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Poster: Cladhaire at 6/27/2006 8:24:01 PM PDT
Subject: Slouken: Blizzard_RaidUI loading when no raid
   Slouken, chuckG got in touch with me tonight because MiniBlizzRaid was triggering when users weren't even in raids. It looks like a RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE event is firing after FrameXML\RaidFrame.lua is loaded and triggering the RaidUI_LoadUI() in RaidFrame_OnEvent()

if ( event == "RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE" ) then

Its loading the raid UI prior to any other addons being loaded, so we can't catch it or do anything to prevent it (MiniBlizzRaid is the full LUA/XML without the 180 raid frames, which saved a lot of memory for those who use alternative raid frames).

Any chance you could take a look or pass this on for us? Thanks!
Poster: slouken at 6/28/2006 9:20:13 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Slouken: Blizzard_RaidUI loading when no raid
   I'll take a look when I get some time, thanks!

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