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Poster: Kayna at 12/28/2005 3:03:51 PM PST
Subject: The Paladin behemoth mentality



To start off, what is it, exactly?
Jesu, beleibet meine Freude!
Poster: Caydiem at 12/28/2005 6:35:03 PM PST
Subject: Re: The Paladin behemoth mentality
   I'll explain.

The "behemoth mentality" isn't actually any one issue or set of issues. It's closer to a "mob mentality", but that has negative connotations and isn't wholly true, either.

Basically, what happens is that one person will start a thread with suggestions, and more and more people of similar mindset -- in this case, 60 Paladins with a similar playstyle -- will build upon this initial idea. But without a devil's advocate to inject a little reality at times, these ideas can become inflated, overblown, and unrealistic. They're difficult to pitch at the best of times for me, personally, since the developers always shoot questions about things back at me, and naturally I don't have the defense for these things because the players didn't, either.

Ahhh, but that's where a devil's advocate comes in.

By consistently challenging this formerly unchallenged, ever-ballooning system, by poking holes in it, the posters are forced to defend their stance. They bring up arguments. They provide reasoning. They rethink their beliefs. Such a challenge makes people revisit what they formerly thought as gospel. No, it might not change their minds -- in fact, it probably won't -- but it does stop the constant build-up and prevents an unrealistic "behemoth" suggestion from being created.

I hope that's more clear.
My heart is locked away in Glastonbury Tor.
Poster: Caydiem at 12/28/2005 6:46:58 PM PST
Subject: Re: The Paladin behemoth mentality

Q u o t e:
We don't have answers for their questions because we don't know what the questions are. All we got was "Your talent review is done" or "Working as intended"

I think you missed my point.

A well-defended and explained feedback post will have those questions answered already because all angles will be covered. That is harder to do without posters like the ones I mentioned.

In short, those questions were answered, and done so by you folks.
My heart is locked away in Glastonbury Tor.
Poster: Caydiem at 12/28/2005 8:04:09 PM PST
Subject: Re: The Paladin behemoth mentality

Q u o t e:
That's not what she's saying. What she's saying is that if you can't defeat the devil's advocate on the forums than what chance does Cay have of convincing the developers that your idea is a good one. Without someone constantly challenging your ideas than they'll never change or grow. They'll simply stagnate or become god like in power because no one's taking the time to stop and say "wait, that won't work."

Thank you. :)
My heart is locked away in Glastonbury Tor.

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