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Poster: Kael at 4/19/2006 9:28:14 PM PDT
Subject: Lack of mage representation?
   Let me just clear one thing out of the way here. I am not trying to be a whiner, or a screamer here. I am bringing up an issue that I think is important, and I would like the replies to be constructive, as this is a very serious issue in my eyes. This is the time where "If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything." Also, I am not trying to say that Tseric isn't doing his job. More will be explained in my post, so without further ado...

I think there has been quite a lack of mage representation in the mage forums, which is unfortunantly leading to a lot of whining. We haven't gotten any new Blizzard posts in a while, and we have no information about our review.

I am not saying information is avaliable, but I would at least want some updated responses of what the developers are thinking about, what is on the wishlist, and so on. Any response about the possible incorperation of ideas of Tseric, and constructive posters (which is sadly, at a bare minimum at this time) into the review. I don't care if the information I get is not set in stone, I just want to know that something is going on and that there are some gears turning in the direction of our review. Which brings up my next topic.

I am also concerned with the joint review with the shaman class that is going on. It raises a few questions to me, as this is my main character, it concenrs me a lot. I am not trying to butt shamans out of the review, and I am all for it. That is, if mages get equal attention as all the other classes that have been previously reviewed. The shamans are getting a nice treat here, but it should not affect the mage review because it WAS our assigned review time. So...
Will mages still be represented in the review as much as the other classes were?
Is our review well underway? (yes/no? Don't have to give specifics)
Is the joint review with the shamans happening because the mage review is well underway? If so, how come we haven't heard anything?
Are we being heard?

There have been some constructive posters in the mage forums that came up with nice skills and have given detailed descriptions about them, etc. But are we being heard? I have made posts suggesting an arcane talent, backed it up with facts and opinions, and balanced it according to what people have said. However, this leads me to a question: Why is it that people make good attempts at a possibly great skill/talent that would benefit our class, but yet they have no confirmation that it could be incorperated into the review, let alone whether Blizzard thinks it is a good idea or not.

I have made some skill/talent posts, and it is good that other mages read them. I do make it for the community, but I more want to see my ideas being heard. It is nice that I can get feedback from other players, Overpowered? Too weak? Hit the nail on the head? (Some) People work hard to make these kinds of posts because it is fun to imagine things that could turn out to be great in the game. But what does Blizzard think? As much as a "I like it/dislike it" followed by why they like/dislike it would make me happy.

I just want to see more Blizzard posts saying "That is a good idea, I will bring it up" or "You really need to work on that" Et cetera...

Because of this,the mage forums seem to have aquired a lot of people who are upset and fed up with the lack of our representation. Some people still remain mature and try to carry out business in a mature fashion, but not everyone is like that. In hopes to gain some form of a bond between Blizzard and the mage community, people have posted threads addressing "Blues" specifically in their title. Maybe ONE of them has gotten a "Blue" response. I think that if Tseric made constructive replies on a regular basis, the whiners would start to gradually, or perhaps very quickly, dissapear.

If you have skipped the bulk of my post because it is too long for you to read, Here is the bottom line: T
he mage forum needs more representation from Blizzard.
We need regular, constructive posts from Blizzard representatives that address ideas brought up by constructive posters in our community. There are some intelligent posts out there that I think need to be read, and replied to.

P.S. I also do not want comments telling me to post this in the mage forums. If you actually make a reply about this, you obviously haven't read my post.

P.S.S. Again, I have not come here to whine about a mage issue. I think this is very important and serious, and needs to be looked at immideatly. I do not know the working day of a Blizzard rep like Tseric or Eyonix, neither do I know what their work day/schedual entails, but I can logically assume that there is enough time to read one thread and make a post. I am not whining about this, I am addressing it and hoping for the best.

Please discuss to your hearts content, but make it mature. Main characters only please, I don't want to deal with low level alternats, and I am sure there are many other people who don't want to either.
Poster: Tseric at 4/20/2006 8:12:20 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Lack of mage representation?

Q u o t e:
Will mages still be represented in the review as much as the other classes were?

I don't know how to accurately measure this, but...yes.

Q u o t e:
Is our review well underway?

I would say even more than that.

Q u o t e:
Is the joint review with the shamans happening because the mage review is well underway?

Exactly. The mage review was actually well underway prior to the release of 1.10.

Q u o t e:
If so, how come we haven't heard anything?

Because some elements continue to undergo tweaking, so nothing is absolute. The majority of the changes are good to go, but details here and there are being fine-tuned. Also, there are other broader considerations for the release of the talent changes which will be discussed in the near future, but not right now. I am mum until certain things take place and we can begin releasing information.

I realize you don't want to wait, but 1.11 is a ways off, so we aren't exactly pressed for time.

As for the rest of your comments, I realize things have been slower as of late. I often find myself doing more reading than posting due to volume and time available. When things slow down after E3, I look to make a more regular circuit of class forums.

[ post edited by Tseric ]

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