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Poster: Skyline at 4/30/2006 3:28:04 PM PDT
Subject: Lag on EditBox paste
   If you try to paste a really long text into a editbox, you will expirience quite a delay. UI freezes, and the longer the text the longer it freezes. On my machine 40000 letter text paste freezes WoW for about 45 seconds. Here is how you test it:

You do /script HelpFrameOpenTicketText:SetMaxLetters(60000) and then you paste, say 50000 letter text into GM Ticket description editbox. (Press report verbal harrasment or any other button that displays this editbox) It hangs around a minute on paste(depending on you spec). Optionally you can call /script HelpFrameOpenTicketText:SetScript("OnTextChanged",nil) and /script HelpFrameOpenTicketText:SetScript("OnCursorChanged",nil) beforehand, but it doesn't change things much.

So my question more or less is there something that I'm missing, and if not, can it be fixed? Thank you in advance.
Poster: slouken at 5/11/2006 10:06:29 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Lag on EditBox paste
   The editbox cut/paste code is only meant for small amounts of text.

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