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Poster: Caydiem at 3/16/2006 1:34:11 PM PST
Subject: Fight Blizzard in the Battlegrounds.. Again!
   We won three of our four matches last week, and we're ready to jump into the Gulch again! Blizzard's Warsong Outriders (yes, Horde again) will be queueing up on the Honor Contest US Public Test Realm from 4:00PM to 6:00PM PST on Friday, March 17. The time to level is now -- we'll be waiting for you in the Gulch!
Fundeni kuchera.
Poster: Caydiem at 3/16/2006 3:59:43 PM PST
Subject: Re: Fight Blizzard in the Battlegrounds.. Aga

Q u o t e:
Play Alliance ya damn pansies, see Shamen from our eyes, see how horribly we lose every time, learn to hate that which you hide behind :p

Not only does it scream "I can't play without my precious racials/shamen!" but it also doesn't allow the Horde to give you the rear-beatings you need to experience ;p I cannot for the life of me find a server where Alliance wins BGs more than once in a blue moon, except for the PTR, where the alliance all rolled horde to try lv60 Shamen, it's about time you actually went through the $!@% we suffer through daily on every damn server I play :p

As for tweaking themselves out, yeah, they did, they only make enough time to do the matches, they don't have days to spend gearing up for it

Edit: While yer here, fix the Fight Club npcs in Theramore from aggroing everyone as they go by, got my ass handed to me by lv ?? Guard Lana and Tarkin trying to turn in the burnt inn quests, who run away at 20% hp and autoheal :p

Despite the fact that I'm playing Horde now and I'm well-known as a Druid, I have the most WSG experience playing Alliance as a Rogue, actually. :P
Fundeni kuchera.
Poster: Caydiem at 3/16/2006 4:49:19 PM PST
Subject: Re: Fight Blizzard in the Battlegrounds.. Aga

Q u o t e:
will you guys be playing 10-19 again? i need to know if i need to hop on a lowbie toon and level him up, or if i need to hop on a 20's toon or whatever. lemme know.

10-19 is the only one you can play on that realm.
Fundeni kuchera.
Poster: Ordinn at 3/17/2006 4:16:14 PM PST
Subject: Re: Fight Blizzard in the Battlegrounds.. Aga

Q u o t e:
In all fairness, wasn't one of those matches won with the help of a little mishap?

I still eagerly await the videos. :)

The only ones who know for sure are the ones who were there! Queue up!

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