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Poster: Nugget at 4/18/2006 11:23:26 PM PDT
Subject: Ashbringer found!
   (Not posting on my main, don't want to be flooded with tells)

So anyway, if you know the lore of Ashbringer it was theorized that Timolain the Archmage crafted it and was en route to the Scarlet Crusade to deliver it when he was murdered by a lich and his body fed to slimes in a cave in WPL. Some people thought his wagon floated down the river against the bridge, and have tried fishing for it here. This does not work.

However, Timolain's wagon is the end source of the Ashbringer as you can see here.

I had found the quest trigger about 4 days ago and had been working on this, not knowing what the end quest reward would be, and needless to say I was excited to finally get it. About 12 minutes after looting it I was messaged by a GM who kindly asked I not reveal the secret of how to find it. I asked if I could post a screenshot to prove I found it and he said that was ok as long as I didn't include the combat log or minimap to give anything away. All I can tell you is, the quest chain is very long and time consuming, it involves several areas of the map, Nat Pagle, fishing, and you will not just "loot" the item for free. The item is not crafted like Sulfuras or Thunderfury (because Timolain already did that) but the key to the box it's kept in is. Cost me over 1000g. But well worth it! Happy hunting!

PS I'm a paladin, sadly my PVP rank was not changed to "Scarlet High Lord" :(

EDIT: Real pallies use maces - and btw how do you know there's NOT a legendary caster in the game yet? Kill C'thun have you?

[ post edited by Nugget ]
Poster: Drysc at 4/18/2006 11:28:55 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Ashbringer found!
   We have already stated that while we do hope to have Ashbringer in the game at some point, we want to make sure there is a legendary caster item available first.

These stories are still fun to read though.

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