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Poster: Jorble at 3/18/2006 3:15:26 PM PST
Subject: G15 Gaming Keyboard (Not About Ban)
   Does Blizzard have any plans to create a Status Display for the LCD screen on the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard anytime soon? A lot of other games have had one made by their company, and you would get banned if you tried to devolop a display of your own... So yeah, any things in the working?
I've had a couple too many Pangalactic Gargleblasters
Poster: Drysc at 3/18/2006 3:26:06 PM PST
Subject: Re: G15 Gaming Keyboard (Not About Ban)

Q u o t e:
They said no a couple of months ago

We usually don't post with something as absolute as "no". It's always possible and I have heard some light discussion on what could be shown through the keyboard display. I'm not aware of any current development, but I wouldn't consider it a closed subject.

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