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Poster: Frostwind at 4/9/2006 1:52:56 PM PDT
Subject: Holy Spells, Plus Damage, and Resistance
   I was wondering if someone in Blue could respond with a reason that Holy damage scales with + damage gear and it is impossible (other than with potions) to increase Holy resistance to mitigate the damage caused by Holy spells.

Thanks in advance.

[ post edited by Frostwind ]
Poster: Tseric at 4/10/2006 11:53:12 AM PDT
Subject: Re: Holy Spells, Plus Damage, and Resistance
   I'm glad you changed the subject line back to the original. Your attempts at editing to get my attention could not go rewarded.

Now then...

Are you really that afraid of a holy priest stacking damage gear and hitting you with holy damage?

Now, I realize there are paladins with holy damage as well, but let's stick to the priest for illustration.

While the priest may be seeing a boost in terms of holy damage potential, they are faced with a choice.

Heal or damage?

At any one time (one cast) they can only choose one, so what's it gonna be?

Holy damage is likely never going to achieve the damage potential of fire or shadow regardless of the lack of item-based resists. I realize on paper it seems like a huge disadvantage. I am merely suggesting we look at the actual practice before reaching such a conclusion as saying IMBA.

If, after a month or so, priests are melting faces in PvP to an absurd degree without shadowform, then I'll eat my hat.
I only see rainbows, now that the bandages are gone
Poster: Tseric at 4/10/2006 1:33:19 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Holy Spells, Plus Damage, and Resistance

Q u o t e:
I still would like a Blue response that adresses the issue of no holy resistance as Tseric's didn't really touch on that much. Thanks again for replying though Tseric!

I could give you another, simpler answer to this. However, it would really only cause more argument about arbitrary standards. Watch:

In beta, there was no resist to arcane. It was one of the reasons I spec'ed heavy into the arcane tree when talents were released(along with other considerations). It was a slight bit of distinction that set apart arcane which made it appealing. Conventional game design vernacular might refer to this as "flavor". Of course, this matters little to people who have some /play time and simply want to argue from the point of game balance, but it serves as a small thing which effects the feel of the game.

In essence, there is one spell school without a resistance because it's "nifty".

Commence posting on how such a small and subjective element is innappropriate or somehow offensive to game mechanics...

[ post edited by Tseric ]

I only see rainbows, now that the bandages are gone
Poster: Tseric at 4/10/2006 1:51:09 PM PDT
Subject: Re: Holy Spells, Plus Damage, and Resistance

Q u o t e:
Whatever floats your boat. I can't persuade anyone whos going to argue it's for artistic value.

It's not just artistic value. Sometimes there are small things in game design which pique a players interest and make for the feeling of distinction. These additions or decisions can be small in themselves, but collected together paint a pattern of variety for the various classes. This deals with the question of "why not just make all the classes the same and then the game will be balanced?"

Great. You've got a balanced game thats no fun to play because everything is like everything else.
I only see rainbows, now that the bandages are gone

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