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Poster: Drysc at 4/18/2006 9:10:20 PM PDT
Subject: C'thun and Ouro Hotfixes
   Ouro has been hotfixed so his Quake effects deal significantly less damage.

We have also hotfixed the following changes to the C'thun encounter in Ahn'Qiraj:

- Lowered the hit points of both Giant Claw Tentacles and Giant Eye Tentacles.

- Decreased the damage caused by Ground Rupture, and made the effect resistable.

- Significantly decreased the melee damage done by Giant Eye Tentacles.

In the 1.10.1 patch, we also changed the way that C'thun identifies who is in his stomach. The faction changing debuff that was previously applied will no longer appear, but C'thun's tentacles should not spawn in the stomach, nor should a player in the stomach be the target of C'thun's Eye Beam.

The combination of these changes should give players more time to damage C'thun instead of dealing with tentacles, and see fewer "unavoidable, random" deaths occur due to Ground Rupture effects.
Poster: Drysc at 4/18/2006 9:10:20 PM PDT
Subject: C'thun and Ouro Hotfixes *Updated* *edited post*
   Ouro has been hotfixed so his Quake effects deal significantly less damage.

We have also hotfixed the following changes to the C'thun encounter in Ahn'Qiraj:

- Lowered the hit points of both Giant Claw Tentacles and Giant Eye Tentacles.

- Decreased the damage caused by Ground Rupture, and made the effect resistable.

- Significantly decreased the melee damage done by Giant Eye Tentacles.

In the 1.10.1 patch, we also changed the way that C'thun identifies who is in his stomach. The faction changing debuff that was previously applied will no longer appear, but C'thun's tentacles should not spawn in the stomach, nor should a player in the stomach be the target of C'thun's Eye Beam.

The combination of these changes should give players more time to damage C'thun instead of dealing with tentacles, and see fewer "unavoidable, random" deaths occur due to Ground Rupture effects.


The recent hotfixes for the C'thun encounter made it necessary for us to return the previous faction buff to keep players in the stomach from being the target of C'thun's Eye Beam. There is a still a chance that a player may be targeted upon entering the stomach, we are however working on a more complete and permanent solution which we hope we will be able to apply soon.

We are still in the process of evaluating the C'Thun encounter and we may indeed implement further changes in the future to correct or change the way the C'Thun encounter functions.

[ post edited by Drysc ]
Poster: Drysc at 4/18/2006 9:10:20 PM PDT
Subject: Cthun and Ouro Hotfixes *Updated* *edited post*
   Ouro has been hotfixed so his Quake effects deal significantly less damage.

We have also hotfixed the following changes to the Cthun encounter in AhnQiraj:

- Lowered the hit points of both Giant Claw Tentacles and Giant Eye Tentacles.

- Decreased the damage caused by Ground Rupture, and made the effect resistable.

- Significantly decreased the melee damage done by Giant Eye Tentacles.

In the 1.10.1 patch, we also changed the way that Cthun identifies who is in his stomach. The faction changing debuff that was previously applied will no longer appear, but Cthuns tentacles should not spawn in the stomach, nor should a player in the stomach be the target of Cthuns Eye Beam.

The combination of these changes should give players more time to damage C'thun instead of dealing with tentacles, and see fewer unavoidable, random deaths occur due to Ground Rupture effects.


The recent hotfixes for the Cthun encounter made it necessary for us to return the previous faction buff to keep players in the stomach from being the target of Cthuns Eye Beam. There is a still a chance that a player may be targeted upon entering the stomach, we are however working on a more complete and permanent solution which we hope we will be able to apply soon.

We are still in the process of evaluating the C'Thun encounter and we may indeed implement further changes in the future to correct or change the way the C'Thun encounter functions.

[ post edited by Drysc ]

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