Troll Rogue on the honor contest test server. Everytime I get in melee with a mob I fall in to the earth like I'm standing in quicksand up to my neck. Sometimes just half of my body disapppers.

Logged out and created new Troll rogue on regular server and there was no issue at all so issue is on test only.

I am playing on an Apple Powerbook G4 1.67 with 10.4.5 and all updates installed.

Hope this helps.

[ post edited by Quonette ]
Poster: Kalron at 3/16/2006 7:25:00 AM PST
Subject: Re: BUG: Video: Troll Rogues falling into ground.
   This was a known issue during the earlier patch 10 builds, but should be fixed at this point.

Have you encountered this at all since the last update to the PTR? (since the build was patched to 5170)
Poster: Kalron at 3/16/2006 7:25:00 AM PST
Subject: Re: BUG: Video: Troll Rogues falling into ground. *edited post*
   This was a known issue during the earlier patch 10 builds, but should be fixed at this point.

Have you encountered this at all since the last update to the PTR? (since the build was patched to 5170)
Poster: Kalron at 3/17/2006 7:52:09 AM PST
Subject: Re: BUG: Video: Troll Rogues falling into gro

Q u o t e:
The Naga casters in Darkshore at the Ruins of Mathystra fall through the ground while casting frostbolt. When the spell finishes they are back to normal until they begin to cast again.

This issue is being addressed as well.
Thank you for the additional report.

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