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Poster: Eyonix at 3/3/2006 10:37:56 AM PST
Subject: Upcoming Dungeon Improvements
   With the patch very close to being live on the Public Test Realms (PTRs), players are going to have an opportunity to test out the new content being made available for the 1.10 patch. As has been previously stated, much of our design focus for this patch was directed towards improving and creating content for players that don't wish to raid at level 60. I've detailed much of what's in-store below.

A brand new quest series has been added for each class which will allow players the opportunity to upgrade their existing dungeon set. The current dungeon sets consist of rare items that range from level 52 to 58. Each new set however, once fully upgraded through completing each quest in the series will provide players with four high level rare (blue) items, and four epic (purple) items. The upgraded sets are textured differently so that they are fully distinguishable from the standard dungeon set.

The new quest series begin with soloable quests, but eventually will take players into instances such as Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Depths, along with both Upper and Lower Blackrock Spire. What's particularly exciting is that these quests challenge players to fight brand new bosses which have been added to each of these dungeons. These bosses, while created and placed for the purpose of the dungeon set quests, have been fully itemized so players can kill them for loot, whether or not anyone in the party even has the associated quests.

In addition to itemizing the new bosses, we've done an extensive review for the overall itemization of these dungeons, and have made several noteworthy improvements. For instance, many items which were previously uncommon (green), will now be rare (blue) and of course their statistical values have been improved. Also, in addition to the new items which drop from the new dungeon bosses, we've added new items to existing monster loot tables throughout these instances. Drop rates on several valuable items have been improved, such as set pieces which were previously difficult to obtain, i.e. Devout Bracers. The drop rate of epic quality items in these dungeons, such as the Felstriker, were also significantly improved.

Furthermore, all current dungeon sets have been standardized, meaning that now, belts, bracers and gloves for all nine sets will be BoE (bind-on-equip), as previously some classes had three items that were BoE while others had two.

Players will also notice that the placement for many of the set items has been optimized. For instance, players seeking the Magister Boots will no longer have to kill the Postmaster but rather take down Hearthsinger Forresten in Scholomance, a more convenient endeavor.

To further enhance the experience of grouping in these dungeons, we've adjusted the player cap for each so that it's in-line with the exact number of players that we tuned the difficulty of the dungeon for. Below are the new player caps for each dungeon.

Stratholme: 5 players
Scholomance: 5 players
Blackrock Depths: 5 players
Blackrock Spire: 10 players

We realize that it will take some players time to adjust to the new dungeon caps, however, it should be understood that with the intended caps in place the rewards players will receive when running through these dungeons will be that much greater. Currently loot designed to drop for a party of five is often being split between a raid party of ten. With the appropriate caps in place, players will have an easier time finding groups to complete dungeon quests, in obtaining rare and epic item drops, and probably most important, each player's individual contribution to the success and dynamic of the party will increase substantially.

Another change which will be particularly helpful for players end-game, is one we've made which will convert quest experience at level 60 to a value in gold. When the patch goes live, players at level cap can turn in quests and receive gold based upon a ratio of the experience that would've been gained if it were possible that they could level further.

This system will also carry over for the expansion, when players reach level 70.

This should also make questing in dungeons much more viable since typically experience for level 60 dungeon quests is fairly high, making for a decent reward in gold for each successfully completed quest.

In closing, we're really excited about the opportunities patch 1.10 will offer players in terms of improving their end-game characters. Feel free to use this thread to post your thoughts on that which I just disclosed.
Poster: Eyonix at 3/3/2006 10:44:45 AM PST
Subject: Re: Upcoming Dungeon Improvements

Q u o t e:
Blue, could you come right out and state it: Do you need to have your Tier 0 set for the Tier 0.5? Yes or No?

That's pretty much exactly what I did just come out and say...

Yes, each peice of the dungeon 2 set requires the associated dungeon 1 set peice.

[ post edited by Eyonix ]
Poster: Eyonix at 3/3/2006 11:10:24 AM PST
Subject: Re: Upcoming Dungeon Improvements

Q u o t e:
If this goes live:

" In order to preserve the
challenge of these dungeons, they have had their instance caps
lowered. Stratholme, Scholomance, and Blackrock Depths now allow a
maximum of five players inside, and Blackrock Spire allows a maximum
of ten. "

almost everyone in our guild will quit WoW the day it goes live.

We're a small guild of adults with jobs and children. We don't have uber loot, we aren't powergamers, so running anything 5 man is a real strain. It just takes too long to 5 man a dungeon. We've been 10 manning them, having an utter blast, and at the same time including most everyone in the guild. If we have to start 5 manning Strat, say, half of our guild will have to do something else. That's shameful.

The intent of this may have been to add more challenge for small groups, but that's not what we, the casual, non raiders, have beem asking for! We've been asking for more opportunies to get better loot for less men AND less time.

Now you're killing our Strat runs. We simply don't have all the time to get to the Baron after work, and we won't leave our guildmates behind while doing it.

This change will also screw the hybrids and non-Holy Trinity classes. You're really forcing small guilds to dump the more fun, hybrid classes for the Holy Trinity.

Reconsider this, Blizz, please.

We've timed the instance runs with a 5 player group in both Stratholme and Scholomance. Even when equipping ourselves with appropriate level green items, we were able to complete a run in under 90 minutes.

Keep in mind, Stratholme and Scholomance are no more difficult than Dire Maul.
Poster: Eyonix at 3/3/2006 12:10:34 PM PST
Subject: Re: Upcoming Dungeon Improvements

Q u o t e:
So, if I still have 8/8 devout and 8/8 dreadmist will I be able to upgrade both to two seperate tier .5 sets?

The new sets are class specific, so as a Priest you will only be able to upgrade the Devout set.

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