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Poster: Plainsrunner at 8/1/2006 10:59:25 AM PDT
Subject: All the recent surprises...
   After the announcement of the Draenei-Eredar connection, Blood Knights and Draenei Shaman, and now the first exclusion of the warrior class from a race's class selection, I'm excited to hear what else thy've managed to keep secret. At this point, where I'm not holding my breath fo much, I don't doubt that Blizzard could very well surprise us with way more than what we were expecting. At this point, I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to add more than just Blood Elves and Draenei. I remember when the Burning Crusade site said to keep checking back for info on additional RACES, as in plural. Ogres for either the Horde (Stonemaul) or Alliance (Laughing Skull), Pandaren, Furbolgs from Mount Hyjal, the Brood of Alexstraza, Nerubians? Maybe, but maybe not. What about a Darkspear and Gnomish capitol city? They said there's only two new starting areas, but a capitol does not equal a starting area nessicarily. Maybe, but maybe not. Anyone else out there excited to see what else Bizz will come up with?
Can C'Thun see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Poster: Tseric at 8/1/2006 11:15:03 AM PDT
Subject: Re: All the recent surprises...
   We have some more information to release in the near future which I'm sure will spark even more debate and controversy. I put it past no one. ;)

Just wait 'til we start talking about specific spells and abilities for classes. The air will be thick with theorycraft.
The path of least resistance tempts all ramblers.
Poster: Tseric at 8/1/2006 11:20:37 AM PDT
Subject: Re: All the recent surprises...

Q u o t e:
Stop toying with our emotions!

The path of least resistance tempts all ramblers.

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